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Everything posted by FishyJames

  1. I would use excel but I hear jungle Val reacts poorly. Maybe I will get a few otocinclus. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. I currently have jungle Val, Amazon swords and an octopus plant.
  3. Water is hard. I don’t know kh. I don’t know what the ph drop is. Does harder water help algae grow?
  4. I have tried everything in my planted tanks but always end up with algae. I have a fluval 3.0 and have tried low, medium and high light, C02, no C02, fertilizer (low medium and heavy) and have good water quality….. All. I have to say is you people that have the algae free planted tanks are geniuses.
  5. A small clip fan blowing across the surface will help.
  6. I feed these same sinking wafers. Cory's love them.
  7. My albino corys are constantly feeling around for food. They swim right past obvious food as if they are blind. Does anybody know? I have a total of 15 and they all act the same.
  8. Thanks, I suspected that but wasn’t sure.
  9. Someone locally is selling Salvinia Minima floating plants. Do any of you have experience with this plant?
  10. Placing purigen after the filter has worked for me.
  11. I have 10 black neons in my 55. Just love them.
  12. 1 top 10 lists 2 store warehouse tours 3 Dean's fish room tour 4 Peru footage 5 live streams
  13. I can't pick just 5. I liked all the videos mentioned above. I just want more. Sorry I couldn't be more specific
  14. Great find. The last time I tore down a tank I found 3 kuhli loaches.
  15. 55 gallon for me because I'm in an apartment and will probably move within a year. If I was in a stable living arrangement, I would go with a 75.
  16. Put some food in Monday-Sunday pill holder and get a friend to feed them. This makes it so your fish get the proper amounts of food. I hope your mom is ok, best wishes.
  17. Just test your water and do a water change if necessary. You should be fine.
  18. My order was a little slow, but it was usps delay. Coop did everything right.
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