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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. I would like to recommend sparkling gouramis. they are very curious, always active and a joy to watch. Also random croaks are fun. Last morning they croaked 8 times in a row ๐Ÿ˜„ ! they were like an alarm clock. Who needs a rooster?! I have 3 in my 33g. You can home 3, ideally 1m:2f in a 20g and can be fun imo.
  2. You can do rams in a smaller tank, cause they are small. I keep mine with rummynose in a 40g. If I had a 75, I would try to use the potential better myself. Also if you have the rainbows, rams are a pass. They like different temperatures. What about a school of sawbwa resplendens? Or emperor tetras? Both look very cool. I have rummy noses and they are fun fish as well. They just destroy amazon frogbit roots tho something I have mention, and they look elegant but they are the opposite of elegant in terms of behavior ๐Ÿ˜„ I would def consider dojo loach. It is one of my dream fish. Super duper cute ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Is it okay for jars to be clear or they have to be dark colored?
  4. My lfs was carrying them but I was scared to try them as I always keep community tanks. I couldnt be sure how peaceful they would be or what would I do with potential babies
  5. Very pretty. Do they breed as much as shrimps do?
  6. Understandable! I usually keep most of my freshly opened food in the freezer and never touch those packs. Maybe u can try it! Having two food at least can be a good idea. as an update: Iโ€™ve tried NLS, He loved it! Also in my lfs there was Omega one betta pellets, it was pretty cheap so I got it. He struggles eating it directly, spits out, when it soaks for a min or two, he eats it. So he liked both for now. What makes betta food special for bettas?
  7. Well, I have never been able to successfully soak it. It always kept floating and my fish usually don't like surface feeding. Planning to feed betta directly on the surface That's looking great. I always feed my fish like this too ๐Ÿ˜„ Sounds great
  8. I have been breeding sterbais in 8.0-8.2 ph, 11 gh, 20 kh. I would not worry much. Just lots of plants and hiding places. Enough frozen food and a bit colder water change I would say. That's my own experience tho.
  9. Yup. He just said ideally dont keep them together in the tank. That's all. Otherwise, everything has a balance in nature. Let's be real. Humans hurt the balance of the nature, not snails or anything else really. Tanks are not nature. They are tanks. Nature has a balance, we have direct impact on tanks as humans. Also I remember this becoming a potential issue about ramshorns carrying potential diseases. Fish for thought made a video about this before. @Biotope Biologist
  10. In my 125Liters tank, I dose half cap, in my 160 Liters tank, a lil more than half cap. I always underdose my ferts. My liquid fertilizer has some potassium too, so does Equilibrium. I use equilibrium during water changes so I don't do a full dose.
  11. Ask me if I can see him. I stretch film-ed the whole tank until my lid order comes. LOL ๐Ÿ˜„
  12. I have still time to yeet some from @Guppysnail. So no wormies yet! ๐Ÿ˜„ I have frozen daphnia, bbs, freeze dried daphnia and tubifex in terms of those foods. Frozen bloodworms and bs got melted due to being left outside by a mistake. :')) Do you think ph of 6 is fine? I got him today. Mixed in some tap water so it read something between 6.0-6.5. But I'd rather use full RO which reads 6.0
  13. Is that 195G or 19.5G? The tank looks much smaller than a 700 Liters im confused. Maybe it is the pic
  14. I can't remember the details well, but it was related to about snails hosting and helping some sort of diseases and they cannot really be medicated as they are sensetive to almost all medications. So maybe a very long time on quarantining to break any cycle might help? dunno. Snails don't really show any signs on ilness regarding what they might be potentially carrying or helping the cycle to continue like parasites. Also like one of the most common snails in the hobby, nerites, are wildcaught. Some rabbits are wildcaught known to carry leeches for example. Who knows! I would not like to inform wrong. But he very clearly said just rehome your snails or keep them in a different tank ๐Ÿ˜„ I'm like hell no! I am a snail guy ๐Ÿ˜„
  15. I dose seachem potassium and my amazon frogbits grow crazy. I believe there must be something else causing the problem
  16. In my 29g, duckweed didnt mind being submerged for a week or even longer lol. Waterfall HOB effect or splashing water over them def didnt work for me.
  17. Mystery snails eat it as well. Mine did not make much difference but I feed him heavily. They like eating other floating plants and their roots too tho. @Guppysnail may confirm I guess
  18. The dainichi and NLS I have seem to have much better ingredients than anything I can find betta specific it seems. Dainichi sinks fast but NLS floats for a good amount of time. This is the NLS ingredients:
  19. Thanks everyone for the help. I really appreciate all those helpful comments. On the internet it says keep them between 6.5 and 7.5 ideally. I currently have around 6.0 ph, 3gh, and I guess between 0-3 kh in this tank, using RO. Otherwise my tap has high kh of 20 and ph of ~8.0. Tetra read like this: Sera liquid tests read 3 gh (I dose equilibrium, otherwise it is 0) and 6.0 ph. Is 6.0 low? Should I mix in some tap water? The guy I got my betta from said he keeps his at 6.3 ph. Also do I need something like a hammock or is anubians leaves enough? I have two anubias nanas. Keeping the tank at 26 C currently
  20. I have witnessed lots of agression between my rams in a 29g. I personally would not advice maybe until u have a confirmed pair. They also shoo angels from their territory.
  21. Hey guys, Can you please share what you feed your betta. What do you feed and how many times a day/week? I have frozen baby brine and daphnia, freeze dried tubifex and daphnia. Omega 1 Freshwater flakes, Dainichi Tropic micro, NLS small community fish formula on hand. Dainichi and NLS sinks fairly fast tho. Should I buy betta specific food or these are just good to go with? Can they eat frozen daphnia and baby brine or do I need something bigger? If betta specific food is needed I can buy one of the following: Ocean Nutrition Atison's betta food, omega1 betta flakes/pellets, Sera Bettagran, JBL Pro Novo Betta Flakes, Tetra Betta granules and Tropical soft line Betta. No other betta specific food is available here. We don't have xtreme or bug bites sadly. Thanks in advance. P.S: please feel free to tag betta keepers you know. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Cinnebuns
  22. Thank you!! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ˜Š
  23. I've heard enough horror stories regarding betta-shrimp combination from my friends to make up for any potential good stories to be honest. I would not combine two together. I also created a similar topic back then. I'm sharing it below, maybe it helps. Long story short, if there is fish, they will eat shrimplets if not the adults.
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