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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea my biggest challenge will be finding a color that i like, im not really a fan of the standard yellows, and a bunch of shells laying on the bottom of a tank at my LFS doesn't give me confidence that those snails are alive, though if i saw one crawling up the glass id know its okay. @Cinnebunshas offered to send me some once the weather warms up, they have magenta and ivory i believe. i know aquahuna has a bunch of colors, but im not paying $15 for 1 mystery snail, so its mostly what i can find thats healthy at my LFS, or i might go to the other LFS near me and see how their selection is.
  2. so like pleco bioload? or just a slightly higher bioload? will they be able to compete with fish for the food? the one hole i have in my lid is for my HOB, do you think they could escape from here: i love watching all snails, nerite to mini ramshorn, i saw something really interesting earlier where a bladder snail was moving up a hornwort plant, that was very interesting to watch.
  3. Today i had a suprise when it turned out one of my cherry shrimp, in my 2.5 gallon shrimp/snail tank (there are many more snails then shrimp) was dead, i found a body. testing the water came out to: nitrate:10ppm Nitrite:0ppm ammonia:0ppm GH: 300+ KH: 80-120 PH: 7.6 (raised with CC) Chlorine:0 so im unsure what killed the shrimp, any help?
  4. ive got 2 plants in the process of flowering right now, 1.Anubias (it looks white in the picture, in reality it is bright green, it does not look like a new leaf forming so im pretty sure its a flower) 2.Dwarf Aquarium Lily unusual looking thing coming on a DAL stem breaching the water surface. does anyone here know how to propagate a DAL once it flowers? I want to have more of this plant. I am not a member of my "local" club, and even if i was they have no HAP program. I was hearing on The Aquarist Podcast @Bentley Pascoewas starting a online one, does anyone know if that has happened, and what the adress is to it? Corydora Fry are eating large pellets now! @TheSwissAquaristi forfit the contest, i keep failing, and dont know if its worth it to continue. i had a myserious death in my 2.5gallon shrimp tank today, one of the shrimp suddenly died, ill run a test and post it here: nitrate:10ppm Nitrite:0ppm ammonia:0ppm GH: 300+ KH: 80-120 PH: 7.6 (raised with CC) Chlorine:0 so if anyone could help with a diagnosis that would be great. also @Chick-In-Of-TheSeacan you please tell me about the pros and cons of mystery snails, i know i want one, but am reluctant to buy one.
  5. i had heard that PLA was not aquarium safe. there is a long thread that this topic was discussed here:
  6. very interesting, ill be interested to see what else you make, considering i have a printer of my own. are these in PETG?
  7. nice! theres some panda garras this week, i sure do love that little fish.
  8. I have just pretty finished The Lord Of The Rings I am completely a fan, and thought, maybe some other people on here are fans aswell, so ive made this thread for use lord of the rings nerds (ringies?) to talk about the book. @jwcarlson@Hobbit
  9. ive used repashy community plus and soilent green for feeding platy and cory fry, it works fine, floating though so you might need to agitate the water a little to get it to sink.
  10. ill give y'all an update for today, i got back from Track practice an hour ago, my legs have not forgiven me. But i worked hard, a mile in 7:10 isn't bad for the beginning of the season. but for on topic stuff: fish are doing fine, i still have the platy with possibly culimanaris (its been a week and its not dead) possibly something else that is sick, i wish she would recover soon as that 2gallon tank will be perfect for my corydora fry, though i dont pay enough attention to it, i should do a long overdue WC on that tank, my cory babies were eating Xtreme 1.5 slow sinking pellets, im getting them onto large pellets and wafers early for easier re homing at an earlier age. @TheSwissAquaristi believe at 3days my BBS are still alive, i need to feed them some green water for today though. im still waiting for the female platies to give birth, but im impatient. No pics tonight, my legs are sore from running, i dont feel like getting up. (yes i stretched afterwards)
  11. you've got a 50/50 chance. i cant get a photo right now, but when i get home ill edit this comment with a picture of my corydora runt, its much smaller then the rest of my cory fry, im not so sure why.
  12. im considering it for the summer, thought it might be volunteer work. im still waiting for a community college (also walkable from my house) to get back to me, if i can do/help out with some lab work relating to fish for them, no response yet though.
  13. sounds fun, oof, i need to stop checking this and do my math HW, but its SO hard.
  14. at this point i think its something in the genetics of the parents, not a rare case.
  15. this is one of the moments that i realize how lucky i am that its a 10-15minute walk for me to the LFS, it makes going there just to talk fish, and look at stock really easy.
  16. i really like Mini Ramshorn snails, they will start a large colony as long as they can get food, and I find mine fun to watch (though it takes a month or two for them to get their population started) they are also rather small, so you can keep a large group of them with the other fish.
  17. that makes sense, mostly i really like to watch little things interact, so hence my facsination in copepods, and mini ramshorn snails, and bugs could be the perfect next project for me, but my mom said no.
  18. last year i tried setting up a fish tank at my school. i wont go into the speacifics here, but it didnt end well for me (the fish is still alive and healthy in my tank). it was a ten gallon tank, with a betta. (this is not my betta). around the time i was setting this tank up i had some platy males sparring (i was concerned at the time, now i ignore it, since they dont hurt each other) so i removed one of them and put him in with the betta, and after some initial flaring, they got along fine. there was one classmate that was asking me two questions that i deemed stupid and hence the facepalms: Did the big fish (betta) give birth to the little fish? and are they gonna breed. lets take a quick biology lessons, bettas dont give birth, and MALE bettas cannot have babies without any female. two males of COMPLETELY different speicies cannot breed. i have SO many stories about this tank, there were the people that said "the betta will die of depression alone, it should be living in the ocean (?)" and "You are starving it on the weekends" and there were the people that left the light on ALL night, and then complained about the diatom algae (huh i wonder). this whole project was facepalm after facepalm with the IDIOCY/intended annoying of the people in my grade. yeah, want any more stories? ive got plenty.
  19. @Nihal Hi! welcome to our forum! i suggest you repost this comment in the General Discussion section for better answers. no really a fish, but im sure some cherry shrimp, and some sort of small snail like Malaysian Trumpet, or Mini Ramshorn would do well in that enviroment.
  20. i seem to have some sort of green thumb with anubias barteri. i havnt had any flowering in a while (i had it twice on this plant) but rhizome wise these plants are getting big slowly, but quickly at the same time. i couldnt get a picture, as i had to try hard to see it, and its hidden, but i think i have a barteri in the back of my tank that has like a 2-3in rhizome, those plants are growing really well, the leaves arent getting too tall though.
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