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  1. Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well😊. As the title says, I need some help from experienced snail keepers regarding the rabbit snail diet as my lil guys (4 Poso Orange Rabbits) seem to be not super interested in the many food options I provide. I have read so many forum posts and articles and watched so many videos about rabbit snail care and snail food requirements in general both prior to getting them and afterwards to make sure I give them the best care. But I really need opinions of you guys at this point. I have a separate rabbit snail tank for them. My water parameters actually meet their requirements, a ph of 8.2 with hard water. I keep them at 27 Celcius. And the tank is cycled for sure. I don't wanna go into details to make the post even longer to read. But in my main tank, I have 4 nerite snails and so many MTS that all have perfect shells. I have had them for almost 2 weeks now and overall they seem to be happy and are quite active. As of now, I've tried to feed them blanched collard greens, spinach, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, brussel sprouts, green beans, sweet potato and peas. We buy our stuff from the organic farmers market and keep the extra frozen food in our freezer from their original season, so all these foods are ready to be blanced any time! From all the veggies I've mentioned, they really seemed to be eating green beans and collard greens but not always as if they eat collard greens one day they don't eat it again 2 days later. For others, like pumpkin or carrot, all I can see is really small nibs taken from it over the night. I feed either once or twice a day with different food each meal. From fish food options, I've tried Hikari Algae wafers, crab cuisine, NLS Algaemax and Omega1 freshwater flakes. NLS has been nibbed a lil bit once, but others were ignored. I made 2 different snellos with the mix of the abovementioned veggies, fish food with the addition of crushed&powedered eggshell of our own chickens' egg for calcium and agar-agar as a replacement of gelatin. They do not seem interested at all even when left in the tank overnight. I have a couple shrimp with them and they seem to be more interested in the snello but not the snails :( Btw, I keep a small piece of natural cuttlebone in their tank just in case they wanna nib. I see people have their snails swarming all over the food directly so I feel worried that mine are not:( Could you guys help me or give me any suggestions regarding their diet? Am I doing anything wrong? Considering they are active and looking healthy at the end of 2 weeks, maybe the really small amount of random nibs they have on the food I provide is enough? I'm just worried that they rarely nib on blanched veggies I provide and directly ignore any fish food so they lack protein in their diet. I feed my other tanks frozen spiriluna bloodworms and brine shrimp and freeze dried tubifex worms once a week. Maybe I should give them a try? Thanks for the help in advance 🤍 🐌
  2. I was at Petco picking up a check valve and saw that they were selling rabbit snails so I picked one up, of course it's not in that great of shape and has some shell damage. What should I do to help prevent more damage to the shell? I already feed my snails tums and vegetables every other week.
  3. My aquarium has been set up for a week. I have Val. americana in the tank and a 2 year old seeded sponge filter. I will be getting Alternanthera reineckii and Bucephalandra Brownie Blue this week to add to the aquarium. Tested every day for the last week and get 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, and 20 Nitrate. Diatoms growth is on the sand along with the wood piece. Is it ready for my Rabbit Snail to be moved in once I get my new plants?
  4. Hey! My name is Emily and I'm from Canada! I got into fish keeping last year after all this pandemic stuff inspired me. I have a 32.5 gallon community tank. I have an absolute LOVE for shrimp and rabbit snails. Happy to have found this forum!
  5. My male mystery snail and my female rabbit snail definitely mated and I wondered if that's okay? I know I can't do anything about it of course, but should I do anything, like move the male, or lower the tank water, and/or raise water temperature? They enjoy hanging out on the heater.
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