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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Hey again! I'm glad to to hear your plans regarding the rasbora school. They will be happier for sure:) And about the kribs being worrisome. I feel you. I've always wanted to keep angels in my community tanks but even some people say they can be peaceful, I've also read and heard many stories about them being actual bullies. So I've never given them a chance sadly. As I mentioned, I've seen someone from a local aquarium forum here posting about their kribs claiming a space that approximately refers to 50x50x50 sized place in the tank, but again, experiences do differ from a person to another. I really believe every fish have their own characters besides their species behavior. Kribs spending more time at the bottom while rasboras enjoying mid-top side would help I guess. As long as you have a second backup plan, It seems worth giving a try. You will have numerous stocking options with a 120L planted tank and a rasbora school even if you decide not to go with kribs. A whole new tank is always exciting! Btw, I've found this video for you. The video is mainly about bottom dwellers, which are more likely to disturb the kribs' territory, but I thought it can be helpful as Cory gives some suggestions and talks about his own experience regarding Kribs too.
  2. @Guppysnail many thanks! 🙃 At least I can use my leaves again now. I used to drop them to my main tank but I dont want MTS population to bloom even more, so I have been avoiding it for some time. As I mentioned, my water is pretty hard like yours as well and even when I had 2 big driftwoods, alder cones and catappa leaf, I haven't seen any noticable difference on readings before too.
  3. @Guppysnail hey again! As an update, I have seen a couple of them randomly munching on the Catappa leaf I've dropped 2 weeks ago for the shrimps. Maybe that's the yummy in the tank😄. I assume it is no harm so I keep in the tank? It is only like 1/3 of a medium sized leaf piece, no difference in Ph readings over the weeks, still hard water with around 8.2 ph. The only side effect could be maybe it make them full so they dont eat the offered food much and eagerly? Hope you are having a great week!😊
  4. Congrats on your new friends, they be looking cute🙃. I keep my shrimps with a school of sterbai corys (which are considerably on the bigger sized corys). They have never posed a problem for them, at least not noticably. They are really comfy around them and spending time together usually. If I am not wrong, fanning may also be a sign of getting closer to molting time, cleaning themselves or even just chilling around. Shrimps are lil funny creatures. Even my bois do that. Once they are berried you would notice that easily(or maybe lil harder to see on blue ones, idk, I only keep orange sakuras in my tanks :D). Again, if I'm not wrong, they first molt before getting berried, but every molt doesn't mean there will be shrimps getting berried. Molting seems likely after trying to adapt a new water/environment I think. When that's the case, your males will be likely to go Yipiieeee mode around the tank. 😄 Besides my other plants, I have floating jungle of elodea in my tanks and they love it! Huge java moss, dense elodea and floating salvinia are their top 3 in my tank. Pretty sure they will love your jungle dense planting. It is def great for the shrimp, people generally avoid that for a clear and simple look purposes. I sadly cannot comment on the low temp part, but I keep mine on 26 C and they have been doing pretty good. Mentioning this as you are planning to introduce your future babies in hotter tanks maybe; I believe hotter degrees indeed cause them the have a bit shorter life span, even if hasn't seem to have any direct negative impact on their daily life. But I also believe, keeping the water parameters similar to the tanks you wanna introduce them in the future might be a better idea as shrimp, especially adults aren't the best to get used to new parameters and they are considerably sensitive creatures. Hope to see babies in the future! Cheers, P.S: sometimes shrimps may have hard time to molt when introduced into a new tank due to different water parameters or big water changes. When they have a hard time during the molting period, they may seem like they are dead on the substrate which may not actually be the case. I would advice to be careful with that and not directly think they are dead, if it happens. You may want to observe it for some time and let it be. Please ignore the info If you knew it already!
  5. Your tank looks nice! Hope your lil friends have a good life ahead. It is always a good idea to stock slowly and keep the parameters in check! But if the tank is 120L as you've mentioned, I think you can gradually increase the size of the rasbora school, as they enjoy being in a larger school. Up to you! Kribs are beautiful creatures. Would like to see updates in the future! I've heard from experiences that kribs may be quite agressive and territorial versus other creatures in the tank especially if kept in pairs and mainly during their spawning period. Maybe fish keepers with past experiences may comment on this one as I have never kept them personally. Or maybe your friend who is already breeding them may help! I've heard stories where they sadly killed their tank mates when they were spawning 😞 or even claiming most of the tank (aproximately the size referring to 50x50cm in their tank) for themselves and barely letting others in the tank to move around. I would suggest searching for more experiences in this regard. I should leave the topic fast or else I wanna start another tank. 😄 Cheers,
  6. I personally introduced my baby shrimps (orange sakuras) to my community tank which I keep at 26 C (78.8 F?) just by drip acclimating them and keeping lights off for a while until they settle. During summer time the outside temperature rises above 40 C+ here, and I haven't lost any shrimp friends even my tank water reaches 32-33 C's. Gotta mention that when they were younger and newly introduced, I barely saw any of them coming out until they are adults and feeling secure. As my tank was seasoned, they always had some sort of food source, including the catappa leaf in the tank. Also I have been feeding my pleco when the lights are off so they might've found a better chance of eating wafers. I keep them with schools of pygmy cories, sterbai cories, rummy nose tetras, a honey gourami, a borneo sucker and yellow zebra pleco with them. My fish never seem to be interested in them and they get along really well. They have always been increasing their population so def babies are surviving. I have lots of java moss with dense elodea anacharis, salvinia and duckweed floating on the top with other root plants like amazon sword, dwarf lily etc. They seem to enjoy spending time in the moss, hanging on the floating elodea and around the thick rhizomes of anubias! The more & dense plants you have, the higher survival rates would be I guess. Besides water temperature, I would highly recommend to make sure your water parameters meet their requirements. I've also tried starting a new tank with some media added from an old tank of mine, including some rocks and live plants and with dosing Seachem Stability and "seeding" the new tank by squeezing and old sponge to the new tank. I can tell that it definitely wasn't instantly cycled and took around 1.5-2 weeks to be cycled. I dont know what exactly was helpful, but it just sped up the cycling process for me compared to previous cycling experiences. Hope this helps.🙂 cheers,
  7. Thanks for letting me know! Hoping there wont be any funny smell as I have my tanks in my bedroom. Haha 😄 Also feeling welcomed already thanks to you! Have been following Aquarium coop videos for a long time, will be fun to be a part of the community here. Better late than never 😺 It is always fun to learn more from each other, especially from our previous experiences! Have a good one,
  8. @Guppysnail Thank you for your kind response and help! 😊I've just checked the pics you have shared before and your lil friends are adorable! Hope they have a healthy & amazing days ahead of them! I am used to see all my pets going after the food starting from day 1 and be piggies too 😄 When I see these rabbits nibbing fairly small and even ignoring to food at all still after 2 weeks, I was worried that I am not meeting their needs 😶 Thankfully no MTS in rabbit snail tank, love the fellas, but I cannot imagine how could I control their population considering the amount and the time period of the food I provide to my rabbits haha😄They show me a good sign that my water help their shell growth well! I have been keeping the blanched veggies/snello in the tank for 10 hours max until now to make sure not to foul the water. I will try to increase the time period as you've offered by keeping an eye on the parameters. Maybe more often small water changes until they are used to eating. I've noticed them being more active at night too! Usually the veggies I put in the tank seems to be nibbed on in the morning but in really small amounts for now. Thanks again!🐌 Cheers, P.S: I am fairly new here, I hope tagging people while responding is okay. Wouldn't like to cause any unnecessary notification or disturbance :')
  9. Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well😊. As the title says, I need some help from experienced snail keepers regarding the rabbit snail diet as my lil guys (4 Poso Orange Rabbits) seem to be not super interested in the many food options I provide. I have read so many forum posts and articles and watched so many videos about rabbit snail care and snail food requirements in general both prior to getting them and afterwards to make sure I give them the best care. But I really need opinions of you guys at this point. I have a separate rabbit snail tank for them. My water parameters actually meet their requirements, a ph of 8.2 with hard water. I keep them at 27 Celcius. And the tank is cycled for sure. I don't wanna go into details to make the post even longer to read. But in my main tank, I have 4 nerite snails and so many MTS that all have perfect shells. I have had them for almost 2 weeks now and overall they seem to be happy and are quite active. As of now, I've tried to feed them blanched collard greens, spinach, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, brussel sprouts, green beans, sweet potato and peas. We buy our stuff from the organic farmers market and keep the extra frozen food in our freezer from their original season, so all these foods are ready to be blanced any time! From all the veggies I've mentioned, they really seemed to be eating green beans and collard greens but not always as if they eat collard greens one day they don't eat it again 2 days later. For others, like pumpkin or carrot, all I can see is really small nibs taken from it over the night. I feed either once or twice a day with different food each meal. From fish food options, I've tried Hikari Algae wafers, crab cuisine, NLS Algaemax and Omega1 freshwater flakes. NLS has been nibbed a lil bit once, but others were ignored. I made 2 different snellos with the mix of the abovementioned veggies, fish food with the addition of crushed&powedered eggshell of our own chickens' egg for calcium and agar-agar as a replacement of gelatin. They do not seem interested at all even when left in the tank overnight. I have a couple shrimp with them and they seem to be more interested in the snello but not the snails :( Btw, I keep a small piece of natural cuttlebone in their tank just in case they wanna nib. I see people have their snails swarming all over the food directly so I feel worried that mine are not:( Could you guys help me or give me any suggestions regarding their diet? Am I doing anything wrong? Considering they are active and looking healthy at the end of 2 weeks, maybe the really small amount of random nibs they have on the food I provide is enough? I'm just worried that they rarely nib on blanched veggies I provide and directly ignore any fish food so they lack protein in their diet. I feed my other tanks frozen spiriluna bloodworms and brine shrimp and freeze dried tubifex worms once a week. Maybe I should give them a try? Thanks for the help in advance 🤍 🐌
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