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Changing this tank from gravel to planted! Slowly but surely my tanks are becoming less dependent on me.. from February to now..just wish I had more plants growing out of the tank up my bedroom walls for a true jungle. Any ideas for how to make fast growth in the tank? Also, blurry picture but I found a freshwater clam at my lfs! 




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i planted the 4g last night and sorted the shrimp. threw a few baby culls in here and added live bacteria today. in a couple weeks i plan to add some ricefish in here, maybe the gold or orange. i think once the plants grow in a bit it’ll look pretty nice, i was going for a “grassy area around a tree” look, definitely a fan of the monochromatic look. 

working on organizing and cleaning today.



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27 minutes ago, RovingGinger said:

Set up the 75 gallon stand, only made two mistakes that required major back tracking so I count that a win. Planted with initial selection of plants, now filling with @irene’s very smart plastic bag trick that I’m hoping will leave all those weak shallow roots embedded. 

Can a fella get a reminder of the plastic bag trick, @Irene?

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Got some overdue water changes done Thursday as I had hurt my back and still 5 gallon bucket it. So that delayed them a week. Discovered one of my new red cap medaka carrying eggs for the first time which was cool. We had the grandkids stay over last night and discovered the 7 year old boy in the fish room sitting in front if the tanks watching the fish. It’s the most interest he’s showed in them other than feeding the goldfish pond. So that made me very happy. Other than that just enjoying my tanks and thinking about future fish stuff.  

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Moving some fish around from Fish room in the chicken barn to Greenhouse tanks. Gold fish especially can take cooler temps in the Greenhouse and the heated aquariums in the Fish room hold the Guppy collection, Cory cat tank and Rice fish. All my fish except for the outside Koi are Quarantine purchases inspired by Aquarium Coop YouTube channel over the last six months. The Vienna Guppy's gave birth so I set up the Brine shrimp hatcher in the Fish room today too. Picture of my favorite most personable Ranchu. Big Betty. A four year old female. My first purchase from Aquarium Coop this spring. The biggest Ranchu I've ever seen. Six inches nose to tail and needs a lot of groceries! 


Edited by Jane Smith
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I made a makeshift quarantine tank/eventual grow out tank Out of a storage bin.  I had an extra sponge Filter in an established tank.  Added some extra gravel that I had laying around.  I know it wont be a long term solution but if i ever need to quarantine some fish or allow fry to grow out its nice to have around.  I had all the materials on hand so thats an added plus.  Once my usb air pump arrives I won't have excess airline tubing running to it.  


I also set up the beginning stages for my 20 long planted tank.  Once my plants arrive on Friday with the USB air pump I will be good to go.

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This was technically yesterday though I finished working super late. I'm almost done with my stand for my 50 hex! The only steps left are concealing the remaining 2x4s, staining, and sealing it. I also picked up my black lace angels at the post office this morning.



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