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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Aww how adorable I love your snails @Chick-In-Of-TheSea check these out, it is like Rick and Summer finally met in their tank :,)
  2. There are so many lfs near me, which people would consider lucky but I am not really happy about the fish situation there overall. I only go to one regularly because they try their best to take care of their fish really in a way they can. I believe that is important. I still can’t unsee the scene I saw about how much some fish were neglected in a random lfs I decided to check. That was just a really sad experience and I am considering to contact their owner and talk about the situation. I don’t think the owner must have a clue this is the situation as they are more chain like a firm. Having bad batches happen. Dealing with sicknesses happen. Even at home when we try to care very limited amount of fish we come across lots or problems or diseases. The point comes to caring in my opinion. You should be able to tell if they try to fix any problem they come by and care about fish, or just see them as a money source and neglect the fact that these are live creatures with feelings and in need of care. The neglected look and just struggling with some sort of disease or problems in a few tank in the store must be easy to tell. Like there were guppies on the surface dead and huge amount of foaming and other fish trying to breathe and this neglected store cant even bother to make a water change or even collect dead bodies. Cant imagine what would an ammonia test read. Remembering it makes me super sad and angry again. Ughh If you have a chance, my tip would be visiting the store right away they open the store in the morning. Observe tanks, fishes situation, deaths in the tanks. Also making sure the staff there is knowledgeable, so when someone wants an algae eater they won’t sell your baby corys as a single member. Yknow what I mean? And if the lfs actually neglects fish, I would not give fish to them by any means. Maybe you can try to rehome them online? It is like sending my own babies to death. Id rather try to rehome the babies myself.
  3. Here are some answers back then when I created a similar topic. Maybe it is helpful!
  4. No stress stripes whatsoever? Oh yea definitely. But I am very surprised to see the video comments and how many people actually mention they keep bettas as a group without even a single agression at all. I mean let's be fair, even keeping cichlids like apistos, rams, angels, etc. which are commonly known as community tank cichlids can be very agressive from time to time. I feel like bettas are being pushed away. Also, bettas at first were bred for fighting purposes, so they bred most agressive ones it seems. How about people start breeding the most docile ones for the hobby? That is a good question I came by. Genetics must be playing role on aggression if they are selectively bred for the most aggressive ones at first I believe. Hey @Biotope Biologist, do you have any idea if breeding most aggressive or most docile fish would effect the behavior of the future generations?
  5. Lennie


    It can be cause by ammonia. Detrius and stuff may get stuck below the sand and may cause gas build ups. Test your water parameters to make sure it ain't causing ammonia spikes first
  6. As an update, another video I came by that explains stuff very well I believe: Again, the points seeems like the key are: bigger tanks, territory/sight blocks with lots of plants it seems.
  7. Sorry to hear you face issues as well. DESTROY IT! GOGOGOGOGOOOOOO! 😄 In my experience, rosy barbs and siamese algae eaters also pick on them quite well
  8. They mean the ph in the tank and the ph in the tap may differ after aeration. So your tap water might be 6.8 but your tank ph might be different.
  9. Hey there, I have just checked the ingredients of the baby food you have used, and I personally have never seen aquatic snails being fed chickpeas and raisins. I am not really sure if it is safe or not to be honest. As long as it is organic, salt free, and pesticide free, The stuff I feed my snails are: zucchini, kale, green beans, carrot, pumpkin, collard greens, turnip greens Spinach is safe but high in oxylates so blocks calcium intake. So can be fed rarely. Lettuce and cucumber are very low in nutrition and can be addicting for snails, so that's a pass for me. Also I would add some protein there. It is great that you try to keep veggie, algae and calcium content high. But they also need a bit of protein in their diet. You can surely provide it with other fish or snail foods or frozen foods and don't have to add it to your snello. My question is: do you think repashy will act enough as a binder when you drop snello to the tank? Generally gelatin or agar agar is used to bind the snello to make sure it stays firm once introduced to the tank. But yea, chickpea and raisin part is questionable to me. Any ideas guys? @Guppysnail @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  10. I know the first thing comes to our mind Males will fight to death. Female betta sororities don't usually work out. You should only keep males and females together only when it is breeding time. But recently, I have been doing a researching regarding this and it seems actually work quite well for some people if the conditions met. What I observed as the common points are: - They almost always keep plakats. I've seen one long fin male only but the rest was still plakats. - Avoiding reds seems like a good idea, as they are the ones bred for fighting purposes and one of the earliest ones that are bred by humans for this purpose it seems. Red is related with agression in one of the videos mention, not sure how true that is. Also seems like females choose the color red on males compared to others if I did not understand the scientific research I will be sharing at the end. - Big tanks. Bettas do like to swim just like any other fish, and more bettas want more swimming and territory space. So generally 30-40g tanks for a group. - Densely planted just as they like in their nature. Helps to make them feel comfy and also blocks sight and territories a lot. Has anyone kept males and females together here? If so what tank size, what was the ratio? I love these lil guys and I'm feeling they are a bit misunderstood lately. I know we usually say it depends on the bettas temperament, but let's be real, how possible to have 12 calm bettas at the same time without having a potentially agressive one. Here are some videos: Interesting scientific researches about betta genetics and colorations and their effects: https://academic.oup.com/beheco/article/18/6/1139/211884 https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.abm4955 Does anyone have such experience so far?
  11. They are so cute. I hope they make it to adulthood and remind you of their parents forever. I had a batch bad of rosy barbs, but I got surprise fry from the floating plants I moved to my snail/endler tank! We both have fry to remind of their parents now. So, did you get your son swordtails? 😄
  12. Get rid of it. Idk how you would do that but surely get rid of it. I was okay with it too unless it got into a not okay level. These are the 4 occasions made me really angry in a level I dumped everything to trash with hair algae and boiled my wood and sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide to reuse it as I was taking that tank down. 1- Like most of us here, I enjoy feeding and watching my fish tanks and all 4 of my tanks are in my bedroom so I usually sit on my bed and enjoy them all. One day after feeding, one rummynose trying to pick on food leftover on hair algae got hairalgae stuck to its gills and it was almost dying. 2- I found my rabbit snail got stuck but the hair algae like a dog on a leash, cannot move anywhere. 3- I found one juvenile angel could not swim through, totally stuck inside a hair algae and not even able to move just waiting to die. 4- And the last one, once I saw my berried female shrimp leg got stuck to hair algae and she was struggling a lot. Again I was luckily there to save her. There might me many other cases I have missed and maybe my fish were lucky to save themselves. I hate hair algae. Definitely destroy it because I don’t believe it is harmless from what I have witnessed so many times. This is a topic I created about it before:
  13. Hey there, Welcome to the forum. Corydoras are not hunters. However, if they happen to get baby shrimp in their mouth, they will surely eat it. I used to have my sterbais in a 29g, now I have them in a 160Liters tank. If I had a chance to restock my old 29g tank, I wouldn't get sterbais. The reason I went with them was, they are known to handle higher temps better than other cories and during summer my tanks get hot. Until they reach adulthood, I had no problem. but after that, holy moly. Constant breeding, super active and glass surfing, swimming around nonstop, stressing other fish constantly. I would def go with pygmys or pandas if you like them. Also pygmys are much better for a shrimp tank I would say. You can home a bigger sized group easily as they are much smaller than sterbais. I have 16 in my 125L tank and I adore them. Getting sterbais in a 29g was one of my few personal regrets. Plecos are not really social animals. There are very limited ones that wants to be in groups. So don't worry about your pleco. Keeping one in that tank size is actually better cause plecos can be territorial against their own species. Just make sure it gets its food after lights are off as they are nocturnal, and preferably have wood and hiding spaces/cave in the tank. Filtering is not really an issue ngl. As long as you have some good surface movement for oxygenation and good amount of water circulation, it usually works. Too much filter and movement may stress fish as not every fish enjoy a lot of water movement. I wouldn't get a 3rd filter myself.
  14. Idk if you get compliments for that but you have a pretty cool voice dude. Hope your fish get better asap! They are adorable. Do they have names?
  15. In US, people name it blue velvet as well it seems OR Idk. very confusing indeed. I'm not sure about this chart
  16. Adorable but, Where will all these fry stay at aaaaaaaa 😄
  17. If you like ferns, but also like the look of moss, I would def try Süßwassertang.Lil bit messy, but once it settles, looks so pretty to me. I ordered one once, but got a really bad plant so I had to get a refund. I wish I had a good one but can't seem to find any in where I live 🙂 All you gotta do is grab a handful if it gets bigger than you want really. But yea it can be full of shrimp babies. That is something to consider.
  18. Those remind me of spixi snail eggs, but I guess you don't have one? A pic from reddit as a reference:
  19. That snail friend looks so cute. I need more pics! 😄
  20. Whichever you like is my answer. As you have a dark colored substrate, they will pop up pretty good color. If you ask a personal opinion, then I would do orange sakuras or bloody marys if you want that color to pop. Otherwise, I find blue jellys super cute myself. I am also in love with my black roses, but I can see it is not being everyones cup of tea, as people expect shiny colors. As plant selection, they tend to enjoy small/thin leaf compact plants. If you are planning to spare budget for additional plants, I would consider something more specific that they enjoy. I don't like moss but they tend to enjoy that a lot if it is your thingy. Or plants like Water wisteria, hornwort, pearl weed, Subwassertang are some that they like to spend time around P.S: the ones you have look like such pretty plants, but make sure they don't get too direct high light, as slow growers like bucephalandra or anubias tend to grow algae under direct high light
  21. That looks like a wild type to me To get blue jellys by a chance you would need blue rilis or red rili blues I guess. Your shrimp are on the blue side of the tree, not red, right? In the second pic it looks like it has a hugeee tail 😄 That is combined with a yellowed plant part right?
  22. Tbf, the majority of the bb already lives in the filter as their is a good flow of oxygenated water and good amount of surface. Removing substrate would not really risk it. What I would worry is, a potential ammonia spike due to disturbing long time non-gravel vacced substrate of all this time.
  23. Probably both. Blue jellys are not directly related to blues on the family tree. They are the full clear version of blue rilis, so basically their skin is very clear in color. So that is why they show the internals very clearly I believe.
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