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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Input I highly recommend some method to stop fish and shrimp and plants from getting into the Input. In terms of output I think you want to either use duckbills, lockline, PVC, or some sort of a spraybar to manage flow. I messed around with a lot of trying to dial in flow and I eventually ended up going from a 168 GPH pump down to a 119GPH pump to resolve the situation. The size was smaller as well which changes what can fit on the input and outputs. All things to consider in your use case and application. I'll try to locate a photo for you of mine. Some are designed for it. Some are not. Back pressure that is. Just keep an eye on things and track if you see something like pump whine or air causing flow to stop and no longer function properly.
  2. Yes it would be fine. Treat it as a chemical media in the filtration chain. Mechanical --> Biological --> Chemical
  3. One of my big questions has often been how to get a fitting or output design on my pump heads. I don't want to use a circulation pump because it's a bit bulky for smaller tanks. There's also a risk of the grille and what not with certain species. Anyways, I wanted to share this and ask for opinions. Do you this something like this is acceptable for use and will work for certain applications. Ironically, or thankfully, there is a lot of crossover between the hardline and soft tubing applications on computers that make a bit more sense for the aquarium modding applications. I'm sure Dean could make some cool stuff if he spent a day with Jay, for example. Let me know your thoughts, I'll try to track down some applicable parts and cost of those parts to see if something makes sense.
  4. I don't think this is a bad thing. The new food I purchased isn't designed for shrimp, but is one I purchased specifically to replicate this interaction. It makes it a little easier to ensure what shrimp are getting their vitamins so to speak. Granules or small pellets for medium -large shrimp and then powder for the smaller ones. From this morning. Amano x Xtreme Shrimp
  5. I would think it could take up to a year. I can't say for certain as I've never bred them and only kept them once. I was pretty surprised at how small they were once I finally saw them in person. Amazing fish, and I think their small size is a good advantage because they can go in a lot of different setups. They should be at a good size after 8-10 weeks and then slowly grow to adulthood over that first 6-12 months.
  6. It looks accurate and the results make sense. GH is low Kh is ~20 PH is 6.0-6.4
  7. I have similar water. What is your GH now? Mine is always 300+ here in socal. KH is 40-100 depending on location. Right now mine is 40 ppm and I buffer it up using seachem alkalinity buffer. Coral in the filter works. I would suggest starting at 1/2 lb if you can get that much to fit. You'll likely need more. If you have white substrate or don't mind it on the substrate mix, then go ahead and put it there instead so you can add enough. I recommend small scale tests in a 5g bucket, give it a few days with an airstone and go ahead and verify what's going on with the water after adding CC. If you don't want to add it into the substrate, then I'd recommend looking into the alkalinity buffer method.
  8. Going off of this test.... Things can change if your aerate your sample of tap water for 24 hours with an air stone. It's called off-gassing. For now, let's just take this test as is for your tap water. In the two strips we have above: Left Strip - Old Tank Syndrome candidate. (your QT Tank) Right Strip - Closer to your tap, but a bit high like it's being buffered a little bit some way. Considering you're changing water once a month this is also can be a symptom of OTS. Things "build up" in terms of your KH, GH, which results in parameters being higher than normal. This can be eased by topping off with distilled / tap water and can be resolved by upping slightly the occurrence of your water changes. My suggestion for moving the fish at this point would be to up your water changes for the QT tank until parameters match. Change water once a week at a higher volume (50% max, which you're already at) or go ahead and just increase how often you're changing water to every 3-4 days for the time being. From what I see in the tap test, your KH, GH are all fine for stability. Lower KH in QT might be an indication of a lot of organics in the water.
  9. There's a bit of corruption on this test. Here's a video on how to make sure the tests are as clear as they can be for you.
  10. Sitting here trying to type with a cramped hand that hurts to move, two cuts on it, one fresh from a pair of scissors. I was trying to cut out some junk/dried silicone out of the top of the tube and it was fine. Went to wipe off the blade and that ended poorly. I started the day checking on everything. I was kind of frustrated because my norm front view of the main 29G display tank is now a side view. It's "fine", but I really do love waking up and staring right into that tank. Once I get the 75G setup, that view will be back and that'll be wonderful. I checked on the shrimp after that, decided whether or not to feed them today. I checked the email updates for the DoAs that came in yesterday and talked with support a little after that to resolve the issues and send photos over. In the afternoon I checked on the display and tried to fix the hygro pinnatifida. It doesn't seem to want to sit anywhere and the flow pushes it all over the place. After 3 attempts to get it stuffed in hardscape, I ended up wrapping it in a plant weight and tried to find a place for that. I'll check on it tomorrow. Tonight I attempted to start/finish the mods on the tidal 75 for the big tank. My glue of old sealant is half dried and I spent about an hour trying to push the silicone out of the top and get the dried out portions before it ended up with a bloody finger and silicone everywhere. I ended up popping the back of the tube and dumping that onto a place and using toothpicks, qtips, paper towels, razor blades and a lot of frustration trying to get the whole thing modded before it dried out on me. I'll check on things in the morning and my hope is that it wasn't just pasting in dried chunks of silicone that will just get pushed apart once water hits it. Time will tell....
  11. One big Ohko stone would be cool on the left there. Tannins would be cool and help out the shrimp too. Gotta love Ich-X. What type/variety of shrimp, they're beautiful. I'm starting mine out, finally getting it going and hoping to see progress.
  12. Not something I'm familiar with, but I have seen others post fish with some sort of similar injury. The pectoral fin looks like it has some freying on the edge. I would monitor it, dose salt if you can (or move to QT and dose it there). Something you mentioned, I saw a lot with my barbs, the subdominant male or females that were a little beat up did tend to stay away from the group until they could recover a little bit.
  13. Very good guide. They usually feel safe to have cover behind them to be able to spawn. Your tank has the rocks, but not any "cover" so to speak for them in that area. Hopefully that helps and you see some behavior.
  14. Looks right around 7.6. There is a shadow, but that's what I see. what does the result look like on the ACO strip if you don't mind? Looks like the test is contaminated / not valid. Here is the method to try to alleviate that.
  15. For sure... I spend the mornings "checking on things" just watching the tanks and getting that serenity. Then I'm trying to sleep at 12-2 AM and I tend to get a lot of work done. Just how it is, not sure why. There's a youtube channel called hello korea and they have a lot of videos that do the nature noise and very good atmosphere type of videos. They tend to have a few pond videos and forests type of things I turn on and get work in. I imagine that fits the serenity scenes you're envisioning for your tanks, but we'll see! 🙂
  16. Definitely a day full of "stuff happened". Sorry about your cubes. Now you're gonna have duckweed growing up the walls 😞 . I totally can relate and understand that mindset of not being able to sleep because you're excited to get the project done and laying there planning everything out. Hopefully some good progress soon for you and you're able to start showing off all those awesome plans you have.
  17. Is this the same testing parameters you get from your tap? Water softener in the house?
  18. Are these ACO test strips or which brand? Need to see the scale.
  19. Have you seen Dean's guide on how to breed rams? They need a flat rock or something to spawn on. cc @knee
  20. so there's an episode of the show new girl, has an episode based on one of the characters wanting to get a lionfish. He goes home and gets a clearly freshwater tank with rainbow gravel and plastic plants right from the big box store display. His friend walks into his room on the following scene with a clownfish and the character replies how he doesn't want a "whimpy freshwater fish" and that he has to have the endangered california lionfish. Just sad how wrong / misleading all the easiest details are in this episode.
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