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Everything posted by Alison

  1. So far I have only two planted tanks, one of them freshly set up. I used eco complete in both because I honestly have had fantastic results. It took a bit for things to get going, but now that they have the plants are just growing like mad. I figured that it worked so well the first time around why mess with success?
  2. Apistos are always good and easy to rehome. Any sort of schooling fish is easy to rehome or take back to a lfs. Rams are also pretty popular from what I've seen. In a tank that size maybe you might want to look into some congo tetras? They are absolutely stunning. If I had a tank that size I'd probably go for some congo's. They get a little bit larger than other tetras, a good three inches or so, but so pretty. So sopretty.
  3. I don't have any personal experience no. I have heard of some more serious scapers that will use lava rock as a base level or on filter bags to build height more cheaply than using just massive amounts of more expensive substrates. All of them say that all the nooks and crannies of the lava rock do provide loads more surface for the bacteria to adhere to. I haven't see any actual studies nor do I have any personal or antidotal evidence to offer.
  4. I've noticed at least where I am, a lot of places are starting to carry API products including tanks. That might be something a LFS will carry. Also, I have found that Amazon actually has a really good selection of equipment. Sometimes the companies themselves have their own Amazon stores so you know you are buying from a reliable source and not just some third party re-seller.
  5. Welcome! This is a super amazing community. I hear you on the plant part. I've been trying to keep track of the plants I purchase for my tanks but I think they have run away from me a bit lol. Ahh well.
  6. That's going to be so amazing. Someday I'd love a large tank with a good school of congo's in there. I don't know why they aren't more popular they are absolutely stunning fish and highly underrated.
  7. It's really best to remove it. Most of them come with rockwool in the pot which is great for short term but not the best for long term. It's inert and doesn't provide any nutritional value to the plants. If you still want it potted I've seen people make up little cloth packets with a planted substrate in it for the root ball or use tiny terra cotta pots with a plant substrate of some sort in it.
  8. I would love to keep some congo tetras. I never realized how gorgeous they are until I saw some fully grown ones in a lfs. Sadly, they do get large enough I will need a pretty good sized tank to keep them in. Someday, someday.
  9. A couple of updated photos once it's cleared a bit. I'm definitly loving this.
  10. Angels are lovely. I wouldn't be opposed to adding a couple down the road depending on what happens in the tank. I just reeeeeaaaly want those rainbowfsh. I've been in love with them since I saw them in my lfs and a little heartbroken that my original tank of 15 g wasn't quite enough,
  11. Right? It drove me mad. I was generally always over worked and understaffed so I didn't look stuff up for them. Partly because thr Walmart and Meijer were literally less than 2 miles away like really? I'd call other walgreens to chase down stock but I'm not calling other retailers. I stayed in retail for almost 20 years to the day before switching to a credit union. Odd change but its ever so much better than retail retail.
  12. Every retail establishment has their thing. I used to work at Walgreens and people would come in and ask me how much something cost at Meijer or if Walmart carried such and such.... Well I just don't know that as I'm not an employee at either location lol. Some people were rude and a lot were just... surprised when I couldn't quote prices from another store.
  13. True that. I have a tank that has what normally are pretty peaceful fish but one of mine is a secret bully. I know it's one of the males that goes crazy when the females are carrying eggs, but I can't pinpoint which one. I guess that one is just going to be a species tank instead of a small community.
  14. I love your tank! Mine started out a bit sparse and more simple. Then I kept shoving plants in left and right. Now there are a lot of plants. I went the smart and cheaper route with my most recent tank. Minimal hardscape since I knew it would become a plant pile in short order.
  15. Your tanks look absolutely fabulous. I love watching how mine fill in and mature and change.
  16. It sounds like you just have a bully that won't share his space with others. Maybe try something like cory cats that stay more bottom middle? Maybe if it's something he might not view as food or competition for food he will tolerate them.
  17. I think that could work depending on your filtration. I'm working on setting up a 30g and my plan is similar to yours minus the pleco. That's the only thing I'm unsure of since I know some plecos can get to a pretty decent size. If you aren't dead set on that I might look at something else or leave it off entirely and get another couple corys.
  18. I am so excited I can't wait to share. Ive been sitting on this 30g acrylic tank I snagged off marketplace. The end of the year has been hard for me with everything going on. Work is hard. People are over it and I get it. So am I. This week I finally decided it was time to get moving on the tank. I got the hardscape in and organized all th4 hardware. I am running and oase thermo 100. I have an aquarium coop sponge and airstone as well in the corner for a little extra as well as a backup filter if I lose power (happens rather a lot around here). Mom wanted to take a mother daughter trip to the fish store and it was a lot of fun! She might not be too interested in the fish, but she had a good time using her gardeners eye and picking out plants and visualizing how they would go in. To my surprise she came down and pointed out where she saw stuff going while I did thr planting. I got the canister hooked up and running and now its just a waiting game. Planed stocking are some blue eyed rainbows (havent settled on thr exact variety as of yet) slme threadfins and a school of corys. The pictures aren't the best because the tank is still cloudy but I was too excited to wait to share.
  19. That is so clever! I love how it gives the look of a ton of rocks but it really isn't.
  20. Hello and welcome! It's hard to tell from the photo, but I don't think it's too much flor for your betta. As long as he is being pushed around the tank or look like he's fighting to swim from one area to another he's probably doing ok.
  21. Hello from Michigan, USA and welcome! This is a very friendly and informative forum. You will absolutely love it here!
  22. I would probably go with the flame tetra myself. I think they'd make a lovely splash of color and compliment the other colors in the tank. I tend to go for a lot of color and movement though so that is definitely my personal preference. I guess part of my unconscious thought processes that just hit me is I'd want to leave the angelfish as kinda the big main feature fish and not get anything that could complete for the job of focal point.
  23. I'm so glad they are showing signs of improving. They really are amazing ans fun little fish. I am enjoying mine quite a lot. They definitly have very distinctive personalities.
  24. That's really neat. I might try something like that with a rouge container that no longer has a lid.
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