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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. They indeed like high oxygen content. So rather than increasing flow, try to have a good surface agitation I would say. Sponge filters are very gentle and usually don't cause much flow in the water column but help with surface agitation. From the pictures I can see you have red rilis, reds and blues. Just to make sure, you know that keeping these together make them all gradually go back to wild colored shrimp right? Also this type of very light color substrates make shrimp to show less color. Btw have you been testing the water? It seems a bit cloudy
  2. I wonder how he did not get bloated after eating a cardinal tetra… one of my angels got bloated and died within a few minutes after eating small bloodworms. That was the day I stopped feeding bloodworms to any fish. One weird occasion in all these years of fishkeeping. I can’t imagine them eating a cardinal with that lean body/stomach!
  3. Spixi snails eat hydra if you can find any
  4. adult angels bully them too? After reading some people losing rummy noses to angels, I'm speechless. I wouldnt be shocked if they snack on cardinals too. I have two angels in my 42g tank with a rummynose school. One black veil, and one platinum. They don't get that huge I guess, but I hope they don't cause any trouble in the future :))
  5. There is something I really like about this tank. The simplicity maybe. I will aim something similar in my new fish room at least in one tank
  6. good to know, I remember watching coop videos and Cory saying they are usually wildcaught, and tankbreds are more expensive so generally stores don't carry them a lot, but that might've changed lately! Also my lfs guy said he saw them being raised in like huge pools but in their main environment, so basically bred in nature but kinda in captivity, I assume would still need those natural parameters. Thanks for sharing
  7. Amano shrimp cannot live in brackish water. Only baby amanos can for some time and they need to go to freshwater later on. So you are likely gonna kill amanos if you put them in a brackish tank "As is typical for other shrimp, the male and female will mate and the female will then be berried and carry around the eggs among her pleopods (under her belly) for around 4 weeks. She will then release the babies, which are now in larvae form, into saltwater until they’ve finished growing into miniature adults. Once the baby Amanos have developed from their larval stage they’re ready to return to freshwater. They cannot survive in brackish water after a few weeks." https://www.shrimpscience.com/species/amano-shrimp
  8. If it is already very hard, and it is acidic, the crushed coral will dissolve even more and more until the ph raises so it will be very very hard water. If you really wanna boost just ph, get products that only boost ph but increase it slowly. otherwise most other products like crushed coral not only affect the ph but also the hardness. Barely any fish like very hard water, so u will try to get away from low ph but end up having another problem on your hand instead
  9. basically species only tank and no tank mates really good info! As I mentioned I also dislike the number two by any means. Either alone or at least 3. And for sure, I refer to two males or two fish in general in this scenario when the fish are potentially territorial or aggressive. A single one sounds more guaranteed. My centerpiece is also a male and he had a breeding dress before but didn't get aggressive vs other fish in the tank. But he was the only gourami in the tank
  10. To live, maybe. To thrive, no. cardinals are almost always wild caught. Wild caught fish are usually more sensitive to changes and they want to be kept in what water they are used to be in. So they want quite acidic and soft water. Livebearers are the opposite. They want hard water with high ph. So not an ideal duo and cannot really thrive together. In terms of parameters they exactly want the opposite sides. Could be nicer if you go for fish that share similar parameters, or at least ones that are tank bred in your local parameters so may have easier time adjusting.
  11. In my experience, if not drip acclimated, snails take longer time to open up in a new environment. Also they are interesting creatures. There have been times my mystery snails slept for 3 days without moving. As the Odd Duck said, its operculum and this is how they protect themselves in their shell when needed. Operculum is mostly made of protein, meanwhile the shell needs calcium. That is why both calcium and protein is advised in their diet. You may offer some blanched calcium rich veggies for your new friend. other reasons may be water being too cold so snails become inactive. Or any potential fish that bothers them in the tank so they are scared to open up. But as you mentioned he is new, that’s normal. Try to offer a food very near to him. Let him sit and settle in the tank, touching him further will stress him instead 🙂 As long as operculum is there, and there is no bad smell, it’s fine. If you have any questions feel free to ask
  12. I gave them some freeze dried tubifex but they didn't care at all. Maybe not hungry :') My mystery snails would've slurped it all in a sec 😄
  13. You want a different filter because of a cleaner look? If I had a cycled filter that is okay for the tank capacity, I would use it instead of buying a 180 euros new one tbh. I am a big HOB fan, so not experienced with canister filters much. I've only had sump, internal, sponge and hobs. Maybe a different person with experience may help in this regard. I just checked Biomaster Thermo 600's circulation rate and it said 1200 lt/h which is kinda huge for a 80 liter tank. Turns the water 15x times. Normally 5-6 times is an okay rate. I personally like a school with a big number from the same species instead of mixing two schools in lower numbers. Especially small sized fish looks better in crowded schools. Something like 20 CPD, 1 honey gourami, 10 panda cories. 5 amanos. I would also add some other algae eaters to the mix. Not every fish/snail/shrimp eat same type of algae. Amano shrimp are good but they won't snack on everything. Others you may consider are, nerite snails ( but females lay eggs everywhere which don't hatch), Hillstream loaches/borneo suckers, panda garras, otocinclus, etc.
  14. Hey @riioKen, Welcome to the forums. Both CPD and embers are small in size. So if 2 schools is what you want, then yes you can do it. As long as you meet fish's needs and don't crowd their swimming space, sure. Also extra maintenance ofcourse 🙂 Honey gouramis are super peaceful. But I personally don't like the number two. Either one or three is better in my opinion. 3 is better for establishing a pecking order if needed I believe. I had one in a 29g as a centerpiece fish and he did pretty good alone too. They just seem to like having fish around them nonstop. Mine didn't like to be in a calm tank much. Otos are also a schooling fish! However, they are never guaranteed to accept commercial foods/veggies etc. I was lucky with mine as 5 in a 29g and they ate commercial foods, but in case they don't accept commercial food or veggies, 6 will likely starve after some time in a 20g. Something to keep in mind. The filter kinda seems like an overkill to me for a 20g. Did you have a chance to test it and see the current of the tank? The small fish you have mentioned as well as honey gouramis would rather be in a calmer water. Constantly being pushed around will stress them out and they will struggle swimming nonstop. I would recommend checking the current of the tank, and if it is strong, I would rather lean towards fish that likes strong current instead. Such as hillstream loaches/borneo suckers, smaller rainbowfish, white clouds, danios, some barbs, rasboras etc. Otherwise the calm water fish will face stress and it will wear out fish fast.
  15. I feel like this happens more when you create fish tanks like as a part of decor in your house or as a must for a specific purpose, like a breeding project, instead of developing connection with the fish or snails etc. I feel like adding something to my tanks, a new plant! a new fish! a new critter! whichI have the tanks as a pure display. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea is sometimes like, "LENNIE, YOU ARE ADDICTED!!" 🤣 Meanwhile, everyday I feel so excited to spend time with my gold dragon betta tub. Handfeed him twice a day, watch him, him acting like a puppy all the time. That tub is the ugliest tank I have lol. I can't care less to design it in a different way or expect to change fish I have there. I love it. So yea, I feel like you need some fish that you actually develop more personal relations rather than having something to enjoy as a pure aesthetic or a breeding project. Just a puppy. That's what you need I believe! give it a try 🙂
  16. Not sure if cichlid babies would be interested, but I am very happy with sera micron lately. @Guppysnail suggested me that food and wow! My livebearer babies go crazy. Even the adults 😄 it has %51 spirulina, %18 krill and artemia in it. When my fry get a lil bigger, I give live bbs and crush NLS and Dainichi pellets and feed them
  17. I would not advice to keep betta sorority tank with big sized fish or active fish to be honest. Let the bettas establish a pecking order between each other and don't crowd the mid/top water column. I would instead keep bottom dwellers with them, but still with a backup plan. Bettas are never guaranteed to like being in a community already, and putting them in sorority and community at the same time is a bit trying too hard I think. They are not even guaranteed to like each other My girls do well in a tank with red lizards, L199, pygmy cories, mystery snails and sparkling gouramis. Tho I would not advice sparkling gouramis much, my male bettas didn't like them really. On my male betta tanks, I crush the food and divide it all around the surface. So while my endlers are eating the crushed pellets all around the surface, I feed pellets to my male bettas directly. I would personally either keep a single betta as centerpiece, try a sorority with a backup plan but only with bottom dwellers, or skip bettas and keep a peaceful community with other fish you have mentioned. I can't mention the importance of back up plans when it comes to bettas. You need at least 4 but ideally 5 females for a sorority. I have a success with 4 in my 33g. But having back up plans for a sorority is not easy considering the amount of potentially agressive fish.
  18. These are some great info! Thank you very much. I don't have a huge population of mini ramshorns in the tub, but it is on an okay level I would say. I've started with 5 assasins, they arrived today. 4 of them has been very active, meanwhile one has not moved, nor I can see any sign of being alive. Also in the bag they are shipped at, two assasins were attached around its shell. I assume it didn't make it, so others were just snacking on it. Maybe, on a very lower chance, they were attempting to mate, but it didn't really seem so. The shell was not smelling bad by any means, but it looks empty too. So I believe I just have 4 adults, coming from very crowded place of assasin snails. So I assume if there is any females, they probably already had a chance to mate in the store with some males. Fingers crossed for some babies 🙂 I also read them being slow at reproducing. Then I watched Rachel O Leary's video, and she says they actually breed much faster than people expect them to be, but again not as much as pest snails it seems. The babies look adorable, I'm excited to see some. Ofc if I was lucky enough to have some females :') The tub is planted, has floating hornwort, frogbit and water lettuce, lily, echinodorus leopard, anubias barteri, hygrophila difformis, and lucky bamboos I stole from my sister 😄 The substrate is river sand, and has small river gravel pieces around. It used to help my rabbit snails move around better, as I found pure sand was a struggle for them even tho they also liked burying. It has some endlers, one male betta and green jelly shrimp. 50liters
  19. Should I expect them to go sleep mode so I know they are not hungry, orr? It is very hard to track mini ramshorn population and shells, as it is a tub >_> and sides are blurry
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