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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. They also LOOVE playing around plants, and really like the long amazon frogbit/water lettuce roots! So def consider heavily planted tank with lot of dense floating plants with long roots!
  2. I have 3 sparkling gouramis in my planted 33g tank, and every morning, they fight for territory. So many circling around each other and croaks. I think I have 2 males and 1 female. If you have a chance to choose 1m:2f, maybe it may work, but they are hard to sex. Otherwise, I think you may potentially face issues because they like having their own kind to socialise but also their own territory in my experience. 9g is considerably small for a group of territorial fish. Besides their small size, due to their behavior, I think they should be kept in bigger tanks. Also they are always on hunting mood, very curious. So they will surely eat baby shrimp.
  3. I personally believe not soaking them may cause bloating issues potentially to be honest. And bettas are kinda prone to bloating. I’ve never tried feeding mine freeze dried food yet, only 3 different pellets ( NLS, Dainichi, and Omega One) and frozen daphnia and bbs. I try to divide his meals to two portions one in the morning and one in the evening. He was not a fan of bbs but he loved daphnia
  4. Dude, I'm so sorry to hear that. As a person who has grown up with pets all his life, I truly feel you. None of my words will lessen the pain you feeling. I'm just really sorry. Can it be there was some sort of a spike but during 4 days the tank managed to clear all potential ammonia or nitrite? I hope you are also okay and there is nothing serious about your own health. Whenever you need someone to talk to, I am just a message away. When I lost Rick, my blue mystery snail, I lost all my passion for the hobby. Now the time passed and I feel better, but I still miss him so much. *sending virtual hug* 😭
  5. I never use CO2. Plants do well with tropica in my experience in 3 tanks of mine. What I like about it is, I usually keep root feeders, so I just half dose the liquid fertilizer to the water column, and I personally never dose N. Well, in my opinion, algae utilizes the nutrition in the water column, and root feeders already get enough nutrition from the aquasoil already. So I try to provide trace elements to the water column as well as potassium. We don't have fluval one here so no experience with it. Wouldn't be fair to comment on that one for me
  6. Algae is all about balancing the tank. Nutritient, light, stocking, water changes, etc. The substrate do leech nutritients and ammonia for the first weeks. I do big water changes once every 2 days for the first 3 weeks or so. Then I introduce established media, when I don't read ammonia and nitrite, I introduce fish. I don't face substrate related algae issues, but for example, If you don't do water changes, it keeps leeching nutritions when set up new, and with light and so on, sure, that is possible to come across issues. I believe heavily planting from the start helps a lot. And I start with 6 hours of light, nothing more. You can download tropica's app to your mobile and check their 90 day program. It tells you what to do for 90 days. You can combine your fishkeeping knowledge with the program and follow that
  7. It is Tropica Aquasoil. I always use it: If you want neocaridinas, make sure to not go extremes on sides and meet their parameter needs, as these type of active substrates decrease ph and in my experience, suck up some gh.
  8. Lots of fun. I created a quarantine tank for my snails and moved there some floating amazon frogbits from my other tanks. Following weeks, I've noticed 3 fry! Turns out lately they are rosy barbs. Adorable. Accidental fry is so much fun. Yours reveal what that is a bit but let's try to unsee! 😄 Congrats!
  9. I have 2 tetra aps 50 in my bedroom, laying on the floor outside. Pretty quiet in my opinion. Idk how exactly they are different than the whisper. Maybe take my opinion with a grain of salt. I also have 4 HOBs running in my bedroom in each of my tanks 😄 But really, they are very quiet :')
  10. Well, I wouldn't worry about it as long as they eat their normal diet. I've lost one angelfish to bloodworms. I used to feed it without any issue for years and one day, boom. So yea, bloodworms are out of my feeding list for ever now. You can feed lots of other food that are better like daphnia or (baby) brine. Bloodworms are like a treat at best anyway
  11. I have a 50 cm cube and I’ve used lava rock on bottom and it is not fully aquasoil, the front side is sand, it took 9L of aquasoil. It looks like this: You basically calculate substrate like this: 40cm cube so; length in cms x width in cms x the height of the substrate you want in cms / 1000. so in your scenario; 40x40x5/1000= 8. so you need two bags of 4 for 5cm aquasoil in a 40 cube basically. However, I used what I had on hand for my betta tank, and although it was okay to plant carpeting plants with ~5cm height, it is pain to plant background plants. It just does not hold well. So If you have a chance I would try to aim a thicker layer of background, or you may try something like mine, sand in front, lavarock on bottom etc to make it a bit more economical. Aquasoil full tank alone can be a lil pricey.
  12. My betta is a nemo, he legit has every color on him 😄
  13. Great info! I would assume blue velvets to stand a better chance compared to reds and oranges. Interesting. We sadly have no snowballs here somehow. considering black roses shoot lots of blues, I better go with greens in the betta tank with the scenario
  14. https://www.jbl.de/?mod=products&func=detail&country=us&lang=en&id=2301#3024000 Here you go!
  15. I use JBL Novo Tab. I like it. Or better to say, my fish like it. 😄
  16. Hey, I am considering to introduce either black roses or green jelly neocaridinas to my betta tank. I don't know the temperament of my betta as I've got him online. The tank is quite planted, gonna add shrimp tubes, has floating plants as well. Gonna add a cattappa leaf too. So, the question is, do you guys believe some shrimp colors like wilds, greens, blacks have more advantage to do well due to their camouflage skills in a planted tank, compared to more flashy colors like reds, yellows, blues ? I've kept my orange sakuras in a community tank with tetras, gourami and rams without any preying on the adults. But no clue about bettas color reactions as flashy fish tankmates are also not adviced. I've ordered 10 black roses and 10 green jellies. Any ideas if any of the two can do better in the betta tank? 10 will go to 10g endler/snail tub, and another 10 will go to the 10g betta tank. If stuff goes wrong, I have another two tanks running anyway, I can move them other tanks as a back up plan. Thanks for the help,
  17. @Schuyler @Patrick_G all killis were sold otherwise I was gonna take a pic for you guys. only clowns were left
  18. That looks amazing! I've never seen it before. Whoa
  19. True. At least all my endler females are almost pure grey/yellowish.
  20. Yw! If you have any questions, hit me up
  21. Hey there, Welcome to the forum. I have JBL Proscape Volcano mineral as a bottom layer in 2 of my tanks. Used it for benefits+ to increase the height so I can use aquasoil more economically. It is covered with Tropica Aquasoil in both tanks. In one tank of mine, I've directly used normal cheap crushed lava rock and again topped it off with tropica aquasoil. Have I noticed any difference between JBL one and classic cheap ones? Not really. Only the source is something you can trust easier, as it is hard to know what exactly each lava rocks may have or leech. I have never seen someone using JBL Pro Volcano mineral as direct substrate. Just use it on the bottom of the tank instead, and top it with aquasoil, would be my suggestion. It does not hold the roots well alone. Also quite sharp for any fish, and very dusty. With Neo soil, make sure to get plant soil and not shrimp soil btw. It is easy to get confused. I bought plant soil but got shipped shrimp soil by the store. The store insisted very much that it is a plant one but contacting the Aquario Korea helped me to make final decision that it was a shrimp one. So sadly returned it and got Tropica again as I already am happy with it. So sadly couldn't try the neo plant soil. But pretty happy with tropica aquasoil in 3 tanks I have. If it is an option to consider
  22. The problem is, the ones in the store are already adult size. Who knows how old they are! :')
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