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  1. i dont know how i didnt think of that. thanks!
  2. i know. The person called them african cichlids, and said they were mouth brooders. Im just sitting here watching Tazawa Tanks videos on African Cichlids to try and learn more.
  3. i wont, but the tank owners might be surprised if i try to sneak some repashy or xtreme into the feeding rotation... I mean my nerite has completely changed her shell pattern...
  4. its not my tank, im just going to be maintaining it at a local place.
  5. I know that imbalances cause algae. But what imblances cause what algaes? Is there any good way to grow diatom algaes specifically, and not things like staghorn and hair algaes? wondering for a project...
  6. i got mine with the hornwort. The LFS has a big tank with most of their stems, so i got small bits of guppy grass from there.
  7. i did not post one, as i was not given one. I put out all the information i was given, i want to do some research beforehand, but i have NO idea what im doing research on...
  8. i sure will let you know, ill make a post in the "experiments" thread so you guys can follow it.
  9. its so weird. My other tank has a fancy light and gets ferts weekly, and the plants grow kinda slow (besides anubias) this tank, get only ambient room light, and ferts when i remember, and its REALLY good at growing plants. Im hoping in my rescape and water change i did not mess up the plant growing enviroment.
  10. thats what i did. I added a small internal filter with filter floss that has taken care of most of it, and i could plug that back in to keep filtering. The primary filtration of the tank is a sponge filter, which does not pull out sand too well. Admitably this is not the best solution as the only reason i own this internal filter is that it was free, so its not the best design, so its stirring up substrate in the process of clearing it from the water. Maybe ill try this, just with a fine polishing pad on my sponge filter.
  11. see, it had been a while since i touched the tank, thats why it was getting a rescape, i didnt realize how many healthy java fern windelovs there were in there until i pulled them out. Here is a picture of all the plants i pulled out of that tank, its mostly medium sized java fern windelov, a while ago i glued in some plantlets, and i guess they really took off..
  12. todays tests were normal, i think the dechlorinator temporarily bound the chemicals which messed up the results, but now its been longer since i added dechlorinator, so i got a real test.
  13. same. though i didnt end up using this style for the scape, i did the "way too many java fern" style instead.
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