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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. I see! Well this is the normal look of blue jellies. Here is a big group of them. I tagged the part in the video for you
  2. Looks like a blue jelly to me. Under what name were they being sold?
  3. This is Magikarp from pokemon I think! 😄 fancy goldfish aw hahah Well, it is fancy goldfish for us now! 😄
  4. Idk about fluval one, I just have experience with tropica in 3 tanks, and it leeches a lot ngl. I know ADA leeches even more, but no clue about the stratum But even then, to keep parameters in check, you have to have hands on the tank again to monitor. Still comes to the same point I believe!
  5. I know you already have one, but if you ask me, I would just keep another betta. Idk, I am in love with these guys' puppy behavior already. Hand feeding mine twice a day, he gets super excited to see me. I'm looking forward to get another one really. My schooling fish literally couldn't care less to see me everyday lol. The only schooling fish really seems to bother caring looks like silver tip tetras. Or maybe I haven't seen anything else with such behavior. Bettas are so unique and fun. I would love to have many more
  6. If you have aquasoil, that means you will need to do constant water changes anyway. It leeches like crazy, and plants can't keep up with those nutritions in the first month where the soil leeches A LOT. So you will want to be checking your tank constantly if you use aquasoil, otherwise, you will likely face crazy level of algae with all the nutritiens constantly leeching
  7. I wanna say no sadly. Coming from a person who keep his honey gourami as a single centerpiece fish. I believe sparkling gouramis need a group because they constantly socialize in my experience as I mentioned above. I feel like dwarf gouramis are the ones that are the most suitable to be kept alone between gouramis. Not sure if 9g would be sufficient for one, I have never kept gouramis anything smaller than a 29g myself.
  8. Reminds me of blue jelly shrimp! They already look like this. Which is def in my top 3 neocaridinas. I find them so cute
  9. The hat, and the way it makes you feel fishy! 😄
  10. I feel your pain. I found success by dropping the water level so low, and removing everything in the tank lol. they are super fast, and my sterbais are thicc. Wouldn't imagine them to be this fast ngl. this is funny 😄 I love bettas and how weirdos they are.
  11. Good idea! You cover cotton swab with vaseline or just wetting it or something is enough? I bet endlers would eat it more as they spend some time on the surface looking for food, but I only have 1m:3f rn. They were out of the plan. Someone decided to but almost all females and left males behind, so these 3 females were being harassed constantly in the tank. So I decided to get them and put them in the tab I have my rosy barb babies in. At least they are more relaxed now. But I still am scared of livebearers due to my very old experience with guppies. Ugh... whatever I guess. I couldn't leave them to die there with at least 50 males: 3 females. Btw, not related to topic but, do you have any idea why livebearer males are like this? Like constantly mate with females even when they are pregnant, harrasing them to death even in some occasions? Isn't it a bit weird? I wonder what is the nature behind it. I understand the idea of having lots of babies to survive in nature as they are probably low in food chain, but god, the constant harrasing seems nonsense. Even one male bothers 3 female enough, and they are all already pregnant. Like pregnant fish won't get more pregnant right? So what is the point of their harrasing? How can it help with survivability in nature?
  12. So nothing I shall worry about having them in my bedroom? :') Yeah they surely jump, I've seen it many times. So phew, I guess? 😄 I've read someone putting vaseline on their finger and collecting them on the surface of the tank on reddit, but what if vaseline gets into the water column...
  13. I really dont know. They constantly jump on the water surface until they find a place to sit on, and they are black. I directly thought of springtails They cannot be submerged too. I tried to push the floating plant inside the water, hoping endlers eat them, they always remain on the water surface.
  14. One day for the springtails, the rest is for hugging!
  15. Gimme your froggie for a week 😄
  16. Today, when the daylight hit the 10g endler/shrimp tub in my room, I’ve noticed there are some springtails. they are blackish, they jump on the surface, spend time around decaying floating plants. So I assume they are sprintails. any reason to worry? Should I eliminate them by a chance? Did some googling and they don’t really seem to cause any harm but not sure if I want bugs on the tub surface in my bedroom :,) I have pods and detrius worms and I like them. But these guys jumping on the surface is a bit yikes 😄 @Guppysnail @Biotope Biologist any ideas or recommendations guys? Here are some pics: This tank gets only daylight. No artificial lights. The only tank mulm accumulates and not cleaned a lot as shrimp and endlers/fry love to pick on the mulm and stuff, so I let it be.
  17. Kuhlis are almost always wildcaught so very likely they come with internal parasites. Did you quarantine them with levamisole/prazi?
  18. Def floating plants, hornwort and elodea. Crazy fast growth = sucking up nitrates while growing up
  19. Lovely pond! What's the stocking?
  20. Would love to! But I live in Turkey 😄
  21. I have never fed anything to my nerites and they always had perfect shells. Just make sure your ph is high and u have calcium in the water column
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