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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Fluval 207 external canister would be good for a 40gallon
  2. If it is columnaris do 50%water change and start treating with kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan
  3. It look like a nasty bacterial infection I would start treatment with maracyn and salt 1table spoon for 2gallon you might have do two courses of maracyn if you see no improvement with maracyn try maracyn2 one treats gram positive and treats gram negative bacterial infection
  4. Have you go better picture is it the white patch just befor tail on female guppys
  5. Colu

    Sick Blue Betta

    It could be a bacterial infection I would treat with salt 1table spoon for 2 gallons for 5 day if no improvement I would try maracyn
  6. Try 8 hours a day to see if that has an affect or put some algae eating snails and fish in your tank
  7. It difficult to tell what is going on from the pictures
  8. It could have rub some scales off on something in the tank use aquarium salt and monitor if it get worse treat with maracyn
  9. I have only used aquarium salt not sure on Epson salt
  10. My X ray and Columbian blue tetra love hikari micro pellets and hikrai micro wafers
  11. It could have just have injured it self try put some aquarium salt in tank
  12. I would have a group of about 10 but depends on how many other fish your puting in tank
  13. Gold fish will any small fish that will fit in there mouths
  14. I do not think it milesi has black spotted body not black lines it looks like chaetostoma sovichthys
  15. Gold fish need a lot space I have one 12in common goldfish with 2dojo loach in a 65gallon very messy fish
  16. I have only keeped Cory's on sand substrate and had no problems
  17. It covers all bases because you could have gram positive or gram negative bacterial infection
  18. You can use maracyn and maracyn2 to together for hard to treat infection
  19. I have use it to treat Popeye in my tetra and it worked for me
  20. Report any issue to humane society or rspca they will inspect and hopefully it will improve
  21. Colu

    Dropsy in bettas

    Dropys is caused by a number of things such as polystic kidney disease organ failure internal bacterial infections the most effective treatment I have found is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons the salt will help reduce the fluid buildup and metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks as that treats aeromonas that can cause some of the symptoms you see with Dropys and dose the tank with kanaplex that will treat any possible bacterial infection and it's a good antibiotic treatment kidney infection
  22. I would rehome clown loach and angel fish and gourami's and I would keep Cory's and Otto and black neon tetras
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