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Everything posted by Alesha

  1. It's been a while since I did a terrarium, but I think I found the dishes at Hobby Lobby or Michael's. Also, I imagine any established thrift store would have some fascinating glassware to choose from. HTH.
  2. Ooooo...can't wait to see that, @Daniel. The video of the observation hive was absolutely mesmerizing!
  3. Any size guppy will eventually mate, as long as there are males and females. Even with a tank that size, you only want to start with a FEW. In less than a year's time, I had 14 guppies turn into 500+. That is not an exaggeration: when we moved them from one tank to another, we counted every one! 😲 Good luck! 👍😀
  4. I use a wheelchair to sit at my desk (long story🙄😏), but I use it to roll between tanks, to sit and gaze. So much to learn as we sit quietly. 🙂
  5. A recently-trimmed crinum offers a yummy snack for ram's horn snails, while an assassin snail keeps an eye on his dinner. 🐌🐌🐌
  6. I briefly had one. We named him Guido. 😄 Unfortunately, he didn't last long in our tank. I think there was not enough for him to eat in the tank & when I fed, the guppies got every last bite. Water-piggies! I feel really bad about losing him. After my STT (seasoned tank time) is more established, Idk like to try again. Do you have any tips or tricks? I guess if Henri bred in your tank, he must be a pretty happy fella.😍
  7. UPDATE: Soooo much clearer today! And nitrites falling daily, too. The hornwort, pothos & no feeding must've been the triple-threat needed. Thanks, everyone!
  8. Ohhhhh, @RovingGinger, that is incredibly accurate! 🤣
  9. Ok, @Cory. Will do. Thanks for the additional step. Of course, it will kill me not to feed my babies, but I can do it if it will save them some pain in the end.👍
  10. If you've missed my saga up to this point, here are the details: I needed to treat my tank with Levamisole last month to try to save my guppies. The treatment seemed to have worked, however, it killed the cycle of my 55 gallon tank. We've been doing water changed quite frequently, just to keep the ammonia, and then the nitrites, within tolerable ranges, for the sake of the guppies. The tank still looks like this: So I'm racking my brain to do anything possible to help the balance fall into place. We added a sponge filter already seeded from another tank, and hornwort just last week. Today, I worked on the following project. I took these 2-inch hydroponic cups and cut the bottom out. I added small rooted groups of pothos into each cup and held them in place with the rockwool. I made sure the roots came through the bottom of the cups. I still had a gap in the back of the glass lid from where I removed the HOB. Four of these cups fit perfectly in the opening. And the roots all dropped right down into the water. I really, really hope these roots will help pull some of the nitrates out and help this tank get back to normal! I had 3 pieces of the pothos left, so I submerged them in a couple of my other tanks. I'm interested to see if I can get it to grow there. So, that's what I did today. Any other ideas that I could try to help hurry this cycle along? Alesha
  11. Which are ok for aquarium decor? How about bisque (unglazed porcelain)? I've been looking for aquarium decor, but I want something a little different. How do I know what is tank safe?
  12. I predict that I will have NO "reactions" to any forum topics on Fridays because I will be using them all up on this thread! ❤❤❤
  13. @Wisnasky-tank, I'm in Florida.
  14. I see 300-gallon tanks on my FB Marketplace quite often. You might want to check that out. And check it a few times a week, as it's constantly changing. HTH.
  15. Ahhhh...that is SO awesome! You've offered a few moments of peace to someone's hectic day at work. That is an incredible gift. So glad your hobby spilled over! 🙂 And endlers would be awesome in there. I had one male and 2 females in this tank before I got the new fish. (At least, I think they were endlers, but my guppies and endlers are so mixed up that I don't know. I only bought guppies last year, but one of my females gave birth to endlers. I didn't even know what they were. Had to look them up and now they are alllll mixed up.) But the male endlers are so amazingly colorful that you can usually tell them apart from the rest. And he looked great in this tank!
  16. @Lynze, it looks wonderful!!! I just love the look after the plants have taken off...it looks super lush! What kind of substrate did you use? Are you pleased with it? I actually have a 2nd one of these. The first one I'm using as a QT for the 3 SAEs and 13 green tiger barbs I got last week. But the second one I plan to plant, much as you did. I'm still deciding what I want to go in there. I'll be eager to hear how the shrimp do when you add them. Thanks for the update!!!
  17. @RovingGinger the tanks look great! Those retro ones were such a great find. It will be fun to see what you do in each of them. I've never had yoyo loaches, but I know my pygmy chains are pretty fast too!
  18. Thanks! That's what I did and what I was hoping would happen. 🙂 I really appreciate your help today.
  19. Your solution was both brilliant and elegant.👌 I edited my post above. You can see my pic. Yep... it was the gooseneck that was facing the wrong direction. The light pointed up. I could have taken off the nut & repositioned, but I just twisted it around. It doesn't sit perfectly straight, but close enough that it doesn't bother me. Thanks again for the recommendation. It lights my new Green Tiger Barbs up beautifully!
  20. The excitement is palpable! 🥳 Hope y'all have a great weekend doing all. the. things. at the new place
  21. Hey, Mr. @Bill Smith, do you have a pic of your Nicrew Nicrewon this tank. I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to clamp it on & still have the back plastic piece in place. 😁 Thank you! EDITED to add: I think I've got it now. My light was just turned the wrong way on the clamp. Just twisted it around... works just fine now.
  22. I am so incredibly pleased with these little fish. They are just gorgeous!
  23. We are picking up a dozen Green Tiger Barbs tomorrow! I am super stoked!!! They will be going into a QT, by themselves. It is a 5-gallon bare-bottom tank, with multiple plants. I'll be adding hornwort to it, as well. I'll also be dosing with the Med Trio right away. (After the Great Levamisole Parasite Cleanse of 2020 that completely crashed my 55-gal tank, I'm not taking aaaaany chances!) Can't wait to get them and just thought I'd share the news!
  24. Awww...he's a real cutie!!! I'd love to see one in person too. Congrats!
  25. Yeah...that too. But I know "easier" isn't always "better". I just don't always have the energy for it some days. But that's ok...you guys kept on in my absence. If you need to take a break, I'll try to bridge the gap. (As far as my limited knowledge will allow, any way.😉)
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