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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Just one more thing under gravel filtration offers much more surface area for biological filtration than a sponge. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
  2. @Karen B.if you’re concerned about the loaches living with crayfish Ottos will have the same issues. Since your main fish likes cooler temps I would go with snails or maybe some smaller livebearers to help control algae. The other thing you need to look at is why do you have algae growing so fast. You may want to reduce the length of time the lights are on and how much you feed the fish as too much uneaten food will reek havoc on your water parameters and algae will take advantage of the situation.
  3. The short answer is yes you will. Sponge filters are great biological filters but not so much on the mechanical filtration so there’s still going to be stuff in the gravel. So you’re going to have to do tank maintenance regardless of the type of filtration you use.
  4. Put a new igniter on the grill and water changes in all the tanks.
  5. @JeremyAllen You’ll find that tank raised Apistogramma are much more tolerant of higher pH and hardness.
  6. I have a school of 8 Panda Corys in a 40. Everything else looks good
  7. Soak it for a few days then change the water and repeat. That should take care of most of the tannins. Once in the tank water changes will take care of the rest. Just remember Discus come from water loaded with tannins so they won't complain about the water being a little tea colored.
  8. Your water is pretty close to neutral you’ll be fine. If you want to reduce the pH a little more put some drift wood in. You can put 5-6 Discus in a 75 depending on size.
  9. Gotta give the Boss the business every once in a while.
  10. German Blue Rams. They’ll be doing great eating well, spawning, and being little Napoleons then you find them dead. I have no problems with any other dwarf cichlids.
  11. @DanielI was going to make that point! You read my mind.
  12. @IreneYou won’t be disappointed. They’ve got lots of personality in those little bodies. I’m glad you enjoyed the video.
  13. The Yellow Rafflessia left it’s former mate for the Red Heckel cross that I put in the tank this past Tuesday.
  14. Many fish succumb to disease caused by stress. The stress can be aggression from tank mates or it be from the environment in the tank. The stress weakens the immune system and once that happens you’ve got sick fish.
  15. 20 gallon long, Filtration sponge, & Penguin 175 Pro, Temperature 78-82F with Inkbird controller.
  16. I run 1 of the double sponge filters and a Penguin 275 Pro on my 29. The water is extremely clear.
  17. I've used Prime with Super Ich Cure and Ich X with no problems.
  18. Can you keep a single discus? Yes but the Discus probably won’t like it. Discus kept as a single tend to be very shy and stick to protected areas. When there are multiple Discus (at least 3) the behavior changes and you have fish that use the whole tank and become very interested in what you’re doing.
  19. Just checked with my local Petco and they have no tanks in stock.
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