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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Today I combined the wild and blue dream tank. My blue dreams have some not-too-pretty traits now because I failed to cull. I am glad the tanks are combined. The 10g is now full of life and energy. The wilds have always had tons of energy vs the blues, and eat more greedily. Not sure why. I didn’t get every shrimp moved, but most. I spent over an hour. Berried females were moved with care, in such a way that they don’t leave water. The planted plants were moved too. Now I’ve been talking awhile about trying out tankmates for my betta. @Guppysnail suggested adding some wild shrimp. He has lived with 2 wild shrimp for many months, and they’ve zoomed away from him. So, today I added 10. Only males so I don’t have to worry about shrimplets when siphoning. Aaaaaaand now he’s on a murderous rampage.. 😳 I tried to put him in a breeder box to give the shrimps time to learn their new environment. But I had a good 7 degree temp difference so I had to acclimate the shrimps, which I did in a bag. Old skool. Anyway, the shrimps kept getting stuck in the bag when I tried to dump them, so I had to keep adding and pouring water from the bag. In the meantime the breeder box was tipped over and Geppetto was loose. 30 seconds in, one shrimp was swallowed whole. The others are quickly learning. I feel guilty! Although I will say he’s no longer bored-looking, and he’s using every swim through and area of the tank. Also the tank needs cleanup crew for algae. And the last lone shrimp in there now has 9 friends. I had to add this fake plant for the time being because this tank is too hot for hornwort, and the shrimps were zooming upwards sometimes and needed a place to go. Watching this tank is suspenseful now.. there are 3 shrimp hides and a cholla so hopefully they figure that out. Maybe the long time resident shrimp will teach them. I guess I can skip Geppetto’s afternoon feeding now, since he already ate.. 🦐 The Malaysian trumpet snails seem to be doing well in this tank, and I haven’t seen him bother those after the first day they were added. This whole thing was an experiment and a lesson. Can I buy fish for his tank? NO.
  2. With the sharp decline of the bladder snails, a film settled on the surface of the jar. I decided to add “a hint” of air. Not sure what the plants will think of this, but I felt it was necessary. Also a routine trim of the dwarf water lettuce roots. They anchor into the sand and cause slight disruption to the substrate when they are pulled. But the roots would choke out the jar otherwise. All roots have to be inspected for snails. I found 2 or 3 and returned them to the jar. They are very easy to miss. There is some hair algae in the jar now. Kind of annoying. I remove it where I can. I have to be gentle so as not to uproot the plants. Lastly, there is a fly up there.
  3. I just get it at Petsmart. It’s a pouch that is added to the HOB. If you try it, buy some aquarium salt with it. That is how you “recharge it” when it stops working. It’s not a product that is meant to be measured out, so I am not sure about your dose question.
  4. I got video of the pileated woodpecker who came down to a stump yesterday. We usually put seeds around the stump, but maybe he was just after bugs.
  5. Craft mesh. https://a.co/d/0j8vqxh 👍 Here is another lid option <— click depending on what size tank you have @Chili_girl I have 2 of these and really like them.
  6. Yes, I have a recipe in my signature line (Snello 1)
  7. The top shapes looked too much like Squid Games; he was trying not to play.
  8. No Planaria is shrimp safe. But this also applies to No Planaria:
  9. I can only speak to the Hygger 957. I have those on all my tanks. Here is a blog post that may help to determine what you'd need in a plant light. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-pick-the-best-planted-aquarium-light?_pos=1&_sid=27d47068e&_ss=r @Mmiller2001 or @Seattle_Aquarist may be able to help as well, as they are very good with keeping plants.
  10. Ahh cool. I used to have auratus. Bought it as a yellow fish. Then it got to breeding age and during the mating dance (my brother and I called it "doing the Yin Yang"), the fish went through several color changes. It was incredible! It ended with purple, and then remained purple for the rest of its life. It had mated with an orange mbuna (red zebra?), not another auratus. The orange one then tended the young, carrying them around in its mouth. Was super cool. Re: the lip locking - Prime Time did a video on this re: Bolivian rams. Same type of behavior. It is territorialism. A pecking order, if you will. Line of sight breaks and hides are a good idea. Here are 2 videos of fish rubbing together. This is mating. You can show it to your friend to see if it looks like the behavior they are observing. From what you describe it sounds like it is. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uTjqOa7VHpcqpSL7ChH786IcFPIxgn2/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ilv45huWVZEVJa5MBRy1-lt0AQO-eCu6/view?usp=sharing
  11. The 2 threads were merged together so the whole conversation is here now. 🙂
  12. Correct. Once it's on, it's on and will continue for the duration. There is no on-off-on cycle that it will perform within the same day. Yes. Manual shutoffs will cause the timer to "forget" the previous settings. You may wish to use a light with a simple on-off switch along with the Kasa Wi-fi Light Timer for more control. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/kasa-wifi-light-timer
  13. A few options on what to do with fry are: - Sell at your local fish club - Put a listing on the nextdoor app or an ad in your local newspaper - Go into the buy/sell/trade section here on the forum (I believe a minimum participation requirement is required before you can) - Take to your local fish store for store credit
  14. I did raise the temp w/ the garlic. Smelled like an Italian restaurant 😂 My husband literally asked me if I made spaghetti. I told him yeah, but I already ate it.
  15. I thought this was a very interesting watch about the lifecycle and remedies for ich. Microscopic footage of ich and fish farm remedies and footage as well. I have personally used the suggestion to raise temp. I went to 86. It did work.
  16. While we are on the topic of stands.. whyyyyyyyy are so many made out of fiberboard (aka manufactured wood, particleboard, MDF)?! It doesn’t make sense to have that type of material around water. 🫤
  17. Reminiscing about the aquarium I had when I was 12. It was tall, hex, I think 20 gallons? And I had a western newt in there, of all things. They used to be sold right from the tank of tropical fish. photo from web
  18. A lot come with clear lids, but I notice a bunch of people on YouTube that don't use them. Not only can fish, shrimp, and snails escape, but also the hobbyists are making their heaters work overtime to maintain temp, thus reducing the life of their heaters. I like rimmed tanks because they are rectangular and give fish more swimming room. It's not natural for fish to swim up & down [very much]. They should be allowed the most space to swim left and right.
  19. NitraZorb works wonderfully but it will remove ALL nitrates, and your plants need nitrates. I am with @JettsPapa and @Guppysnail that more plants are the answer, including emergent plants such as pothos, are the answer. I only use NitraZorb if I have super high nitrates that I haven't been able to reduce with water changes.
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