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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. You need a little piece of airline tubing to connect the airstone to the inside of the top filter mount:
  2. Welcome to the forum and congrats on beating the C!
  3. Keep going and you will have your Poison Ivy costume for Halloween!
  4. Daniel, if you ever need another probe holder, I like these magnetic ones, which come in two sizes: Innovative Marine AUQA Gadget CustomCradle WWW.MARINEDEPOT.COM Innovative Marine AUQA Gadget CustomCradle AUQA Gadget CustomCradle XL Introducing the...
  5. If you have hard water, tannins are good. I use wood in every tank, and the tannin color stain is natural.
  6. Thank you @Taylor Blake! The setup is improvised, but I bet we could pull off a tub setup in a different location. I had a student ask what I was working on today. He spotted shedded scales, which I had not witnessed.
  7. I will add something from my UPS experience. I tried to help out a local restaurant when they lost power from a storm. I went home and grabbed my UPS, about two blocks away. I turned it off. When I tried to turn it back on under battery-power alone, it would not start. I had to walk through a downpour to the fire department, a block away, and they let me plug in to turn it on. Then I was able to deliver the unit back to the restaurant so they could close all their tickets. TLDR: Never turn off your UPS with the power off.
  8. I am going to donate an outlet timer for the basking light. What timing should I use?
  9. I haven’t kept Rummynose Tetras, or Harlequin Rasboras, but I have the other two. However, I get the most active schooling behavior from Bloodfin Tetras. They will swim figures of eight around, over, and under the wood in my Askoll 20.
  10. I would like the option to stay logged-in, please.
  11. Thanks @Frankiethepuffer! I will go pull out some more water. Edit: Done.
  12. This is a terrible picture, but this is the first time that I have spotted my Killifish together. I was busy breaking down the canister when they emerged from the plants. I'll take a better shot later. I am hoping that when I switch to sponge filters, I will get to see more of the fish in this tank.
  13. I went home for lunch, and saw a nice brown box from the Co-Op, which means the sponge filters for my 16 bow have arrived. I broke down the Eheim Classic 150 from the bowfront, and brought it and my canister safety tote to the library. I disassembled the rock pile and built a sturdier version on the other side of the tank. I setup the canister, and then did a bunch of cleaning with just a net, since we couldn't find the gravel vac. I spotted a cherry shrimp that must have come in as a baby on one of my Duckweed deliveries. I'm not sure it was moving, though. I'll have to go look again. There was a lot of mess hidden in the old rock pile, so the tank is still pretty cloudy; more work needs to be done. I knew anecdotally that turtles are dirty, but now I know firsthand. It was like breaking down an under-gravel tank. I would still appreciate any tips people have about turtle-keeping. Are there any plants that work well with turtles? Should we consider any tank-mates? It is fun being a newbie again!
  14. I have been trying to help out with a turtle tank in one of our libraries. Yesterday, I donated a hang-on-back filter that came with a recent aquarium, and raised the water level to allow it to work, as well as the height of the sunning station. I built up the rock pile so the turtle could still rest out of water. This morning, I got a panicked voicemail from the librarian that the turtle was missing. He was later found in the next door maker space, and is back in the tank. I feel terrible, but relieved that he is ok. I don't have any plans to keep turtles myself, but I would appreciate any advice for how I could help out with this tank. Here are some photos from before this recent drama. Sam has one of those large Fluval internal filters, which I also cleaned yesterday, and I am thinking of donating my Eheim Classic 150 to this tank to help with filtering. I have been bringing in Duckweed, and will probably also bring in some Salvinia. Thanks (The thumbnail is a plastic turtle that I was pranked with by a colleague after telling the story.)
  15. If you can't wade in too deep, look at the wind patterns, and there will be a shore that collects plants. Let us know what you find!
  16. These were some plants and creatures I found on the shores of Lake Champlain a couple of weeks ago. Some are not native.
  17. Congratulations! The yellow are nice because you can see them so easily, contrasting with all the green.
  18. I just placed an order, so I will report back when I get it. I have a bunch of spare AquaClear foam around, in various sizes, so I bet I already have a pair that would fit. I am such a nerd about symmetry that I had to do two window tanks, one with all the gear on the left, and another with all the gear on the right. I would be ok with asymmetrical HOBs, if they came in left-handed and right-handed varieties, so they could be installed as matching pairs. I'm the kind of person you would ask to help setup a surround sound system. Fortunately, my preferences for hardware do not apply to hardscape, or plants. That is where I enjoy the chaos, emergent growth, and surprises. I do prefer symmetrical fish.
  19. I would just be testing it for fun on something 20 gallons or smaller. I don't need it, but it looks cool, and satisfies my aesthetic standards, so I want to try it, unless I hear some bad feedback about it. I would like to see how loud it is, what kind of flow it produces, and what can be done in the media chambers.
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