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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Varying opinions and experiences. And no opinion or experience reflecting a fact. Everyone's experiences and beliefs differ a lot from one to another. This makes searching and learning phase very hard in general in my opinion. You can easily find an information that directly conflicts with each other on basically every topic in fishkeeping.
  2. How did you make the figures aquarium safe?
  3. surviving does not mean fine. A tub covered with ice is an environment far from ideal for neocaridinas. But they can tolerate bad conditions for a period because they are very hardy creatures. I got my shipped package of neos and the shrimp bag was exploded. There were many juveniles staying alive stuck between the bag pieces with a few water drops, all made it alive. They were alive, but it was not fine. Like I know people kept a goldfish in a 1g bowl for his entire life and he lived around 7 years. It was alive but it was not fine. That is a huge difference in my opinion
  4. For some good info on this, you can read these two: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4359132/ as a conclusion post: https://aquariumbreeder.com/how-temperature-affects-breeding-of-dwarf-shrimp/
  5. Def RO water if it does not bother you to do some calculations and try to match the same parameters all the time. I use RO in my small tanks and I believe it is better because it is impossible to know everything we have in the tap. Also in my experience, shrimp and fish do better in RO water as you can match the ideal parameters easily. However I am too lazy to stock RO for my biggest tank so I just go by tap there. Does it have a negative impact on fish? I don't think so. But I still believe RO is a better choice.
  6. you need ammonia source for bottle bacteria products to work So basically if you haven't added any ammonia source, it can't be cycled really just by pouring in bottled bacteria
  7. Cardinals are almost always wildcaught. They are quite fragile for that reason in my opinion. what is your ammonia readings? How did you cycle your tank? What were the symptoms of the dead ones? The nitrate u are reading might be coming from ferts and your tank may not be cycled. without introducing established filter, it is kinda hard to cycle a tank in 4 weeks tbh. Could you explain your cycling process in detail? it is also likely your bb couldnt handle 12 cardinals at once.
  8. Throw me some cashews and I will go for it too These guys legit eat everything 😄 I love crows or raven??? Hard to tell from the pic
  9. The tank looks nice. The background, woods and substrate look so natural. If I were you, I would stock lots of green plants and avoid super flashy fish colors but lean towards more wild type of colored beauties. Idk why, the first thing came to my mind is pearl gouramis for that tank. The wood pieces are nice as well as the rocks my you gotta stay away from the fish that dart or sometimes are well known to injure themselves. I would def avoid corydoras and long fin fish. For plants, I really enjoy the look of tall big leaf crypts lately. Crypt balansae can be a nice one! Also the leaves can cover top and the wood pieces may start looking to have depth, as they are shorter than the tank's height.
  10. AC comes with their own biomedia, sponge and carbon. You can save carbon for the times you need. So you can use whatever you want for the gap they left for carbon. I personally use the sponge on bottom, a layer of filter wool, then Biomedia of theirs as well as some established matrix and siporax from my other tanks. You can add whatever you like. Here is a pic. The red circle ones come with the filter, I added the rest myself:
  11. I assume they won't Peppered is ln6 https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=271 Sterbais are ln9 https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=316 @nabokovfan87
  12. Neocaridinas can breed with each other but it goes towards wild coloring, not a mixture like this. This looks like red blue rili to me. Which is the former version of blue jellies. Blue jellies are mainly the clearest version of red blue rilis where there is no more red color. You can see bloody marys are on a different chart. If you keep the blue jellies and bloodymaries together, very likely your shrimp colony will end up as wild colors after generations
  13. Your tank is big and plecos are kinda small rn. Maybe u can skip this weeks water change if nitrates aren't too high
  14. Hey, Thanks for sharing your experience! How big was their tank and how densely planted was it?
  15. If this is java fern don't plant it to the substrate otherwise it will die. Attach it to rocks or wood like anubias and bucephalandra
  16. Parameters do not sound too off to me ngl. I would surely keep nitrates less than 20, lower the better. Ph could be a lil higher and gh could be a lil lower, but still not the end of the world. What about their diet? Also when did you get them? Did they stress molt? Stress molt may effect future moltings even if they look okay for that period
  17. Those are exactly what affects the shrimp molting. What are your parameters? What were the parameters they were being kept before you? Quick way of doing something in a shrimp tank is almost never a good idea. Do you have RO water?
  18. Bettas are by far my fav fish. And females are indeed very good looking, just like males. I love how purple she is! Does she have a name? She looks like a star apple.
  19. Well you are right. It is hard to know if the betta will show any interest to them. With a backup plan, you can try. Without one, it is a very risky decision to make. I also personally believe blending colors have much higher chance compared to colorful ones. I've created a topic about this back then and some people shared their experience. Maybe you'd like to read more on here: I ended up getting black roses and green jellies. I used to have orange sakuras and bloodymaries, so I wanted to play safe with not super colorful options also wanted to try something new. I personally believe bright reds, oranges, blues etc. have nothing like their original wild color, so kinda impossible to blend. I had issues keeping them in community tanks but black and greens work good for now thanks to their blending colors. But it is still too early to talk as it is quite new.
  20. I don't have any recommendations but could you please share some pics when you get them? such cool creatures!
  21. Female bettas are underrated 🙂
  22. Meaty foods. However, if you happen to have male and/or a female that can/or already mated in the store, expect babies. They can breed a lot too
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