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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Right now I'm trying to cycle in a different method for my new fish room. I dumped in 6 sponge filters in a bucket, which I vacuumed my overstocked tank a bit into it, also cleaned and squeezed all the AC70 sponge, floss and biomedia and as a result, created a bacteria rich poop bucket 😄 I did it this morning and without adding much it was already reading 0.5 ammonia. Added a lil bit fish food. I will see how it will cycle. I can update you regarding the procedure and my experiment if you like to try it too
  2. As I am requested to breed assasin snails by my LFS, I decided to get a small group and thought introducing them to the tub where I have many mini ramshorns might be the best idea. But... is it? I keep reading different opinions on whether they eat mini ramshorns or not. Some say adults ignore mini ramshorns due to their size, some say baby assasins may hunt them down but not adults. Some say they all do. Some say they never touch them, meanwhile someone else say they literally cleaned them all. I am very confused. What's your experience like? Should I let them do their job and expect to feed on them, or should I feed them meaty pellets/foods?
  3. My rotalas never got actually red with tropica aquasoil and high tech plant led, just no co2. I wouldn't recommend rotalas myself. The best they get is orangeish for me. I tried Rotala Vietnam H'ra Red. Hope you can have some success. For me they approximately look like this Meanwhile they should be looking like this: I can successfully keep red/orange ludwigia varieties without co2, but again with hightech light and aquasoil. Alternanthera reineckii is super easy. That's a good choice there Red goes really well with dark color bucephalandra type greens and whites imo. They are quite fragile but I believe anubias white may also look really good. I have 4 types of bucephalandra, and I can barely tell any difference 😄 Anubias white:
  4. All bottled bacteria brands are imported in my country, so in terms of price and effectiveness, they are costy for what they do. So I think market demand for them is pretty low for this reason. When I came back to hobby, I cycled my first tank with stability as I have no friends that is into fishkeeping and did not want to get media from my lfs, but for my all other tanks, I just transfer established media from my seasoned tanks/filters and cycle with it instead. I personally have only tried stability and it worked for me, however even the package says the cycling take about 6 weeks approximately but changes from one tank to another. So it does not exactly shorten the time much. But instead at least an option for those who can't access established media or can't fully trust the media they may get from a store or someone they know
  5. I personally am not sure about the decoration btw. I find longfin bettas very open to injury and even tear their tails and fins by a simple driftwood. I would only use even driftwood in my plakats tanks, which I actually do. My halfmoon male lives in planted tank with a few rocks that arent sharp and that's basically it. They really want that open space with a support of big leaf plants whenever they wanna take a nap around and that's kinda it
  6. Pellet sizes change a lot. If I feed my bettas 4-5 pellets of NLS (I don't use betta one) or Dainichi per day, gradually they would lose weight because the pellet sizes I have are 0.5mm. Meanwhile omega1 betta pellets are really inconsistent when it comes to their size. My bettas never eat the bigger sized ones. There are so many different ones that are likely falling between the sizes of 0.5-1.5mm in the pack. Ocean nutrition pellets seem pretty big too. Meanwhile, Hikari ones are quite small. I would suggest trying to create a feeding routine based on your pellet size (ideally more than one food=), and observe it's weight gain/loss based on the feeding schedule and the food you are providing. And as other friends said, overfeeding will be no help but actually bad for your betta as bettas are prone to bloating. Not feeding for a couple days is usually fine for a healthy fish. Healthy fish can do okay. I have 6 bettas and literally all of them likes the 0.5mm size and refuse anything bigger. Live bbs is being there fav snack once every two days. I have a question tho. Why is your water level so down in the tank? Even heater seems exposed to air, which may result in it exploding/breaking down. Very risky
  7. These tanks look amazing! I want those guppies for my new fishroom. Such beauties 😄 I'm looking forward to see more in the future Keep up the good work♥ Also I always wanted to have that madagascar lace plant, but I remember reading they go dormant above 25C. Have you ever faced any issues, or does your tank ever reach those temps?
  8. Seiryu stone affect kh and ph too if that's what you have
  9. Equilibrium does not affect ph and kh. Only gh. You may have a stone or something in your tank that keeps increasing ph and kh. Do you have any stones, or what's your substrate? Idk what fake rock is. Are you sure your sand is inert? Do you have any shells or cuttle bone etc? Also do you top off your water? If so, topping with tap may be leading to kh accumilating too I believe
  10. Many thanks! I use both RO water and tap water in my tanks, as I have a water softener, so I manually have to balance every tank I have. I know it is a bit of work, but it's fine. It does not bother me. My tap reads 8.0 ph, 0 gh, 20 nitrate, 20kh. My RO reads 6.0 ph, 0 gh, 0 nitrate, 0 kh. So both are playing kinda the extremes as you can see. I always remineralize my water, and balance the ratio and ph/kh based on the species. So besides it being costy, auto water change system may not really work for me. Like I will have caridinas and neocaridinas my LFS requested on the same rack.
  11. In my experience, HOB's don't restart mostly if the water level is lower than the water level of the part where the filter sucks the water in, so when the power goes out, the water level inside the hob drops until the water level of the fish tank. The problem is, from what I see most US peeps use rimmed tanks, and when hobs are placed at those rimmed tanks, they are almost always higher than the water line. So when power goes out, they struggle restarting. My HOBs, and I use 3 Aquaclears which people say it does not restart, always restarts themselves, because my HOBS are leveled to water line and I keep glass to glass tanks/rimless. So there is always a good amount of water inside the hob even power is off, so it restarts. MY hob on my old rimmed tank, did not restart too. Also +1 to this.
  12. I'm very excited as well! I have been unhappy lawyering and try want a difference in my career path. Hope this helps me to feel renewed. Probably the best idea would be focusing on the guaranteed list they buy so often in very high number, so I better setup those tanks first, and slowly expand my fishroom step by step. Im gonna try seperating 6 sponges between my seasoned tanks. After I remove them and put them on their new tank after seeded, maybe I can also squeeze filter gunk to new tanks too, and then I can put another 6 sponges and so on I can take cuttings from my tanks but yknow me, they are mostly scaped and has aquasoil. If I try to get substrate, I will end up with a mud on my hand 🤣 The only non aquasoil tank is the one with pest snails. So not willing to put them in every tank I have. Maybe I can make that one work for my assasin snail tank, as my LFS wanted me to breed lots of them I tried this squeezing method before with addition of underdosed stability and a few pieces of matrix around the hob, it still took me around 2-2.5 weeks to cycle the tank. How long does it take you this way? I feel like keeping sponges in a seasoned tank for 2.5 weeks might be a more guaranteed solution to have it seeded, and then squeeze filter gunk in the new tank around the sponge? Thank you guys btw @TOtrees @Guppysnail @Fish Folk
  13. I am probably a lil weird when it comes to this, but I find normal bubble noises better than airstone noises! That's why I either use my sponge filters without airstone, Or I use air diffusers directly instead of airstone 😄
  14. Snoopy is sad being not small enough to fit in. So she be stalking them outside
  15. Very cool! Pipefish are great but goodluck feeding them 😄 can be a lil pain
  16. Livebearers are outcompeted at this point. So many babies
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