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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Looks like green water and some daphnia/cyclops maybe? @modified lung Thoughts?
  2. Please explain it to me how to do everything.... I have a jar, I have plants, and I'm pretty sure I'm messing that up somehow! A. Do I need an airsone? B. How often should I realistically fert? C. Should I use a vase as opposed to a jar to avoid the weird lip and blocking lights? D. Recommended minimum size? E. How often to change water and how much?
  3. Checked on the tanks tonight. The black corydoras doesn't seem to be improving with meds. Still first dose, so we'll see. I'll try salt again as well after the kanaplex. Not related to this journal, but slightly is because that's slowing progress. I checked again for shrimp, there's just nothing there. There was basically all of the swords and all of the pandas on the bottom of the tank. Grace the shark singlehandedly was resting on 4-5 pandas just being her gentle self. The thing that's different than this tank, the risk as well as the question in the OP, is that this really isn't a heavily planted tank, but is a well seasoned tank with a good amount of aufwuchs for the shrimp to graze on. There's 3 bigger pieces of wood, 4-5 rocks, and some moss. Some Anubias, but it's not tall, it's not dense. It's easy to pick up basically everything one by one and go "yeah there's just nothing there". Anyways.... We'll get it sorted, steps forward. In a perfect world I'd have the 75G up by Sunday, but we'll see. I'll empty it this weekend to test for leaks. Then figure out next steps with moving furniture and whatever else. Progress time.... Because I really need and want to get this stuff up and running. Eternally ORD. 😂 Made an effort to try to find the panda Cory fry to compare to the endler fry for fun, couldn't find em. I spent a good 10-15 minutes just being happy with the fish and staring at their progress. These ones have done really, really well for me and I learned a lot keeping them, growing them, and have been thankful to share that with everyone. I saw 3-5 different generations of pandas growing up and that's just wonderful.
  4. Congrats on the fry. I would highly recommend the "accidental oto" methods 🙂 I generally prefer the Repashy Soilent green powder, community blend, or the spawn+grow.
  5. I've seen a video on ACO I believe of a clip of feeding fry. Might even been a Dean video. Basically take that little tiny paintbrush and dip that in the powder, then in the tank. I tend to prefer to turn off the equipment and get things to sink / settle and let the fry have at it after some time. Maybe that helps! 🙂 Sounds like the fry are doing well for you, very cool.
  6. That's amazing. One of my favorite things. If I had a place to sell to I'd breed rams forever. Just realized I forgot to get Easy Iron when I got the heat packs 😞
  7. Repashy powder, powdered up xtreme flakes. Soilent green works very, very well. The bottom scratcher is slightly chunky.
  8. How often do you catch them in the plants on the right vs. the left trying to snoot around for hiding spots? I'd imagine they dig the java fern just because it's slightly more dense.
  9. I think bentley might have some. He just got some new ones. I am unsure about the specific L# and would have to check. I think his setup for them is still being worked on.
  10. The funny thing is.... Waldo is a very apt pleco name! I don't see mine nearly enough, but when I do it's like winning a little game. I don't have a name for both of my plecs, but Luigi is always going to look pale / off when I see em (always skiddish and camoflauged). The other one is a bit darker, finer lines on the pattern, but is just always looks great. Sort of reminds of seeing a tiger in the snow or something... Not mine, but very similar! The one I am speaking about above, unnamed one, I do see almost every day. I try to check on everything at night. I am sure once the plants grow in... definitely won't be seen as much. (tall plants aren't yet.)
  11. Is this the tank you were planning for the AH Pandas or am i getting mixed up? Beautiful tank. You have a real hand when it comes to plants and scaping! I enjoyed the "Ohko Cliff" style in one of your first posts here, but I do also really think you took that and revamped it really nicely. From this ^^ To this:
  12. That hardscape flows so well. Really nice setup. How are you enjoying the new HoB? It's a new release if I'm remembering correctly, not really available locally.
  13. They have an ammonia free windex I have used.... somehow the bottle vanished on me. I Just use the fritz cleaner now, easy thing to add on to an ACO order. HONESTLY, I don't clean the glass enough, when I do it's usually just water and a towel or paper towel after maintenance.
  14. It happens.... My apologies. What was the light that you found to be causing issues?
  15. Yeah I got that. Locating the coffee pot now.
  16. Just now saw this. In my case no. The clicks and noises seem to be getting louder/longer. It's very loud at night and I hear it over all of my other two tanks. It's very cold in the room and it's a 100W heater on a 10G to give you an idea of the ambient vs. Temperature. I wonder if there is some sort of condensation that is causing issues and noises? I do need to get another video and try to record the time duration and intensity as well as show there isn't air in the grate causing it. Like you mentioned, have to keep diagnosing and researching to figure out what is going on. Maybe run a batch of the 100s with clear plastic or side mounted at a different angle to change flow path. (If it can be easily replicated) Which fixtures?
  17. Ord. Very interesting. Hard to get an ID on this one.
  18. It's hard to say because you can get them pretty small. I would say a normal "small amano" is double the size of a neo. The shells are thicker, they can handle moving around a lot easier. Probably ship a little easier. Amanos you basically acclimate, but I've also seen people plop and drop them. Exactly. Just get your own alder / IAL tree. 🙂 What a nice looking clown. Very cool.
  19. Please send me all the basil you can grow 🙂
  20. zoo-med mopani is my go to. What kind of wood do you want?
  21. Welcome to the forums Gio! Good question.
  22. Expel-P. Keep in mind you do need to black out the tank when treating it! Meaning, turn off the lights / wrap the tank in a few towels for 24 hours after dosing in those meds. I would suggest one more treatment just to make sure you got it, There might be a few stragglers internally. Awesome progress, glad to hear the fish are doing better!
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