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Everything posted by FishyJames

  1. If your air pump is placed below the water line than you should use a check valve. Its made so your water doesn't back up and create a siphon emptying your tank in case of a power outage.
  2. When replying to a post, in the bottom left hand corner is a "Add Files" button. When I click it nothing happens. I use an android device, is anyone else having this issue? I see many photos being uploaded so I know its working for some... PS This button was working last week.
  3. I would like test strips that show all nutrient levels for a planted tank.
  4. Looks like he may be stuck on his back. Flip him over and see if he recovers. I had a nerite do this last week and I turned him over and all was well for a couple of days until I found him upside down again. This time, unfortunately, he passed on to a better place....
  5. The first time my platty's had baby's. Nature is incredible.
  6. Fyi, When soaking in buffer even more color came out turning the water into tea. The purigen didn't return to original color, I'm thinking the dollar store bleach didn't do its job. Next time I'm going to use a new jug of clorox.
  7. Apartment living has me limited to fishkeeping. I'm both a dog and cat lover and will have at least 2 cats and 1 dog once I'm established in a more permanent place. I'm betting people that keep fish have more other pets than the average person. What other pets do you have?
  8. Poor guy. I think the advice about antibiotics is good advise along with placing him/her in a quarantine tank for less stress. Best of luck.
  9. Nice. I may have to get some shrimp, not just for algae, they are fun to watch.
  10. I found this on an different forum.. As I understand it, from reading Seachem's support forums, they initially added the suggestion to buffer after some tanks experienced pH spikes (high pH) with regenerated Purigen...However, they later found that the actual culprit was the chlorine in common bleach products had increased. After increasing the suggested dose of prime, the pH buffering wasn't really necessary anymore.. That said, they still keep the suggestion around, and it is probably a good idea if you are using very low KH water that can be easily swayed..
  11. Physics was too long ago to remember how to calculate this. I would just experiment with a five gallon bucket until you have it dialed in. 45 degree tap water is cold!!
  12. No experience, but getting ready to soak mine in buffer now. I'm hoping the directions are safe.
  13. I used undergravel filters for years...nice clear water. Good luck. I cycled it by borrowing a cycled sponge filter from a friend for a few weeks.
  14. I use eco complete with good results. Getting short rooting plants can be difficult because eco complete is fairly coarse. Maybe mixing eco complete with a finer substate could of helped.
  15. My 55 gallon doesn't have a lid. I lose about 1 fish a year due to jumping. I lose about 1/2 gallon of evaporation each day.
  16. I'm going to get a couple circulation pumps, air pump and a fine bubble disk diffuser. What are you getting for yourself?
  17. Have any of you used a algae control like Fritz Algae Clean Out? I noticed co-op doesn't sell anything like this....maybe for a reason....??
  18. If installed after the water softener the filters will last longer.
  19. I have a 55 gallon planted tank. I have 6 albino Cory's and 2 emerald Cory's, 8 black tetras, 4 platty's, 6 guppies and a large piece of driftwood. The last 2 bristlenose lasted about 2 weeks. Water checks good per the api test and all fish are doing well. I fed the pleco algae wafers and he hung out on the driftwood most of the time. My fish have not been quarantined, are plecos more susceptible to internal parasites?
  20. I would go with the sand over the pebbles. That way the roots of plants are in the pebbles. The sand will eventually settle down into the pebbles leaving a unique look. My opinion Jim
  21. I'm going to clean mine tomorrow for the first time in months. I know what you mean, once going, it turns into fun....it's the initial motivation that kicks my fanny.
  22. I have not had luck with bristlenose plecos. I'm looking for another breed that stays under 6 inches that is hardy. What type best fits these traits?
  23. I use it during water changes to spray down the algae on glass before wiping it down so any algae is dead if it makes it into the water column. How many of you use hydrogen peroxide in your tank?
  24. Suggestions for an air stone/disk that provides very fine bubbles?
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