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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. enter the world of Oscars. this is how LFSs work. they can setup say 20longs they cannot setup 10000 gallon tanks.and they can keep more if they are smaller, so they get the juveniles and you get to grow them up, and figure out what to do with them if you dont have space.
  2. @xXInkedPhoenixXhas bred Black neon tetras, and ACO talks about it in their article on them: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/black-neon-tetra?_pos=1&_sid=c86b7122c&_ss=r not a tetra but something like a cherry barb is easy to breed.
  3. if Dean tried standup comedy: Dean: I like snails Everyone else: Ok great Dean:
  4. @TheSwissAquaristi think you just stole my screenshot... i dont care though. 😆 i just find it funny that it is exactly 10,001. its palindrome too, 10001
  5. @TheSwissAquarist im not really interested in live foods right now, besides the big fish in the 20 are fasting, so the platies will feel determined to eat hair algae. (i know they can, they just need to be convinced), as i said im doing this for my Biology fascination.
  6. for what purpose? i am doing this is observe some aquatic life, i have cleaned out a large (2gallon i think) preztel jar and i will be adding substrate, water, and plants from the lake, ill see what i can find in there once it settles. (when i did this at camp we had no way of aerating them, and we closed the jars for the smell, so things lived for a day then suffocated, i will be running air to this).(i may RR any plants before introducing them to the jar, because i dont need any say Bass eggs hatching on me)
  7. Ive told stories about him, now i have a picture, i present Garra Guy (the star of this journal clearly), on a dwarf aquarium lily leaf (he was doing the hold on for your life thing like 2minutes ago, he is just sitting on it now:
  8. This isnt really a meme just a point: I couldnt fit it on the pictures but the reason is: They Never See Them
  9. this thread is just me planning a little ahead. This afternoon i will be going and collecting some stuff from a local lake. I know there are Mosquitofish in this lake, and i might end up with some. So if anyone that keeps them could give me some information on their Temperament and other requirements, i would appreciate it.
  10. agreed, youd be hard pressed in todays market to find a Xiphophorus Maculatus, or a Xiphophorus Helleri despite what people claim. pretty much all standard platies and swordtails in the hobby apart from a few specialists are hybrids. A Standard platy is actaully a Xiphophorus sp. it is a mix of Xiphophorus Maculatus, Xiphophorus helleri,xiphophorus variatus and possibly others. i think its funny how in some ACO videos they mention Variatus plaites, you can find some more variatus in the platy, but as i said except for a few speacialists good luck finding a real Xiphophorus Variatus.
  11. ah, so this is done in the dark, so the plant consumes oxygen and releases C02 creating a heavy C02 enviroment with extremely low oxygen, so why does this kill algaes? algae is very similar to plants, and its less demanding in its parameters then plants.
  12. but then wouldnt the plants produce oxygen, which the things this is trying to kill could utilize?
  13. makes sense, that is a very practical thing to do, even moreso with hardscape, but equipment too, if you are trying to figure out flow and everything, or just where things go.
  14. oof, if i drop my water line id get water everywhere, hopefully it wasnt too much water. the snail was trying to help clean the canister filter, it just got a little stuck...
  15. @TeeJayin the pictures provided it didnt look like the canister had a prefilter sponge, if this tank is for juvenile fish, i recommend adding one.
  16. I saw my nerite snail this morning! also the baby cories are getting pretty active, (they are reminding me to feed them.) Im going to a lake near my house today to go check out the life there. I plan on collecting some substrate and water, and if they have them possibly plants. I went to a different river yesterday, and they wouldnt let you go near enough for me to collect some samples, so anti-biologistist. I did see a fish in a drainage ditch there.
  17. @dasaltemelosguy@Odd Duck would this method work for killing diseases like ick and bacteria? im wondering for collecting some plants (invasive) from a local lake, but dont want to spread disease to my tank.
  18. @Trog08 are there any symptoms before the deaths? or do the seemingly healthy fish just die? pictures of the fish and tank would be very useful. how big are these tetras? is an intake sponge being used?
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