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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. yes, i love that podcast, i have listened to most of them like 37 times.
  2. what doing stupid things? I think that's the point with the tag on this thread being "Humor".
  3. @Flying fox 6523 My suggestion for that size tank is 4-5 Panda Garras, really good algae eaters, shouldnt reproduce too much, and VERY fun fish to watch.
  4. nice! its been a while since ive gotten a coop order, but here are all of mine: 2cardinals, 1cherry shrimp, 1murphy,1blue gularis, 1corydora, and then the other 2 stickers are KGtropicals, and Legit fish food.
  5. To give a small update on my BBS progress @TheSwissAquarist. I still have a bunch alive, the water is cloudy with them, but im not sure if they are eating, as there is an acumilation of food on the bottom, its possible they are eating the fine stuff, and the coarse stuff sunk, but IDK.
  6. 36hours in and it sounds like im winning! @TheSwissAquaristive been having some die-off but i think the fact that im using more water is helping me, i will get a water change done on there once i can find my booklight (im not organized at all) ive realized that by turning my light down i have slowed the growth of the hair algae. to the point that its no longer annoying, so ill just leave the light down and start feeding the platies again. Im really hoping for some platy fry soon, ive never actually documented how long it takes me to raise a platy, and i want to have that knowledge, also because i want fry from my "lets see what color varieties i can get" breeding project. Home sick again 🤮, so unfollow the meme thread now before i start to spam it. nothing else really happening, but ill be happy to make puns and jokes all day. Why should you never let an aquatic plant be judge for a court case? wait for it, wait for it, Because they are anuBIASED!
  7. "take note we dont have the straw like the stupid fluval one does"
  8. I could keep most of these fish in their own setup the only issue is i cant set up another tank, and really like my current setup. also if you are serious, i wont say no a free pair of mystery snails.
  9. @Nelo i suggest adding a product like seachem equilibrium to raise GH and KH.
  10. or a livestream. the first minute: "I want to answer a question from the chat, George asks is Aquarium Water Safe To Drink?. and the answer is untreated aquarium water is NOT AT ALL SAFE TO DRINK!!!"
  11. @Alexis22 to start a danio is an egg scatterer, and platy is a livebearer, it is physically impossible for them to breed. Its not that you would get a hybrid fish, its impossible their breeding methods are so different. also it looks like the danio is alone, danios definetly prefer to be in groups of 5-6+ and this behaviour could be the danio trying to figure out if the platies are other danios, or it might have decided they ARE other danios and is treating them as such.
  12. fair point, i didnt clarify that. i shouldnt assume next time that on a freshwater forum people would be talking about saltwater fish.
  13. my guess at this point (it might change) is that its not crushed coral. A sticker can be put on wrong, a packaging error, where the wrong product is in the package, is much rarer, which could explain the different dosing results, here is a screenshot from the ACO website just to explain what i said: but anyway, dont listen to me. listen to smart people like @nabokovfan87 my ENTIRE reputation is Laugh emojis.
  14. im on this forum to help people and learn, if i cant do that then my goal on this forum will be to make puns and jokes. so you betta be ready if its a slow day. Im not a newt or inexperienced commedian. Being appropriately Comedic on this forum is goldfish are not such a priority for me, i could keep fish and do my various projects FINE without being on here, but i try to teach and learn. Im not just fishing for reactions here, i have a porpoise. also in general non-fish people dont care about fish, the other reason im here.
  15. so its probably not the cc. hmm.... did she add anything else new lately?
  16. maybe i should clarify i intended this thread for freshwater... but why not?
  17. just my theory is she walks into her LFS, asks for some cc, they go to one of their saltwater tanks, or whatever tanks, and pull some out, and a disease was transferred on the cc.
  18. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeawhere was the sourced of the CC? if it was in a tank with sick fish, then it could make sense why only fish were affected, and not axolotls or snails/
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