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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Also as a side note, the stand you can build will have a ton of room inside of it as opposed to not being able to get a 10 gallon inside this stand as stated by @AquaAggie
  2. Personally I wouldn’t purchase this aquarium for a few reasons. 1- The stand is MDF and not going to be very secure once it touches water, which definitely will happen. 2- I prefer a 75 gallon over a 60. 3- The lights it comes with aren’t very good. 4- For $200, I would purchase a 75 gallon during $1/gallon sale for $105, then for another $30 I would build a stand using 2x4’s, and lastly $60 for a stingray 2 for a grand total of $195, and you will have an extremely sturdy stand, larger aquarium, with a light that will grow most low-medium light plants. I am aware that some people don’t have the space, tools, or skill to build a stand, but if you search the YouTube’s, you will see that it is a pretty basic thing to do. Thank you and good luck to you!
  3. That’s just your Java Fern making babies, the brown are roots.
  4. Personally, I only purchase 75 gallon aquariums or larger. I own my home and have plenty of room (3100 sq ft, 6 bedroom). I prefer having larger over smaller. I’ve had 20’s and 40’s before, however I’m mainly a rainbow fish guy so anything under 48” is only adequate for the pseudomogil’s or rhad’s. I think the 40 gallon breeder is an excellent sized aquarium and if I still lived in my apartment in the Bronx, then I’d probably have a ton of those. I also have (3) 150 gallon stock tanks and they are the easiest to maintain out of all my aquariums.
  5. I’m in Florida and I set mine up with a ton of water lettuce and hornwort. Everything seems perfect. This was probably one of the more rewarding projects because it has a direct connection to nature. Good luck!
  6. Most critics are not experts.

    And most experts are not critics. 

  7. In my experience, they will be fine. I literally just dosed the med trio on a few of my aquariums with fish, plants, shrimp, snails, and everything came out the other side looking better than before. Although you can always pull the betta out and put it in a quarantine. Either way will work.
  8. I was never a quarantine person until it happened to me. The naked eye can only see so much. You may have been lucky til this point, but it’s just a matter of time before something pops up. I’ve been seriously into aquariums for about 6 years or so and had my first incident just this year. After losing a ton of money in fish (which came from an extremely high quality source), it became time to quarantine everything before things spread. I had to medicate and quarantine everything in their aquariums. This isn’t ideal because ich-x will turn your silicone blue. It’s much easier to set up a 20 gallon ($1 per gallon sale), and use it to quarantine everything. Also keep in mind that different fish have different levels of hardiness. For example, an Oscar may never get sick without quarantine, however those CPD’s or Fancy Goldfish are a completely different story. Unfortunately there is no way around this. If there was, no one would quarantine. Good luck to you.
  9. @Samanthabea Go to the Aquarium Coop online store and purchase the med trio. Included is Ich-X, this will be the last ich medication you will need. It’s been tested and proven a ton. Also go to the Coop’s YouTube page, look up med trio, and have Cory guide you as to quarantining fish, etc. Good luck!
  10. @GoYankees10 Yea, that would be my best guess. Maybe there is something wrong with the air pump? Good luck
  11. @GoYankees10 I do not currently own any, however I have in the past. Did you try cleaning the sponge? It may be clogged.
  12. Hello all, For the past week or so, I’ve noticed that my Boesmani Lake Aytinjo Rainbows and the Odessa Barbs are schooling together. At times, it’s more like shoaling, yet there is absolute schooling behavior being observed. Anyone ever notice something like this. My guess is everyone is happy and getting along. For reference, there are 18 Boesmani and 10 Odessa’s in a heavily planted 75 gallon. Thank you kindly, stay safe and healthy
  13. @Killie_fish_guy_662 Down here in Florida, I get this all over all my tubing. I believe it to either be hard water stains or biofilm buildup. Either way, it’s harmless. Good luck!
  14. As far as I know, the salt at a high enough salinity, will kill everything anyways, I’d give it a good cleaning and start over, but I wouldn’t worry about diseases carrying over. I am not a disease expert by any means, so take this with a grain of salt. Thank you and good luck
  15. @natnhat As stated above, it seems like the sponge filter is too fine and unnecessarily oversized. It’s not that there is too much filtration, it’s more like you absolutely will not need that amount of filtration, especially with the aid of plants. I would return that sponge filter to Amazon before the return window closes. Then go purchase the Aquarium Coop large sponge filter, add an air stone, and you’re good to go. If you want to shell out a bit more money, I’d invest in some easy plants. This way you get the benefit of nature’s best filter, without making the center piece of the aquarium your sponge filter. Bigger is not always better. Good luck dude.
  16. @FrostiesFishes @Deku-Corydoras I also understood it this way, I was just double checking before having to fish out a dozen laser beams from a fully planted and scaped aquarium. Thank you kindly, Manny
  17. What if I pose the question differently, what rainbow fish are reproductively compatible? Thank you kindly
  18. Hello everyone, I am in the midst of planning my next aquarium. I already have 12 Chilatherina Alleni ‘Wapoga’ grow outs in a 40 breeder. I also have 11 Rhadinocentrus Ornatus ‘Searys Creek’ grow outs in a separate 40. I’m planning on purchasing a 75 within 30-60 days for the Alleni. Question is, can I mix in the Rhad’s or is there a hybridization risk? Thank you kindly, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Manny
  19. @Lifeisgoodyes my research found the same. Apparently, the wen even grows so large that eventually it may have to be trimmed for the sake of the fish’s vision.
  20. @Will BillyThank you for the kind words dude. Honestly, I am married to my best friend and although she technically doesn’t care for an aquarium, she is absolutely engulfed in the hobby. 5x per week we drive to work together listening to Cory’s livestreams. She’s a soldier to say the least. Thanks again dude, much appreciated
  21. @Rosannei agree with @H.K.Luterman I understand the notion of wanting it now, however it is best to set up and leave alone if you have the option. Personally I’d use the time to research the fish, plants, and scape. Good luck and stay safe!
  22. Hello again, the coop shipped my meds out within the hour of ordering, however it took about 10 days to get here. Fortunately, the goldfish are doing ok. I’ve quarantined all of them in a 150 stock tank. Here are some photos of the troop. Thank you kindly and hopefully this works.
  23. 3 of my favorites, short tail red/white ryukin, long fin calico ryukin, and my Apache Thai Oranda, however I do love all my goldfish. The only one I don’t have yet that I’m in love with is the panda telescope.
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