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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. The answer to your question; they are the same species just artificially bred to have those long fins by humans, by breeding the fish that rarely has such genetics over and over again until reaching a point they look as it is now, if I am not wrong. Therefore they are likely to school together. My personal opinion: I would personally only get the" normal" version of any fish and avoid versions that are artificially bred by humans just for the look purposes where it results in bigger fins, super big tails, weird body shapes, bigger and even lop-sided eyes, and so on. We all see what goldfish industry has turned into and how some of the breeds struggle to swim, to see, or even to move at some point. And these all happen to be for the "cute" or "beautiful look". I personally dont like the idea of playing around the genetics that affect fish's body parts & quality of life in an unnatural way. This is kind of an industry, and works with a supply and demand like every other one. Long fin corys today, maybe some other features tomorrow. I don't know how much long fins effects a panda cory's quality of life, but I believe nature has the best system and there is always a reason why normal version does not have those super long fins, lop sided eyes, bigger and chunky body sizes 🙂 It is your tank and your preference at the end of the day😊
  2. I haven't kept them before but as far as I know, the larger the tank, the bigger the group size the less aggressive behavior and potential dmg there will be. They do worse and tend to become more agressive in smaller groups and small tanks. Works similar to cichlids I believe? They definitely look great. That is for sure
  3. Maybe hydras? They don't seem to have tentacle looking heads fom the pic and it is hard to see anything clearly as you have mentioned. Interesting
  4. Thank you for your kind comment! I cannot like lids somehow. Even it is a chore to top up water twice every week and limits the fish I can keep! 😄 There were versions with a lid on, I preferred this one intentionally. If I decide to give a try to jumpers/escape artists, I will def get one. Cheers,
  5. I've just come home and unpacked the tank. Didn't have time to clean it so it is dirty for now. Just wanted to share some pictures! The LED belongs to my 29 gallon which is 60 cm in length, just put it for a better lighting for the pic! I am still unsure about the placement. Subject to change! It costed me around 115 Euros, both the stand/furniture and the tank together. I thought it is a good price, but I don't have much knowledge about the market prices. here is a pic: The tank looks much clearer and bright white irl. Somehow camera make it look a lil bit weird.
  6. @Rube_Goldfish thanks for sharing the excitement! I am super excited as well!!!. Still great to share your knowledge about danios! I personally did not know much about danios, except them being hardy, fast eaters and super active. Never kept danios 🙂 Shell dwellers look cute but from what I've seen from Irene's videos, they seem to be cichlid version of guppies. Holy moly, babies everywhere in all sizes!!!After I saw Irene's shell dwellers going crazy about breeding, I'm scared to keep them forever This may sound weird, but keeping easily breeding fish makes me anxious as I've kept guppies ages ago. I'm vegan, so buying animals with money is not ideal for me meanwhile adoption is the good choice. I have all my chickens, dogs, cats and tortoises adopted. When it comes to fish, it is somehow seriously impossible to adopt fish in where I live, as everyone is more willing to sell them instead(not judging people who do that, it just isn't my thing). After having lots of self conversations, considering I have years of experience and okay amount of fish keeping knowledge, I decided to start a 29 gallon after a huge break of fish keeping. As much as I am not willing to pay for a livestock, I decided to at least provide a good care and home for species that seem to show any stress sign and being harassed by other fish in the store and very likely to die, if not saved. It always make me happy to observe the changes all the fish I've had after I got them. If I keep fish that easily breeds, it will be a hell for me to find experienced good fish keepers for all the babies I wanna rehome!! And it will cause me more stress than joy, happened before. Selling them or giving them to a lfs to be put on sale is not an option to me. When I'm there watching tanks for a long time, I see so many people entering the store to buy fish and have literally 0 knowledge about fish keeping. It would even be harder to home species like shell dwellers considering they are mostly kept as species only tank. And under no circumstances I wanna rehome my babies to people who cant be arsed to even search for fish keeping 101. It is just I don't believe most people spend enough time to give proper care or conditions for their tanks. People not caring about their animals really upset me. I love it here. You can feel how much everyone cares for their fish. I would love to hear more about Apistogrammas in the future! I love them and I see them commonly available here. 🙂
  7. Oh my- I got 20 for that price here
  8. It makes me happy to see y’all commenting. I regret signing up to the forum this late! Better late than never I bet. @Guppysnail I have been keeping nerites on my lidless tank all the time. I’ve heard people saying they can be escape artists, I have once witnessed one climbing to the inside of my HOB, I was luckily at home and directly heard the weird sound coming out of it. And it was my nerite climbed to the intake part of the hob all the way from outside!! I keep a prefilter sponge anyway. It is always good to be cautious. Def not planning to add any mysteries until I ever decide to have a lid, I agree. Better safe than sorry, it makes me anxious to not potentially give my pets the care they require. Thanks! @Rube_GoldfishI already have pygmy cories, sterbais, and a honey gourami! I love them!! I like small schooling fish but it feels pain to feed even rummy noses sometimes to me. I’m not sure how can I handle even smaller mouths😭 also always thought celestials can be kept in a much smaller tanks. Thanks for letting me know! dwarf cichlids look fun to keep and seems to have lots of character. I used to have some african cichlids when I was a kid. My only concern regarding community planted tank cichlids would be them potentially bullying the rabbits as they are generally spending time in the bottom as rabbits do. I will check for more about the snail compatibility! 🙂
  9. @PerceptivePesceoh I used the abbreviation “cba” as a short for “can’t be arsed”. 😄 what cba stands for by the way?
  10. @jwcarlson I misread, my bad. I have numerous MTS on my 29 gallon 😄 I tried to introduce two of my rabbits there once, and MTS seem to cover their shell even the inside until their trapdoor, even tho they are not sick or dead by any means. I found it weird. Thats one of the reasons why I decided to make a new tank with rabbits. Have you ever experienced such behavior so far?
  11. Thanks everyone for their opinions and suggestions. Appreciated! I got the tank. Always wanted to give cubes a try, this is gonna be my first cube. Excited! @Flumpweesel It also has a stand that has been made specifically for it. So I don’t have to worry about that part! Thanks for the warning 🙂 I do have long arms too!! 😄 @Remi de Groot Thanks for sharing! Btw I’m keeping my rummy noses in my community tank which is 60 cm (29 g/96 L~). I def can see how they could enjoy a longer tank even more. I agree with you on this one. Generally I go to the lfs, I see a fish stressed and being bullied, end up getting them to my tanks if possible. I will try to check for peaceful schooling fish that does not need lots of swimming space in lenght! @jwcarlson I wanted to keep some mysteries too but I’ve seen some posts about them bullying rabbits by trying to mate nonstop causing injuries to mysteries to get hurt by the trapdoor too. Maybe females should be fine? Tho having no lid can be risky for these escape artists no matter what I believe. I would not like to risk their life by any means. Love their look tho I may add some pics later on:) thanks again everyone🤍
  12. @Rube_Goldfish @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 @Remi de Groot Sorry for the tag. Wouldn’t tag you if it was not urgent. Thanks for understanding :,) hope I dont cause any disturbance 😞
  13. Hey, I hope everyone is doing well. I am in the 3rd week of quarantining my rabbit snails, and Ive managed to find a good offer for a 50 cm cube tank (125L). Is 50 cm cube tank good? I know longs are better but I enjoy keeping lidless tanks all the time and 50x50 should be plenty of substrate/ swimming space. Cubes look pretty with aquascapes and lidless to me. I would love to hear if you guys have any opinions of big cube tanks. The seller is a really well know aquarium maker in my town and has a great reputation. Also always open to the idea of stocking ideas with rabbits. They are my main actors for the new tank. My water parameters are 8.0-8.2 ph, around 7 gh, 20 kh. Though never had issues keeping species that like softer and more acidic water ever. I get my fish local tank bred ones. would love to hear about 50cm cube tank as I gotta be buying it within an hour max. Im excited!!! Many thanks in advance.
  14. looking cute! I spent ages to decide whether I should go for orange rilis or orange sakuras. It can be really hard to decide on which you wanna keep :D reds in a planted tank with a dark substrate sounds like a better option to me too
  15. The opinion on this topic seems to be controversial in general. Some people avoid anything that has copper sulfate, while others think it being listed at the end in some fish food clearly shows the amount in the food is so minimal, and even snails and shrimp needs to eat the minimal amount for a good life. I personally feed NLS thera A+, hikari algae wafers and crab cuisine to my community tank with many other fish food that contains it where I keep nerites, mts, rabbit snails and orange sakuras. Haven’t faced any problems personally. I even dose seachem flourish and it has a very tiny bit of copper in it, still never faced any issues. It comes to your own decision on this one I guess, Maybe others may share their own experience too. But aquarium coop sells crab cuisine for snails too if I am not wrong, So that strengthens my trust on feeding it. They even have it it their shrimp cuisine right?
  16. I personally tried using some filter media from my main tank, squeezing the sponge and filter dirt to “seed” my new tank and adding stability for 9 days( the bottle was not finished in a week so why not) and I kept with water changes and daily testing and in my case it still took 1.5-2weeks to cycle. I kept dosing prime just in case meanwhile. Emergencies happen and you seem to be acting for the best you can do. Older media def helps with a faster cycle but was not instant in my case. So I would keep testing and keep up with water changes
  17. @PerceptivePescelooking cute! I think it looks busy to go for some algae and cba to care about the photo hahah
  18. Hey there! I would like to share some experiences of mine. I keep my orange sakura shrimps in my tanks with a 8.0-8.2 ph and around 7-8 gh and 20 kh without any problems. Yes, 20 kh, thats my tap water. I also keep species like pygmy corys, l199, sterbai corys, horned and zebra nerites, rummy nose tetras, honey gourami, rabbit snails… which you can easy tell some of them are expected to have acidic water. I know them doing well, I have not faced any single disease symptoms, their growth and activity is amazing, they eat well and their change is easy to see after I got them from my lfs. Haven’t lost a single fish from that tank and it has been set for almost a year by now. As long as you don’t keep wild caught fish and got them tankbred in your local area, they do much better in your tap water parameters I think. Also keeping stable parameters seems to be the key. If you keep more sensitive shrimps than neocaridinas, then that might be a lil problematic. I have never thought of keeping them considering my parameters. Hope it helps
  19. No, you are supposed to hand them to me! I can't find them where I live. 😄 They are beautiful, enjoy your time with the new friends. I think they are named after their face. Some seem to think they look like rabbits🐰, while others find more similar look to elephants🐘. I am the #teamrabbit here. I love snails. Hope I can keep some one day as I already am in love with rabbit snails. Would love to see some pictures when they settle!🙃
  20. Maybe! You have a better chance to observe her in person. Hope she is okay, or even if she is not, hope she gets well soon! I adore honey gouramis. I'm sorry for your loss
  21. Hey there! I only have one male Honey Gourami as a centerpiece fish so personally I've never kept a female that might be carrying some eggs. But I was curious how they would look in that case and found this video. The female honey gourami in the video doesnt seem to have such a body look even she is ready to lay the eggs. So I feel like it is not the eggs in your case. But I also don't know what exactly the issue is. here is the video; FISH NSFW!! (😄)
  22. I feel you. I love shrimps! But I like them more as a great addition to natural ecosystem look instead of a species tank alone. But I feel like 4 gallon will be too small even for any nano fish and most snails that have more of a "pet" vibe like mystery and rabbits, considering with the addition of substrate, rocks/wood pieces, plants and filter/heater, the swimming room will be even less than a 4 gallon for the fish. Sadly small sized shrimps seems like the only option to me too I agree with the stocking idea of @Guppysnail
  23. I have been using the combination of JBL Aquabasis Plus on the bottom layer as a dirt+ JBL Manado on the top. I am quite happy about it. Started supplementing the root feeders with some root tabs after like 6 months and always been having a pretty good growth. I am keeping a school of pygmy corys, sterbai corys and a L199, have never had a a single sign of damage on them as the substrate is pretty soft. The only problem that I sometimes face is planting new cuttings. It can be hard to keep them in the substrate sometimes and may take a couple of tries. But when they grow the roots, everything seems to be great. Ofcourse as long as they are not disturbed a lot by the bottom dwellers until they grow the roots :')
  24. I have been keeping my 29g with a 100w heater and with a HOB filter with a similar capacity to yours ( mine has 510 L/h capacity) with no problem. I think it would be pretty enough as @Theplatymaster mentioned. I just keep my heater close to HOB intake and it is good to go. I filled my HOB with a sponge, a mixture of Sera mini siporax and seachem matrix, and a thin layer of filter wool. Also using it with a prefilter sponge on the intake. The more surface there is, the better I believe. I can easily keep up with weekly water changes and I clean the filter around once every 3 weeks- a month. I personally dont use an airstone, but it may help to increase oxygen levels if you want to. I have so many plants in my tank too. But I have tanks without a lid so never tried to remove the cover on lights as it would be risky in my case. So I cannot comment on that one Here is a great video from @Irene for some HOB hacks in case you haven't seen the video yet! I have always been keeping my fish successfully with a similar HOB design that she recommends. 🙂
  25. I don't know how it works in detail but from my previous tries I have noticed that the percentage calculation works a bit different than you assumed actually! To give it a try after you have mentioned that, I checked it for 15g without any filter selected, it shows 28 chili rasboras for 100% stocking level meanwhile it shows 46% for 8 chilis as you said. So it def have changing ratios of calculation based on each addition you make to the tank. Like it shows 36% stocking level for 10 pygmy cories in a 29 gallon tank, but 47 pygmys for stocking level 100% 😄 It sounds more accurate to calculate based on the overall stocking plans I guess.🙃
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