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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Very nice coloration on the platies; it will be fun to see how cute their babies will be. Congrats on your surprise cory fry.
  2. This is a 5.5 gallon tank, and these are rosette swords. Previously one was in a 1 gal jar. The only reason I removed it is because the stem plants were shading it out. (The thing in the very back, in the pot, is some Java fern)
  3. You have the special kind. Lol I have the green stuff. I feel there is less mess, the slower you move it through the water. But thankfully we don’t have to worry about it anymore.
  4. I agree with @xXInkedPhoenixX - the nitrogen cycle is the best place to start. Pet stores (especially chain stores) will not stop you from buying a tank and fish all in the same visit. You will have more success if you cycle the tank before introducing fish. You'll want the API master test kit or multi-test strips, plus ammonia test strips (the multi-test strips do not read ammonia). As well as a dechlorinator that detoxifies ammonia, nitrite and heavy metals.
  5. @Irene was able to get all male nerites by trading the females in at the fish store.
  6. Yep, I experienced the same issue. Tried the bagging method, but in a deeper tank like my 29, I just didn't want to thrust both arms down into the tank to do it, and I found it a bit cumbersome. So I would always pull sponges prior to siphoning and water removal so I could vac the gunk. Yep, you're good. Have you added some bottled bacteria, or are you running one established sponge and one new sponge? Also a nice tip for you. If you should ever see algae on top of the fine sponge, when you do maintenance, just flip it over. The algae will no longer receive the light and will die.
  7. I was starting an airline for a drip acclimation. I have sucked the siphon though too. It's faster and you don't have to maneuver the rigid tubing around dense, tall plants. My plants always get wrapped around or sucked into the siphon if I start the siphon the traditional way. I worry about those magic erasers because they dissolve; they get smaller and smaller as they are used. Not really sure what they are made of; I guess it must be nontoxic if you are successful with it.
  8. I'm afraid of roaches. One time there was one in the kitchen, and my husband was in the shower and couldn't "rescue me" from it. So I sucked it up in the vacuum; I used the extension tube on the vac so I didn't have to get close to it. Then promptly emptied the vacuum outside.
  9. Well, dang- this one is kind of a vulnerability post, I guess, so here we go down the rabbit hole. Growing up a had a phobia of people vomiting. My first instinct was to flee, and so I would, run right out of the house and stay away for at minimum an hour, longer if possible. But that wasn’t always possible, esp in the middle of the night. And every sleepover, and I do mean EVERY sleepover, I’ve ever had, up until 5th grade, someone got sick. And we are talking multiple times, like, an-all-nighter of physical sickness. Those times I would of course, flee to a different room. But on two occasions I got in trouble and was told to spend the night with my friend because I invited her, etc. In the cases where I was forced to stay with the person, I would pull the blankets as tightly around me as possible, plug my fingers in my ears, firmly.. for the whole night.. and my blood would turn to ice, I would have cold sweats and trembling for the duration until the person left the next morning. Also it was hard to breathe under the blankets for that many hours, and eventually I became overheated and dehydrated as well, but I endured it. I was incapable of any alternative. I later learned this has a name, emetophobia. (Also I developed a fear of SLEEPOVERS and would turn them down at every suggestion). Anyway, I did “somewhat” get over this sickness fear when a) I turned drinking age and was around people that got sick, while I myself was under the influence and had relaxed inhibitions, and b) the Jackass movies came out, and my brother and friends were watching them in the room with me. There was quite a lot of sickness in those. (Thanks, Steve-O) Today I still cannot watch someone become ill, but I will at least not freeze or flee if I hear it, and I am able to knock on a closed door and check on them after say, 10 minutes or so has passed. Plus I had to take care of my husband after a few surgeries and he had nausea. I was able to at least get him a trash can and then promptly exit. Lol - and I can be with a pet if the pet is ill, so that’s great strides. People have labeled me as insensitive or lacking compassion in these type of situations, but I do the best I can.
  10. This happened to me with an airline I was starting. I guess it had some mold or mulm coating the inside of it, and that decided to let loose. I didn’t swallow it, I was spitting it into a white bathroom sink and it was black. Took several flushes of my mouth with tap water to rid myself of it. LOL!! 😝 Most of the time I get my mouth away from the tubing before the water comes out. My theory is self-inflicted unpleasantries such as this strengthen the good ol’ immune system.
  11. I finally hot glued this mesh to the lid (snail safety measure). I’ve been dealing with the annoyance of the mesh pieces falling in the tank every time I open the lid far enough for it to stay open. This requires shifting the lid forward, due to the light position, and where the fold is, etc. There needs to be more decent glass lids on the market than what there are (hint hint @Cory). This lid used to have a vinyl strip but that was equally annoying, hard to cut, and never laid flat. Also once you cut it, you cannot really reconfigure your setup.
  12. Loot haul from Crayfish Empire. They always throw in some freebies (in addition to the free samples I request). Love this small business. 🥰 I figured I would place an order for some shrimp and snail foods since I’m almost out of Repashy. Going to try out their shrimp stick, and my shrimps really love these calcium chips. They also sent a sample of Snello pellets - I didn’t know that was a thing. I’m sure the snails will enjoy those. ❤️ 🐌 🦐 Crayfish Empire’s mission is to prevent calcium deficiency in invertebrates.
  13. Yes, I’d pull the carbon since carbon filters a lot of things out. You can keep that in a bucket of tank water in the meantime.
  14. Aw look at this handsome guy. Wait. What? OMG I THOUGHT THIS SHRIMP WAS KILLED! I have not seen it for 1-2 months?!?! I even took its friend out because I thought the friend was the lone wolf. I watched and there was a definite flare, then a Zooooooooom!! all the way across the tank by the shrimp. Geppetto did not even try to chase it. Well, at least I can add some hides for the shrimp again. Added back cholla and shrimp cave. There is already a mini lotus pod in the tank. Maybe I will add more shrimps later since this is ok w/ Geppetto.
  15. I have had personal success with this. Also recommended to another forum member and they have too. Chop a garlic clove. Pour boiling water on it. Let cool. Pour that in the tank. (Also I put a halved garlic clove, raw, in the tank) Also, raised temp, slowly, to 86. Left it there until several days after ick was gone. Gradually reduced temp. This treatment was safe for all my inhabitants, even the inverts. (I did lose 2 fish— ich is a fast progressing parasite and they had it the worst) *warning! Your whole fish room will smell like garlic, esp when you open that tank lid! Husband: did you make spaghetti? Me: Yeah, but I already ate it. **warning #2: other hobbyists may disagree with this method, in preference of commercial products. I try not to share it too often for that reason but if you are already planning to avoid meds, I’d go this route. More detailed instructions are in the video. You may have to put this guy on 2X speed. He’s a slow talker, lol
  16. Sorry for your loss @Tanked was going to type this prior to me seeing about your loss. I will leave it here anyway: Nitrazorb. Highly recommend it. It will drop nitrates like a rock. But your plants will need nitrogen, so it’s a catch 22
  17. Seems too yellowish to be columnaris.
  18. I have a tank full of wilds now, and I don’t think any of them are the same
  19. Plants. Hornwort, floating. And pothos, emergent. Cutting the hornwort doubles it. I highly highly recommend nitrazorb if nitrates are out of control. But your plants will need nitrates so use sparingly if you have plants
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