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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Suck to start the siphon! Not cleaning siphons! (Water is just going out, not in, so… idc) Also water changes used to be weekly, but now I just read the water tests weekly and change it if a parameter is not in range. Overfeed. 🥲 Who else is guilty of this? Fess up! 😭💔 Keeping shrimp in tap water (But like, LFS said they were tap water raised, so it’s fine I guess. The shrimps seem happy; have built up a nice colony) Not clean the filter mechanisms. Unless it sounds funny. Siphon into the sand. Some say don’t disturb it because of the anerobic bacteria. But things looks better overall when I siphon it. I don’t completely clean things I take out of a tank. Quick rinse in tap water. That’s it. (Unless it’s coming from a quarantine tank, then full disinfect) Use garlic and higher temp to cure ich.
  2. She looks so happy! Cute she found a tunnel in the leaves when they were floating. The tannins are looking very good. And 👍 👍 for the name. I am a big fan; have several of her albums.
  3. Sorry to hear about the recurrence @Tanked. A very curious case for sure. ❓
  4. We got a squirrel feeder! LOL They are spoiled with bird seed and peanuts too, hehe. This one is getting a drink.
  5. So, yeah- I had to say goodbye today. 😔It was a honor to have met him and cared for him, and I believe he had a wonderful time over the last year in his underwater paradise. Now on to happier news, I got my husband a squirrel feeder for his birthday and cuteness ensues..
  6. This morning before work, I checked on Nibbles, took a photo and compared it to the one from yesterday. He’s in the exact same spot. I had to leave for work so I left him in the container floating in the tank. Hoping, wishful thinking, whatever you want to call it.
  7. Snoop has taken a liking to Snellos. But I also make sure I get some vibra bites or frozen foods down to her too. Plus her sand sifting hobby gets her some noms.
  8. She does have a personality and tries to get my attention even when I’m across the room. But she also acts like a dum dum at times too. For example, when I’m feeding a tank, there will be 18 fish going after food and she doesn’t realize there is food. She is just milling about.
  9. Nibbles isn’t doing well. A few days of being in the same spot… and Nibbles is usually quite active. He has a green algae or fuzz on his shell as well that wasn’t there last week. I’ve been suffering with the flu for 4 days as well and had to take some time off work to stay in bed. This evening I moved Nibbles from the specimen container tank to the sour cream container for observation, but there is no response. He is so very small that I cannot do the usual odor check or anything. We are talking about a snail the size of a piece of gravel. And with flu-ridden sinuses I doubt I’d smell anything anyway. I floated the container in the shrimp tank so there is temperature control for him, and if he has passed he cannot foul the water for other inhabitants. I took a photo of his position, and I will check on him again in the morning. For those of you that don’t know Nibbles’ story: he is an unidentified snail that has stayed a pipsqueak. Before we learned about Reverse Respiration, I used to salt dip new plants, but he survived that. I don’t know if he hatched from an egg in my tank or if he was attached to the plants. Technically I don’t know the gender either, so I just say he because I’ve never seen any egg production or live bearing or anything. But he didn’t have a mate either, so- idk. He used to live with the shrimps but had to be moved to the specimen container with a bunch of trumpet snails so I could treat the shrimp tank. That has been his home, and it has a light and a little DIY filter and plants. I supplement with a tiny bit of Repashy powder once or twice a week, and sometimes a little bacter ae. The specimen container gets water tested once a week along with the other tanks as well, and it has algae on the walls for the snails to eat.
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