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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. yes, because dewormers dont kill eggs. So basically you time the following doses to kill worms when they hatch from eggs but not aged enough to lay further eggs Also make sure to vac the substrate after medications to clean any potential worms on the bottom
  2. Is Gepetto halfmoon or veil tail?
  3. Aquasoil leeching in the early stage is very normal. Dont worry, just keep up with big water changes preferably very often for now. I always use tropica aquasoil and it does leech a lot. I know ADA leeches even more! What did you use? In a small tank, you use much less aquasoil. But in a bigger one, you use much more. So basically the same thing when you consider the substrate/water ratio. I feel you. Doing up to %50 water changes very often is kinda bothering. But sadly it is what it is
  4. In my experience, crab cuisine stays firm for a very long time. I would personally intervene. If I'm not wrong, even the package mentions that remove crab cuisine if not eaten after 24 hours. They say only 1 hour for their algae wafers. They might be also made firm to let crabs, crayfish etc to hold it with their claws
  5. Have you been doing lots of water changes after setting up a soil tank? I personally do %50 every second day for 3 weeks. Probably your aquasoil is leeching. The excess nutrition may cause algae issues gradually, as new plants can't really utilize nutritions until they settle in. Those black dots are the dust caused by aquasoil I believe. Should be easily wiped off Some of the plants you planted on foreground grow crazy high and wide. Like Hygrophila difformis. Mine have grown around 60cm tall. It may gradually block your vision. It is mroe suitable as a background plant Don't keep your lights on for too long until you start seeing nice plant growth in my experience. 6 hours a day for a new tank works great in my experience
  6. I use RO water personally But I understand it is not an option for everyone
  7. You seem to follow the thread. You have to play around your notification settings. If you need help, hmu in dms! I may try to fix it if you wanna change it
  8. @Webhead15 As you are new to the forum, I just wanted to mention this: In order to make sure people see your respond to their message, try to either quote their post or tag their name, so they receive a notification this way! Cheers,
  9. very cute lil guy! Yes it will, however you will have to remove the plants and follow the steps required for RR
  10. Teejay noo As you mentioned, anything potentially comes with them is scary. Just steal some other worms from @Guppysnail when you guys meet next time 😄
  11. Thanks for the help! Very appreciated. they are cute little creatures. I can’t really keep shrimp directly in my big community tank or betta sorority community tank for breeding purposes, so I thought maybe these guys can be fun 🙂 My worry is if my rosy barbs and angels would leave them alone.
  12. Hey guys, As the title says, Does anyone have any experience with Cambarellus Diminutus dwarf crayfish? Are they suitable for community tanks? Do they pose danger for neocaridinas/amanos? Are they territorial? do they need caves or just planted tank with driftwood is enough? Would they mind being in temps around 25-27C? Thanks for the help.
  13. 55 sounds like the best idea but just keep the lights off for some good time and let him settle. Changing its 10 yo environment is quite a big change. Don't put him with lights on right away he is very cute btw
  14. Aw they are getting this shell pattern already 😄
  15. Combination of different algae eaters def help with the issue. But also, you gotta try to find the main reason why you are having algae. So play around stuff like fertilizers, water changes, lighting hours, etc and give the changes some time to observe the effects on the algae problem. I usually like having a combination of snails, shrimp, otos, borneo suck/hillsteam loaches, siamese algae eater in that tank size. If you want mollies, they will also help with hairy type of algae. As you already know, keeping fish to clean or eat something means also they will increase bioload and well, as a result of eating something, they poop. So that is def something to consider. For community fish, As long as the mouth isnt too big, it can generally work great around neon tetras. Like adult angelfish pose a risk for neon tetras for example and they may end up being eaten. Aiming to keep fish that enjoy similar parameters, tank design and temperature is important. So is fish not having a big mouth that a neon tetra may end up eatenç can you post a pic please? do you mean hair algae or green spot, or?
  16. Like, I have a lot of fish, and this is legit everyones fav treat. Only live bbs can compete it 😄 It is more of a treat rather than daily food btw. Like once a week type of food
  17. They do. But I have lots of bottom feeders so I drop pieces on bottom and crush some with my fingers for surface feeders. My fish never like eating from glass somehow
  18. I keep multiple bettas, both in community tanks and species tanks. What works for me is, crushing pellets or feeding very small fry food for my endlers for example so rather than having 10 pellets on the surface open for competitions, the whole surface is covered with small food particles amounting to that many pellets in total, so they constantly eat around the surface, and handfeed normal sized pellets on the surface for my bettas
  19. @Guppysnail @Fish Folk @DiscusLover any ideas guys?
  20. New life spectrum, basically anything. Dainichi Tropic Max For fry and small fish with small mouths, Sera Micron Nature. For feeding frenzy, Sera O nip tabs. + frozen daphnia or live/frozen bbs 3 times a week
  21. I’m not from US so didn’t have a chance to try acoop ones. I use Aquael Ultra Heater in my 10g and pretty happy with it so far. def go with something small so acoop one and aquael ultra ones seems good
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