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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. When you want flow, you go for the flow. 😂 Very cool shrimp!
  2. Hello, welcome to the forums. Please move the snails elsewhere and then go ahead and treat the tank with salt. Things you should be doing as well is the added airstones at this time, especially for corydoras and species that prefer cooler waters. Keep at it, give it more time. Remember that dropping temp slows down the lifecycle of ich and so it does take longer. To give you some idea, when I had ich outbreak in my 55G I ended up having to treat for 3-4 weeks before I saw any real progress. I kept things at bay, lost half the tank, but eventually they were ok. The tank in question normally was at 71-72 and getting it up in temp took a while, which meant a lot of meds were used to keep fighting it off. The best advice I can give you is to follow this video. I have used salt with my corydoras many times. Many, many times and they are fine. There are research papers you can dig up, here is a study done that is often a top result when it comes to corydoras and salt levels. https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?id=3981357&pid=11114 I dose in 1/2 cup per 10g (same as the video) but if you are concerned, stick to 1/3 cup per 10G.
  3. If you have any of these or the Marina/fluval hang on breeder boxes, Mark drills a hole in his to open up the intake and stop things from clogging due to the design issue. Very, very good idea, but please don't use your hands to hold parts and drill them. Use something a bit more secure and keep your hands out of the path of injury! If you have a small file, that works too!
  4. Agreed. I think there's a lot better information than we've had available to us "back in the day," thankfully. Maybe we all just didn't understand how to set things up?
  5. I thought it was my mini fridge and the coolant in the pipes just moving, but I put my ear right above the fridge and realized my ACO heater is clicking now too. Very unsettling. I knocked some debris and just letting it do it's thing. I'll keep an ear out. I'll try to get a video of what mine is doing if I hear it again. There's literally no equipment in the tank apart from the sponge filter and the heater. Easy to tell what's causing it.
  6. What is the GH and KH and PH? I'd be real curious to see what that meter does in a calibration test. Very interesting! Given location, I can say it might actually be normal. Especially if they came from a tank with a lot of rock that was dumping in minerals or some other situation incidentally led to OTS buildup in their system.
  7. Needless to say.... I feel your struggle. I've been there and I understand. I went from not even knowing what anubias was to having a tank with panda corydoras and marimo balls and some moss glued to rocks. (I can attach photos, but I don't think I have one with the original setup) This was all around the time I discovered the co-op, got back into the hobby and was trying to figure out my first plant order from the coop. Fast forward some time and I have a 55 and then a 75 with pressurized CO2 and I'm diving right in to trying to do well with more varieties of plants. I have a decent tank, loving everything. Then things crash and the easiest reason to blame failure was on the sand substrate and the CO2 tank running out. I'm certain that I am (or was) terrible at finding balance in that tank when things crashed on me. You fail, you learn, and then you try to do better.... Yeah, I did that too. I tried really, really hard to do better and that resulted in a tank with detritus worms of some kind and just a mess of a filter because the black beard algae had gotten so bad the pump stopped. Fixed all of that, killed off even more plants and yet again, trying to make things progress. It happens, and it happens to experienced keepers as well as novices. Sometimes you just have to focus on method, know your method is sound, take really good notes, and then see what you (or others) can recommend to improve things. Observe and report, basically. I've been on a ~2 year journey to balance a tank and seemingly.... Knock on wood.... Making progress again in the right direction. I still struggle with some things every time I stare at the tank and it's dejecting. Know what you're doing is a step in the right direction, ask for guidance, and find someone you trust with knowledge to help you along the way. Ultimately, mentorship is a great way to turn a tank around. Especially when you feel like you've done everything else you can.
  8. You'd want to look up the MSDS sheet for each med and compare the ingredients that you can. I have only used Ich-X for ich.
  9. Not a major update or anything. I am planning to place an order for this thing.... Tonight. I wanted to show a side by side of the tanks that used to have the same light. I was frustrated a bit with how yellow the aquasky light was on this tank. I've moved it to a QT setup with a corydoras fry for the time being, but I am having some "feelings" about the light after trying to dial it in yet again on yet another tank. This is supposed to be a set it and forget it light, just really isn't. This is the Tank with a planted 3.0 light with a bit better quality LED spectrum and the blackwater visual to it. Not much, not the type of thing where you can't see the clarity of the water, but there's some tannins for sure. This is the way the aquasky was when it was on this tank except for add a lot more yellow-green color to it. Here is the aquasky on low as possible on the QT tank. And here is the aquasky when you cut off the white LEDs and turn on all the color LEDs. A bit less harsh on the eyes and I'm not sure how different the par would be.... But I spend some time playing with that watching both tanks. Just an interesting little visual. 🙂 EDIT: First half of the order placed.... The second half I cannot order until the robots decide to make them available. It's going to be the same species, but just a different genetic source. (Needless to say I'm committed now, they should be here in 2-3 days and things will either be ok or they wont. I am HOPEFUL for things to go well)
  10. Fungal? (Looks fluffy like cotton) If you're not sure start with 1/3 cup per 10G. I usually default to 1/2 cup per 10G. Makes sense now. Totally get it. Those goofy Germans and their humor.
  11. Not apples to apples, but I did see a video to answer your question! Discus keeper and their heater failed so the tank was Ice cold. They replaced it and then went ahead and checked in on the fish for a few days. They were literally huddled against the heater for almost a day to get warm. I don't think the fins are having issues because of the heat. Might just be a difficult strain and need some kanaplex
  12. Salt and snails generally don't mix. Temp shouldn't bother either. Ich-x is also fine for everything. Salt can be safe for most plants but some will melt and it is a risk. I use salt in planted tanks in a situation like this. You're treating the tank as much as you are the fish inside with this disease. Very unfortunate, I'm sorry about that. White eyes would point towards bacterial issues as well so you'd want to use bacterial meds as well. Are you able to send us photos, test results of water parameters?
  13. Hey everyone, Man.... I am always excited when I see videos from this creator and I always enjoy the content no matter what. Could be on anything and I just feel shattered by the opening on this one. (Pecktec) Please take 2-4 minutes and hear his intro, drop some love in the comments if you can. Rachel O'Leary has been dealing with some medical stuff you can see on her community tab. Same thing. Aquarium Adventures has been dealing with a months long project and has had some major issues with leaks! Great, uplifting, positive human being, and it just hits me hard when I see someone who can be that motivating and wonderful to watch struggle. Cory, I think we've all seen been through the ups and downs. Zenzo had one recently as well. I don't want this to be a downer of a post, but seriously.... please make sure you tell those that you cherish, that what they do is a wonderful gift for us and try to share some joy / love out there. Thanks everyone.
  14. I know... I know. I need to bring this thing back to life. I have a ton of things on my mind and this isn't one that has left, simply put it's one where I am trying to get things sorted. I am still running some trials and trying to record results. I moved some wood in the panda tank because I saw a lot of BBA in the calm spot in the center of the tank. There are two large sponge filters on each corner and then the scape is a sort of V where the middle tapers back onto a piece of lava rock. The BBA is centrally focused on that spot where the wood overlaps onto another. This has resulted in a lot of anubias issues, pulling leaves, roots being covered, etc. I am beyond sick of this stuff and using something like EC in this tank isn't going to be an option soon. At least not until things develop and I feel safe risking that. You'll see two pieces of wood here. The first is the piece that was on bottom, the second is a Y shaped end of a piece that was on top. the BBA was growing along the forks as well as the void in the middle and then all along the top section of the bottom piece of mopani. Next up we have a piece of malaysian driftwood that is a stump and I just glue plants to it. Everything is doing fine enough, but clearly the BBA is trying to choke out this anubias that finally started to do well. One week, things are fine, I check in a few days later and boom... I've gone ahead and turned the lights down (same intensity, lower duration) and I am going to make sure I am not fowling things by overfeeding. Pandas are breeding, feeding new food which is a bit easy to overdo. This could be due to some iron issues, but ultimately this tank is just being a pain for me. It'll improve. hopefully the moss does take off before the algae makes it way over there. (knock on wood) Agreed. Spot dosing that stuff (or similar) really seems to work well. Just isn't the type of think you can easily cover a big tank! 😞
  15. I imagine two tanks, is one of them planted yet?
  16. How do you mean? Hm... I am guessing this is related to the above.
  17. Which filter? Is the o-ring in place and lubricated? Can you tell where it's dripping from? Place the canister in a container or get one of those under sink rubber protectors.
  18. Move all the plants to a tub / bucket so you can siphon the substrate well enough. Depending what it is you might actually be able to use a small cup to scoop out the gravel and just rinse it somewhere. Fish are out of the tank, just siphon things really well, repeat that if you need to a second time. Dose in dechlorinator and run some carbon for a week or two. Add the catappa leaves to the aquarium with some aquarium salt as well (helps with ammonia and nitrite burn). Adding fish and having fish back in there shouldn't be a big issue as long as you take the time to fix it and get the food out. You're doing a big water change, so acclimating them with a drip might be beneficial in this situation as well if your water is different in terms of chemistry to the tank normally.
  19. Think of it this way.... Most electronics like this use resistance or some form of small component on the micro controller to form the numbers on the LED display. If you have a display that is doing this, something is causing that resistor or causing some electrical component to malfunction. Either damage or something caused the issue where one of the electrical components inside failed or is about to. Because of that, this means that the thermistor or other sensors on the board can't read and function accurately. The heating element could be fine, but the resistor for the display is bad. The heating circuit could be bad and the display is outputting correctly. Hard to say which. Always have a secondary thermometer to verify things.
  20. Let me try to find you a few resources, but generally speaking... no you don't feed them every day. How new is the tank? You can also feed repashy in this fashion without turning into gel if the tank in question doesn't have a ton of biofilm growth. I know it's a lot, but check those all out. Please feel free to ask any questions.
  21. Could've came from a water change too depending on location and source. Keep an eye out for more, you can dose in salt and stuff if you need to just to help the fish perk up.
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