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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Which one do you have? I want to go ahead and look up how it's setup so I can offer some advice if need be. 🙂 Also, welcome to the forums!
  2. If you're running a large amount of tanks, then it makes sense. Usually the linear piston pumps bottom out at 15-25 taps of air. So you need around there in order to be able to actually use one without bleeding pressure from some taps. You likely can be "better off" using a very strong pump and using a metal gang valve. Something designed for 100+ gallons (tetra pond air pumps is what I use, with 5+ taps)
  3. Well his name is Kratos. 😂 The better of the colorblind filters showed this: (you're likely right with the 40 ppm value) sidenote, I think for that test specifically as it gets high it gets very very very opaque. More translucent = lower value.
  4. Yeah. exactly. Especially as a first time experience, see what happens.
  5. Shouldnt be? Maybe it's a neo thing. I really need to get some to figure out their care better. 😞 Grow little bulb grow! Awesome progress so far. I see it's high! I take my tests outside when I have issues or use my bright white LED flashlight. I would totally be doing a big WC on that tank today if I saw that. I think you're at 40-80, so I just say 60 and that's hiiiiigh to me.
  6. Yes. About half of them were probably dead, they had anubias on rock as well. It was at least 30+ containers of moss balls they had on the table. They are usually with the betta's in betta cups under "betta buddies". Check both the big box stores, they should at least start getting them in eventually.
  7. The shrimp might like em too! Very cool you're able to get those 🙂
  8. Well, the big female has definitely decided she is happy, comfortable, and feeding some frozen brine that one night seemed to have helped the efforts. Storm came in, this is a few days later. Totally could be me mixing up days and timeline, but I think it helped. Has not been a WC yet, today is maintenance day for that tank. Not sure what to do with these. at least 60% of them look non-fertile, and I am leaning towards leaving these as-is and not using the tumbler or moving the eggs to the fry box. I might move some, but hard to know what is the right call right now.
  9. @BBlue Petco by me had dozens and dozens of them. Check big box stores. They seem to be "back" now.
  10. I would use a tarp or something and make a rain catch. I am sure Les Stroud (survivorman) or Cody Lundin has a guide somewhere, but that's what I would do. Store it in something where you can keep it from being contaminated and go that route to avoid bird contamination as best you can. Definitely an interesting question!
  11. This might help..... It being a lid, you can pull the glass out, have a new piece cut. Or.... this. Measure the glass thickness. Lowe's will cut it for you for free and all you have to do is sandpaper the edge. 🙂 Definitely slightly easy, but I can't say it'll be cheaper given the price of things these days. Might find a deal on a lid somewhere.
  12. Cory has a video on this issue about optimizing your sponge filter. Essentially you want the airline hose piece you're using to attach the airstone to be as short as you can make it so that the airstone isn't leaning left/right. Ultimately, in my experience, all of my sponge filters have this happen. It could be due to the foam density perhaps, but I would suggest adjusting the airstone if you're worried about flow being an issue. Using something to put more back pressure, especially on the nano pumps, could lead to a failure. As always, make sure you're using a check valve if you need to. If you want to reduce the flow without putting back pressure you'd use a metal gang valve and then leave one of the taps open, adjust your pressure on the filter and let the excess flow out through one of the other taps. I can't guarantee it wont work because you can run into issues with pressure and tuning it in just right. or my own tanks, I've never felt like the nano pumps were too strong. Hopefully that helps reassure you that it's not too much flow. Going back to what Pepere was mentioning (awesome breakdown of how to make this work by the way, I didn't think of the airstone!) This is what I use: In my case, my tank just has an airstone in the corner somewhere and whatever "extra" air there is goes through there. Metal gang valves are really awesome and whether you're adding an extra sponge, airstone to the tank, or using it outside the tank to release any excess gas from the pump, that's a great piece to use. The Test you showed does show a tank starting to cycle. You'd want to keep cycling things until you see 0 nitrites. That test doesn't show ammonia, but you'd expect there to be some right now. Not having a heater might be a concern depending what the water temp is right now. If a betta in particular gets too cold you can have some diseases and health issues show up. This is how you'd read the test. Hopefully it makes sense: Ammonia (seperate test) turns into nitrite and nitrite eventually turns into nitrate. (top two tests on this strip) As far as how to read the test, let me start you with a few things first. Please feel free to ask any questions after watching them. We're all here to help and want you to have success with the hobby 🙂 Right now to help with water issues, you'd want to do your water changes, preferably daily if you can. I would start with 30% daily until you see the tank fully cycled. After the WC, you'd add in your bacteria (quickstart) and dechlorinator (prime) like normal.
  13. Welcome back, the vivarium! I need one of these for an herb garden. (I have a 75G I might use that's perfect for it (hopefully) What plants are those on the vertical sides of the tank? I am assuming into cork wood?
  14. Nice, all the tanks look perfectly stocked. Definitely going to have more snails in your future, but very nice work! Welcome to the forums 🙂
  15. Maybe a Bolivian ram and some false julii corydoras? For me today, I woke up with another fun headache from my neck and attempting to sleep. I woke up, fed the fry and the rest of the fish. After about 2 hours I was getting tea and couldn't remember if I fed the tanks so I gave the corydoras a pinch more and some calcium food for the shrimp. Fry got their second meal a little later. I got the QT setup done for the sword I need to move. I'm not sure how long or how much I worry to QT the fish. I have one male that is going in there first while I monitor the stressed/wounded female while she recovers. I did she her perked up a bit and chasing the fry around which was good to see. Ultimately, I just want both of them to have low stress and be able to have a calm time in whatever tank they are in. I added the QT sponge filter and the new ACO heater and will let things stabilize for the fish. Right now it's just cycling and getting going, but I may move the fish tomorrow just to make sure stress issues don't happen. Salt should be here shortly, for whatever reason it's taking forever to get here. Beyond that, just a calm day watching fish videos. Thankfully.
  16. I think he thought your hand was a new interesting cave structure and he wanted to go diving through everything and explore. Ironically in some way, I think that interaction reminded me of a few moments I've had with my tiger barbs. They would see my hand in the tank at the surface and come up and just give me the weirdest look. Confused as to why the food wasn't there, what on earth it was doing, but they eventually just came up and swim against you and interact with you in that way. Very cool, very interesting behavior for sure.
  17. Correct. For whatever reason, dyslexia or lack of coffee, I keep mixing up the malachite green because it's clearly blue. I do have both. I used the actual methylene blue on my eggs/tank.
  18. Was going through it last week. 😂 My lights are very static. One day I'll get to the pro mode. Yeah, definitely some interesting stuff. The things I've been through with algae in my tank I can't explain, it's been a journey watching this stuff change form based on all the variables.
  19. Looks like Cory's tank has the same black algae (grows in high flow, etc) that I've been dealing with. It's on his vlog video from today and is in Ladybird's tank. It'll be interesting to see how he handles it and what works.
  20. What symptoms are you seeing that is giving you that feeling? Photos of stuff would help if you're trying to figure out what's going on. I don't know that the plants will carry that if the plants were shipped. I can't say it will or won't, I am just saying I don't think it would. I understand it's stressful. One step at a time. Let's look at what is going on and figure out what needs to be done. The biggest thing that helps us is trying to understand what you're seeing, to understand tank maintenance, water conditions, etc.
  21. Most "clown plecos" are just sold at the big box store as their "fancy pleco", but finding the L number is a battle. There's 4-5 of them that are commonly sold as one common name. They can be anywhere from $5-$15 depending on the shop and size. If you do happen to find an L number and it's accurate attached to a clown, that increases the cost, especially for some of the nicer panaque species.
  22. I think what you have is probably pretty good. There's a few things at play here. 1. The light is above the tank (mounted) and that does things with refraction of the light. With the lid, you can also get humidity spots that block out some of the light as well. 2. Floating plants will reduce the light that gets through to the substrate too. (I can't say it specifically, but corralling the floaters to a ring or using a plant ring to keep an opening will help some of the plants at the bottom to get light). 3. Having the plants marked as each light intensity is awesome! Where they are planted, how much light is getting to them will determine how fast they grow too. If you have a fast growing plant (high light needs) with high light and it's easy for them to access the light, then you'll have that plant in particular go pretty bonkers. Some plants are "shade plants" like anubias where they don't want to be directly under the light or they have a high risk of algae on the leaves. Looks good. Let us know how it's doing after a month or two!
  23. night for me is everything off to keep algae at bay. turn the blue down to 10% max and it should help slightly. For whatever reason the blue LEDs on this light cause a lot of algae. On the spectrum chart you can see that the blues are very strong too. EDIT: Sorry @JoeQ hopefully the light is doing better for you. Forum is acting weird and showed that as newest post!
  24. My plecos don't eat plants. Even my BNP and RLP never did. Doesn't mean they won't. I've never seen it.
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