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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Art museum photo dump. A creation by one of my favorite artists of all time, Dale Chihuly. Many things going on in this. Zoom in to see. Crocheted fabric Just paint on canvas. But it looks SO 3D it’s incredible. Can you see the lady? Upon closer inspection… …we can see this is made of pieces of skateboards. The guy on the right is kind of sneaky and sus. From Vietnam War times. These last exhibits are ancient artifacts, some BCE and others early CE.
  2. I got a bit overwhelmed this week with the exams, so I decided I would go on a nature walk today. I haven’t been out of the house much in months except for work and grocery commutes. Just a few photos from a park that is nearby. The woods were filled with songs of insects, and it was very therapeutic. I finished just before the thunderstorm hit, at which point I went home and discovered all the hummingbird activity on my feeder. Also got 2 water changes done today.
  3. Lots and lots of hummingbird visits today in the thunderstorm! The rain washes away nectar from flowers, so feeders become desirable. After feeding they would stand on the perch and take a shower in the rain, ruffling their feathers around and looking up. It was really fun to watch. And one bird had a meal and just took some time to simply rest a bit before flying off. Also saw a crow take a bath at the end of someone’s driveway where there was a puddle.
  4. I always kinda wondered if digital display devices disrupted the sleep cycle of fish. (?). The control to my hygger lights blinks at night too. It’s external to the tank but I wonder if they notice it. Seems they are pretty still at night so I guess not.
  5. Interesting! I've seen it sold as thread seal tape as well. It is very thin. I always have to waste some because of the sticking to itself feature. LOL!!! I'm not "proficient" in this tape usage. Awesome to know it comes in black too. Mostly I see the white one in the hardware stores. But Gup, if you wrap tape around the heater, it will be harder to get all the shrimps out later. They will get in those nooks! I've seen them camping out in there, hehe #tinyterroristsheaterinvasion I just noticed the yellow light feature on the new ones. I don't think I have any of the new ones. I guess I will have the discoteq later, ha!
  6. No idea. Also not sure if the digital readout part gets hot. Never touched it lol Oh also, if you take your heaters out of the water, expect there to be shrimps inside. 🤣 Also! I've taken to putting my heaters on the SIDE of the tank, not the back wall. Guess it would depend on tank size though, where it would be efficient. If it is a smaller tank, it's ok on the side. Then you won't notice the light. Best to have it by the filter for flow.
  7. Doesn't Dean use that krylon paint on the fry boxes? Can you get that in black and paint that over the display? I have heard if you get marine-grade rubberbands, they last longer. A little more expensive though.
  8. My cats absolutely love tissue paper - the kind that goes in gift bags. If I lay a sheet on the ground, they stomp all over it, and one runs full speed and acts like she's sliding into home plate, but ducks her front paws and head under the tissue paper on the slide.
  9. I think my last feeder was just too busy of a pattern. They didn't understand it at all. The red dye is bad, even though many commercial nectars still contain it. Yes, true @Guppysnail. My cat will not play with a $15 toy but will play with a wadded up piece of paper.
  10. So. As pretty as this was I made the decision to send it back. The hummingbirds simply don't recognize it as a place to eat. I got another one that is VERY popular in the hummingbird hobby. It's called the Hummzinger! And day 2 of hanging it, we got 2 little ruby-throated hummingbird visitors, one male and one female. The male is the only one that has red. We got photos but they are too blurry. Here's a stock photo of the Hummzinger. It's a saucer-style feeder, different than any I've ever used. Apparently these are very popular right now. The birds sure think so! And VERY easy to clean. The other feeder I had out every day from 8/19-9/3 and no customers (that I had seen), although one day (and only one) the nectar level seemed a little lower. Anyway it is for sure confirmed that they like the new one a lot and they came back several times. And these are the type of hummers that came today. I am not sure if they are a mated pair or not. Also along the way I learned a thing or two about sugar. If you buy granulated sugar, and the ingredients say "sugar", it could be beet sugar or it could be cane sugar. The birds supposedly prefer cane sugar over beet sugar. Some packages say on the front that it's pure cane sugar. So I switched to that. Also it's bad to give them raw sugar (Sugar in the Raw, etc) -the brown stuff. That contains more iron than they can process. The more refined the better, for them.
  11. I had it happen a few times with anacharis. They make roots off the side of the plant, and I just had them floating around. One of the roots was sending a steady stream of bubbles up, quickly! It looked like an airline! It is somewhere on my Youtube channel. It was really something.
  12. I couldn’t have done it without your help! 🙏
  13. @KittenFishMom get "craft mesh" and cut it to size around your gaps. I had slide it out of the way to take this pic of Hampshire guarding the mystery snail eggs, but just so you can have an idea what it looks like. I think I paid like 4 bucks for a 6 pack of it at Walmart.
  14. Yeah once they see each other one time, each will fixate on the other and if they don't die from violence, they will most likely die from stress. Even people with the female betta sorority tanks have issues. Some get it to work, some don't, and then there are folks that get it to work well for awhile, and it seems like everything is cool, then one day it just becomes murdertown.
  15. I will be pro-shrimp and anti-betta here, because I had a betta in a 5.5 gallon and he was so unhappy that he was biting his tail off. I changed plenty of things to try to improve his habitat, but the only thing that worked for him to stop tail biting was to move him into a 10 gallon. I believe he was claustrophobic in the 5.5 gallon and was just going crazy. Betta are intelligent fish and some will even do tricks if you dedicate the time to teach them, so they will definitely know if they are cooped up.
  16. I've added crushed egg shells directly to the tank. It does make the tank look messy, but it makes calcium available to inverts. Some have reported shrimp loss after using Wondershell. I am not sure what it is about the Wondershell, but I try to avoid using it if there are shrimp in the tank. I haven't had any issues using it with snails. To prepare the eggshells, I remove the membrane, then I bake them for about 10 minutes to kill bacteria. I then crush them. Try your best to not leave any sharp edges that could hurt the snail's foot. In my experience, that was tricky. Some people use a coffee grinder dedicated to that purpose (make sure it doesn't have any coffee left in it or that will mix with your shells). Nowadays, I just get the free calcium carbonate from Crayfish Empire. You get a good amount and just need to cover shipping, and you can try their other free samples too when you order, like snail cookies, snail pellets, and shrimp lollies. I put that into Snello, because the snails do need to actually consume the calcium as well, not just have it in the water. It is necessary for shell growth and laying eggs.
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