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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. As a general standard community flake, I feed the majority of my aquariums Xtreme Krill Flakes. Everyone devours it and they don’t seem to get as excited about any other food. I also feed bug bites and Sera O nip tabs (strictly for sentimental purposes because these new ones definitely don’t do what the old ones did). And of course, BBS…
  2. @AllFishNoBrakes Thank you and I guess, technically, we’re amateur scientists first and pet keepers second.
  3. @Herefishie We all have a lot to learn, it all depends on subject matter. See everything as an experiment and you can’t go wrong. Don’t be discouraged by being discouraged, it’s too easy. This isn’t the easiest path, however if mixing science, art, and a love for life in general, is your thing, then you just entered a rabbit hole of wonder, curiosity, and fascination. Welcome, enjoy the path, and good luck to you. You’re in the right place. 😎
  4. @CJs Aquatics It doesn’t really matter, a little bit of baking soda goes a long way. Besides, as long as you’re rinsing afterwards, it really won’t matter. I’d probably use a scrub brush with a handle so you can really get into those nooks and crannies.
  5. Water and baking soda, scrub it down. The trick is thoroughly rinsing afterwards. Good luck
  6. @MichaelL710 It could definitely work in a 75 gallon. With the money you save by not getting a 90, be sure to use it for adequate filtration. Good luck
  7. This has happened to me a few times with every carrier. It’s insanely frustrating, ironically if I treated my job the same way these carriers treat their jobs, I’d be unemployed. Thankfully it always worked out and have only lost 2 fish in 7 years. Hopefully yours turns out the same, if not Aquahuna DOA policy is insurance to lower your stress a bit. Good luck
  8. I am 43 this November and My first tank was at around the age of 10. I’ve kept them throughout the years, only selling off my whole collection 3 times in order to simplify a move across the country. Unless something goes really wrong, I’d expect there to be an aquarium in viewing shot of my death bed.
  9. Schooling Oscars that max out at 3”. All the behaviors are the same except these also school.
  10. @TheSwissAquarist That would depend on what they have in stock. I can tell you that in order for me to purchase at the coop and then ship it to myself, it would have to be something special.
  11. @PineSong I am about 3 hours away from the South Florida farms and I’ve been to quite a few of them. There is only 1 I’d recommend as the others have been ransacked and were basically empty every time I went. As for Ocean Aquarium, that and aquarium coop are the bucket list places to visit in this country. I was hoping people in Georgia, Louisiana, Texas would chime in.
  12. @Patrick_G Seattle isn’t an option. I live in Florida and asked for something within a weeks driving distance.
  13. @billango noted. I do have 2 fish clubs that I attend, however I’m still missing that feeling of not knowing what you’d like to add to your aquariums, however am confident that no matter what you end up with, it’ll be really cool. I wish Aquarium Coop was drivable but it may as well be a million miles away.
  14. Hello all, I live in Parrish, FL. As far as freshwater aquarium stores, they’re basically non existent. I have 1 local store which is pretty well stocked. I also have a ton of farms (I tend to prefer buying quality stock, so this can be difficult at times. You also do not have the luxury of seeing the species in an aquarium.) I moved here 2 years ago from NYC. The freshwater aquarium stores in NYC, specifically Queens had spoiled me rotten. I have since become an online fish shopper which has tons of benefits. With the amount of research I do, it’s safe to say that the only down side eventually became that I miss the brick and mortar experience. Question is, what pockets of America do you find the largest saturation of freshwater aquarium stores? We have a week long vacation and I’d like to plan around this very question. Stipulation is I’d have to be within 1 weeks driving distance back and forth. It would be very convenient for this to be in Georgia or Louisiana, but alls I know is, it definitely isn’t Florida. (I am aware of a few store in the state, but they are extremely few and far in between). Please help me plan our vacation. 😎 Thank you kindly.
  15. I don’t believe bamboo shrimp will do anything to the algae other than lay on it if it’s near the water current.
  16. @Golden Rams Hypothetically, if I ever had to dwindle down to 1 aquarium, I’d keep Multies. They are extremely entertaining. I kept them years ago in a 75, however currently I have a colony in a 40B. They have a way of keeping your attention that is pretty remarkable. You may have heard @Cory say that watching them transport a Malaysian Trumpet Snail to a different side of the aquarium makes it look like they’re playing the trumpet. I’ve seen it a bunch of times and that’s why it’s called the jazz tank. Love, love, love this species. Good luck to you and enjoy the heck out of them.
  17. I’d say a dozen seems about right. Is the tank planted? If so, it’ll be fairly easy to keep 12 or so with a BN pleco. PS you’re going to love White Clouds, they may be the most underrated fish in the hobby. Maybe. Enjoy. I just reread and since it will be planted, you will be fine, enjoy.
  18. I’ve got a 40B with a colony of multies. IMHO, you can’t go wrong with multies. I also have a cycled, empty, planted 40B that is slowly figuring itself out. This may sound weird, but I let the aquarium tell me what fish to buy. I have a general idea of what fish I love, I’ll set the aquarium up and just watch it. After a few weeks, I’ve usually narrowed it down to 1 or 2 species. It doesn’t work 100% of the time, however the 8 out of 10 times it does work, it is truly pure zen. Hope this helps and isn’t too vague. Good luck
  19. If my wife can use them in a home with tarantulas and aquariums, I’d venture to say you’re fine unless you dump the contents into the aquarium.
  20. @Pepere I would never pay shipping on stone, it’s much too heavy.
  21. I sprayed my down with a hose before putting it in my aquariums. Tons of stuff breaks off, crumbles away, basically melts before your eyes. After this, I too, have never noticed any further deterioration.
  22. Rainbow fish, rainbow fish, rainbow fish, as many as you can afford. Photos online do not do them justice. Their breeding behavior is, IMO, the greatest display of all fish. Good luck
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