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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. In my Bolivian ram journal (link below), and it’s pretty far into it, there is a discussion about rams bullying each other. Seems a lot of people have had bad luck with TWO rams, @xXInkedPhoenixX being the only exception I know. Maybe got lucky with sexing but then again, every tank is different in size and scape so there are more variables at play and it’s hard to understand. I don’t have a good answer for you about the sick one, but it does sound like there could have been bullying at one point that drove the fish into a stress response. Prime Time has a species profile video showing “sparring” of rams and I believe he mentioned it gets worse when they are breeding or protecting eggs. I will tag some folks to see if they can contribute anything based on their personal experience with Bolivian Rams. @redfish @flyingcow @knee @The endler guy
  2. Hmm. The room seems unbalanced. Another cube tank on the right table should resolve the issue. 😉
  3. The jar was looking so dark! In the previous photos you can see. So I had to remove some floaters (they had multiplied!) and will give them to a friend this weekend. Better now 🙂 Also gave the moneywort a haircut. Found another flower bud that should open soon. Here are the floaters I removed. Geppetto is up above there, chillin in his semi-blackwater tank. The specimen container is a filtered trumpet snail “tank” - most are burrowed.
  4. Oh man, so sorry. I’ve had the bottom fall out of a 29gal before. Not the best of times, 0/5, would not recommend.
  5. Oh I see. You can consider lotus pods as an alternative or just moss, or guppy grass, floating plants, etc.
  6. Most people quarantine for one month, so I would think you’re ok if you have not observed any symptoms. I also make sure the poop has color before removing fish from a quarantine. If it does not it could indicate intestinal parasites. You can put those into a media bag and insert into a filter. I have mine hanging in the back of the tank behind a plant, and I can move it to quarantine or wherever I need some beneficial bacteria next.
  7. They always are 🙂 & I wouldn’t mind terrarium content! I have a favorite terrarium YouTuber: Worcester Terrariums. You should check out his channel.
  8. Not sure if I need to replace my sand in the 29gal. It is compacted and when I siphon, the surrounding sand just stays there, like cliffs or something. Any cons to this other than aesthetics?
  9. I’ve been doing that with moss lately instead of using glue or thread. I like it! Looks like little moss shrubs.
  10. Limpets (little snails)! They are a beneficial part of the ecosystem. I have them too! If they get too annoying, cut back in feeding a bit. Find a magnifying glass or use the magnifier app to take a look at their little mouths in action cleaning the glass. It is neat.
  11. Yes, betta live in ditches and puddles in the wild where there are lots of leaves and sticks and brown water. It is natural for them, and Indian almond leaves have healing properties (antibacterial, antifungal).
  12. I’ve let mine sit out before, by accident, and had to throw it out in case it was unsafe for the fish. It is not worth the risk. Now when I make it, I just let it firm up in the refrigerator. I’ve only ever seen it floating. I’m not sure if it would do well planted or if it would melt? You’ll have to let us know how you fare.
  13. DOH! I was pruning a new plant I bought for outdoors and I accidentally snipped a stem that had a whole bunch of flower buds on it. Literally last week.. 😐
  14. Oh there we go. You can see the affected catfish on the left. I offered that green flake food, I heard that works well. They seem to be more comfortable now.
  15. Take a closer look at the video @TheSwissAquarist. This issue seems more rare, the fuzz covers the whole body, even the tail. I’m not sure any of the common treatments would work.
  16. Velvet is a disease that is known to result in loss of color as well.
  17. 2 catfish are covered in fuzz, they are on the left in this video. Do you think I need to treat at this point? Parameters are normal.
  18. Check your bucket with a flashlight also if you are doing any vacs in the tanks with shrimp.
  19. To clean the tank with fry, you can spot clean it with a turkey baster and squeeze the baster out into a white container such as a sour cream container. If you accidentally beamed up any fry, they will be easy to see and return to tank. Shrimplets are experts at hiding. They start off clear and can fit into the tiniest of places. It’s common to not see them for a few weeks after they are born.
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