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  1. You've done a great job with your Flex tank. It's beautiful! I guess I'm just too old and tired to be digging around in that back section for cleaning. I find my 20 gallon fits me better. I live in north Texas and our water has high calcium and lime so I'm constantly trying to clean off the white powder residue everywhere. I can't imagine attempting that with a Flex tank sitting closely to a wall.
  2. Awesome video with fabulous outcome. Thanks for posting. That video should inspire everyone. Good luck in your aquascape ventures. 🥰
  3. I bought the Flex 15 because it looked so pretty, but I HATED it. I got everything all set up with plants but finally just took it down. The black, back section is impossible to keep clean and you can't see down in there without a flashlight. ( Do you have more than two hands?) Plus, it's so hard to reach that area, being on the back. You're much better off with a tank that's easier to keep clean.
  4. Hi, @Rychek Welcome to the community. 🙂 I have a 20 high and sometimes wish it were a 20 long. The highs are good for taller plants but the longs are better for giving your fish a little more swim room. Feel free to ask questions or seek advice from our community. And HAVE FUN!
  5. Good luck with your new huge tank. I can't wait to see pictures of it. 🤗
  6. I love your Angry Man tank and the Harlequin Rasboras. I only have 4 but they have happily lived and shoaled alongside 3 Rummy-Nose Tetras for 2 years now, without any illness or distress (1 tetra died in quarantine). I didn't really know what I was doing but I had a single female Betta in my 20 high, so I got the other fish to keep my Betta company, plus 1 dwarf Clown Pleco (still fat and sassy). This fact seems weird to me but when I lost the Betta to fin rot, the other fish all seemed much happier. Maybe their was some bullying that I wasn't aware of. 🤔 After losing 3 Bettas in 5 years, I decided I really enjoy these healthier fish more. I need a bigger tank some day! You always inspire me, @xXInkedPhoenixX ❣️
  7. Why would you suspect the Tidal filter ( curious since I have the Tidal 35). Poor little Punk! He's pitiful, bless his heart.
  8. He's a dwarf Clown Pleco 2 to 2 1/2 inches long and I've had him for 2 years. If I remember correctly, I didn't have this problem before he came to live with me. He just seems so small to produce that much. I guess he's a little pooper. 🤣
  9. I have this great looking piece of driftwood that my tiny dwarf Pleco just loves (in my tank for 2 years). It has 3 big holes that run horizontally so he would lay on those ledges for hours, just happy and feeling safe. I started noticing lots of brownish "dust" in piles in certain areas of the tank. I thought the wood might be deteriorating so replaced it with a brand new piece of Mopani wood. Nothing changed, except my Pleco is sad and can't find a good spot now. I've cut back on fish food and I'm vacuuming once a week, concentrating on the dust piles, but I can't get rid of the brown dust. Any ideas out there? If this stuff is nothing to worry about, then I'll quit being so panicky. Couldn't get a good picture of it. Please help!
  10. I know, right?!!! I read an article about his 5 long finger nails on his right hand. Built in picks. He paints on nail strengtheners and if he breaks one, he gets it fixed at a nail salon. Amazing young man. Glad you liked the video. 😃
  11. Do you love Child Prodigies, me too. Just discovered this young virtuoso from Poland, named Marcin. Many of his YouTube videos, show his guitar is not plugged in, but he has microphone taped inside the hole of his guitar. This way he can spruce up the background by playing outdoors or running around all over. He is "otherwordly" with his guitar and percussion mixed playing. https://marcinofficial.com/video/ or just look him up on YouTube. Here's one to show you the quality of his sound and performance. @Lennie, @nabokovfan87, @Guppysnail, @Odd Duck, @lefty o, @xXInkedPhoenixX, @TheSwissAquarist, @Tanked Share with others you think might like this.
  12. @Matt B great pictures! That baby in the last pic looks too cute to be such a "stinker". I admire your calm acceptance of "the Fam" into your personal space. 💖
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