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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Or your hand gets into the ramshorn tank by accident and one accidentally crawls onto your hand. How accidental 🤪 Marks shrimp tanks from yt has these ramshorns and he usually introduce them to his tanks on purpose as his clean up crew. You may watch some of his videos if you liked them.
  2. That's a pretty tank. I had this issue on my anubias leaves when I removed lots of floating plants and it got direct light on it. It looks like staghorn algae instead of BBA to me. If I were you, I would blackout, dim the light, and get hairy type algae eaters, like SAE. After I took my tank out, I moved all my plants to a tub and it automaticallly got blacked out for a while. Suddenly zero staghorn algae on the anubias after this procedure!
  3. Equilibrium is for boosting Gh gh test reads mainly calcium and magnesium content in the water. Liquid fertilizers have very minimum amount to cause any affect on gh. So if you wanna boost gh in a planted tank, besides fertilizers, you can use equilibrium. If you like your gh the way it is, skip equilibrium. Equilibriums real purpose is increasing gh in planted tanks without sodium content basicaly
  4. Also these eat plants unlike normal ramshorns, if Im not wrong.
  5. Cories are the secret ingredient of Krabby Patty???
  6. Sometimes people share their big vampire shrimp molts etc, and they are huge! 😄 and a lil bit creepy I've found this video. They look huge and their molt is extremely colorful. I love how beautiful the orange one looks
  7. Yea, I feel you. Sometimes enjoying these beauties from where they are belong to is also nice. I love tarantulas but same reason why I've never really kept one. They don't feel like pets.
  8. I wonder what its molt look like 😄
  9. Someone else was also interested in them. Back in the day, our biologist friend here explained why it is not actually a nice idea to have them at home and they will very likely die. I'm leaving the topic so you can read in detail. Very cool fish indeed, but one of those that certainly belong to nature and not suitable for homes it seems
  10. You should see the way they defend themself when a fish swims by. They raise their claws and wait 😄 I wouldn't trust anything bigger than them with claws in a community tank ngl
  11. They share the same level in the tank. Crayfish are territorial and these big species are dangerous. So that is not a good idea. They also reach up to 6'' adult size, quite big. I have Cambarellus Diminutus. They are smaller than amano shrimp. Basically around female cherry shrimp size. I have the clear/brownish version but they also have blue variations as well. Maybe you can consider them instead if the color and crayfish are what attracts you. Also these have a general reputation of being peaceful.
  12. Sadly you cant have baby nerites unless they are the specific ones that live and breed in freshwater,such as the ones we have in my country, Theodoxus anatolicus. Those look like mini ramshorns. They are very likely nerite eggs then. ^ these ones looked a bit like fish eggs to me but obviously isn't considering your stocking and it is just picture being a lil blurry. P.S: very cool botanics btw. Loved it
  13. Most of them look like nerite eggs. A few on the left side look a bit like fish eggs, but it might be the picture. What's your stocking?
  14. If you cover the whole substrate with dishes, You can't miss.. *cough* I mean you can distribute food well!
  15. If you are sure that they wont transmit any disease or whatsoever to your tank, Then you can take some filter media, like some biorings, a cut of sponge etc from their filter and add it inside your HOB/filter for example. Another option is, you can also give your filter to your friend and let them run that filter in their tank at the same time with their filter. I would personally say at least 2 weeks. This would also help with your filter to get seeded with beneficial bacteria. Are you planning to use only that internal filter in that tank?
  16. Squeezing the gunk may fasten the process. Or you can introduce some established media inside the built in filter, if you can. Some people say it just puts lots of detrius and as a result more ammonia when you squeeze filter media. Some others say it helps with introducing some beneficial bacteria. As the tank is empty, what would you lose anyway! Give it a try. I tried it once, but with combination of a few other things. I also under-dosed stability and put a few established matrix pieces around the sponge. It took approximately around 2-2.5 weeks to cycle. I can't exactly say what helped in what degree, as it was a combination of many things
  17. If you trust the filter, you can run it in one of your established tanks and let it grow beneficial bacteria there That would be the fastest way of establishing bb colony on your filter. Then, preferably after a couple weeks, you can introduce the seeded filter back to your main tank and check its performance of clearing the ammonia and nitrite. If seems good, you can start stocking slowly. Also meanwhile, you can plant your tank and let plants to grow and settle in
  18. What about Elephant Nose fish (Gnathonemus petersii)? Very active, definitely oddball. Would slurp the worms like crazy. Not predatory tho, but territorial. Once, when I was at my LFS, I had a friend with me and when she saw them she got very impressed by their interesting look. They surely don't look like any other fish in the hobby. Also look how cute they are as babies 😄
  19. Bettas. A pure joy. All bubble nesting, energy matching, their gentle mating rituals behind all the aggressive nature, all babies ending up with a surprise color, look and character! Just beautiful
  20. You reading ammonia right now is already enought to start it. You can actually cycle with that ammonia if I'm not wrong. You may introduce some established media, bottled bacteria or just wait for a very long time. If you haven't dipped your plants, they must come with some beneficial bacteria on them and introduce some. You should have a source of ammonia to start the cycle. That is the important part. You can add fish food too, as it breaks down, ammonia comes out. But in my experience, although it cycles, it is messy and inconsistent. I would personally not cycle with fish food again. Do you know anyone that is a fishkeeper that you can trust their filter media? If so it can be great. Otherwise, I would introduce some bottle bacteria to jump start. Or else, it takes way too long for it to establish on its own
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