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Everything posted by Irene

  1. Congrats on the new shoots! My lily took sprouted leaves first. As long as the shoots aren't covered in the substrate, you should be fine. In fact, at this point you can push down the bulb into the substrate a little bit to make sure it doesn't get bumped and cover the shoots accidentally.
  2. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with shellies, but I've heard that Cory owns shelldwellers.com. Have you tried looking at that forum? ShellDwellers.com - Index WWW.SHELLDWELLERS.COM ShellDwellers.com - Index
  3. Cool setup! Sorry, I don't have much experience with UV sterilizers, but I like the Green Killing Machine sterilizer that I got off Amazon. Just had to constantly clean that little blue prefilter sponge or else it stopped working as well.
  4. I don't know about hot temperatures, but I've heard that a lot of African plants like hard water, like anubias, bolbitis, and crinum calamistratum.
  5. Nice! Hope your mystery snail gets nice and huge. 🙂
  6. Cuuute! I had a leucistic GFP axolotl back in the day. Best of luck with your new pet!
  7. For sure! Best of luck to you. The tank balancing process can be frustrating but it's totally worth it.
  8. Lol, thanks for watching! Looking forward to seeing the unique mix you get from the pairing. Congrats again! 🎉
  9. I've used API CO2 Booster as an algaecide, but I used a pipette to apply it as spot treatment. Just turn off your filter, squirt the algaecide directly on the plant's leaf (approximately 1 ml), wait 5 minutes, and then turn on the filter again. In about 4 days, the algae started changing colors and dying. If the plant doesn't seem adversely affected by the spot treatment, then you can treat a few more leaves each week. (Some plants are highly sensitive to liquid carbon, so might help to do some online research first.)
  10. How adorable! I wonder what colors they'll end up being.
  11. Woah, cool experiment! Looking forward to what you discover. Cory did some experiments with this very thing, but I forgot what concentration he ended up settling on.
  12. How cool! I heard that honeybee populations were mysteriously declining in the US... did they ever figure out why and find out how to stop it?
  13. Cool thread idea, @Bay Area Aquatics! I'm the content strategist and blog writer for Aquarium Co-Op. I used to make marketing content for engineering companies, and now I get to do it for freshwater aquariums, so this is like my dream job. 😁 You can read my profile (and other people's profiles) on the Aquarium Co-Op Meet the Team page: Meet the Team | Aquarium Co-Op | Freshwater Fish, Supplies, and Plants WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Aquarium Co-Op’s strength is our community of staff and customers. Our team consists of experienced hobbyists to bring you the best information & service.
  14. Gorgeous species! Thanks for sharing the video. I'm hoping to breed some apistos myself soon once they're done with quarantine, so now I'm inspired. 🙂
  15. @Daniel Ah, I didn't even notice! Great catch. 🏝🏝🏝
  16. Wow, it looks gorgeous! I love the double island look. I'm not an expert aquascaper by any means, so to me, it looks great. My only suggestion might be to add a background to hide any cords or airline tubing.
  17. Sorry to hear about all your troubles! I bet the neon tetras probably brought the disease in. From the symptoms that you describe, my first guess would be that it's some kind of fast-acting bacterial infection like columnaris. Some fish may be too far gone to save, but I would complete the erythromycin treatment. If the erythromycin doesn't work, you could try using a strong concentration to salt to treat them in a separate hospital tank. (Salt is bad for live plants, so don't put salt in your main tank if it has plants.) 1) Here is an article on how to treat sick fish (and how to quarantine any new fish to prevent diseases from spreading): How to Treat Sick Aquarium Fish (Even If You’re Not Sure What’s Wrong) WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Treating sick aquarium fish can be difficult, especially if you’re new to the hobby or have never seen this disease before. Based on years of experience helping customers at our fish store and online, here are the step-by-step... 2) Here is an article on how to use aquarium salt to treat diseases: Aquarium Salt: When and How to Use It Properly WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Should aquarium salt be used in freshwater tanks? Some people recommend dosing it all the time to provide fish with essential electrolytes while others say it’s mostly used for treating diseases. After years of testing with... Hope it helps, and let us know what happens.
  18. Nice! What'd you order and where do you plan on planting them?
  19. Oh interesting, I actually don't know since I haven't had any LEDs burn out yet. Copying @Candi to see if she knows.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions! I know we've tried the first suggestion before, but people didn't use the feature for some reason. Tagging @Cory in case he gets a chance to see this post.
  21. Welcome to the forum! Love all the aquarium pictures. Hehe, your turtle looks adorable.
  22. Hmm, if erythromycin didn't work, it could be that the original stress factor that caused the fin rot is still present. Is the filter flow too strong? Is there a sharp decoration somewhere? Is there another tank mate in the aquarium that the betta is constantly chasing? Is the betta constantly flaring at her own reflection? Time to put on your detective hat and see if you can spot anything... 🔎
  23. @MoRia Oh cool, I had no idea! Will definitely search that right now.
  24. Yes, my CPDs were constantly chasing and circling each other. They also nipped each other's fins regularly, but it never seemed to affect their health or appetite. I believe it was just normal danio behavior, which I talk about in this video. CPD with nipped tail
  25. Have a happy Halloween yourself! Hope to see some of y'all on Cory's Halloween live stream. 🎃
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