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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. I need common favs as I have many snails and different species. Otherwise one or another ignore the snellos completely. Broccoli is their red line 😄 Mine like: collard greens, pumpkin, carrots, green beans Meh: spinach and only rabbit snails like zucchini. They don't like: broccoli, peas. Spinach isn't that good as it is rich in oxalates. So it blocks calcium intake. Can be fed very sparingly if you really want to. It is best avoided for animals that need calcium in their diet in general tbf. I don't feed it to my tortoises too. Also spinach is one of the most pesticide carrying foods so I can never be sure if they are safe to be consumed really. Cucumber is very low on nutritional value and can be addictive. So better to be avoided as well. My fish don't like any veggies. Only red lizard whiptails and otos barely touch it
  2. Don’t worry then. Just monitor the shell situation and new growth on the shells and see how it goes. From the pics their shell looks nice as it is! The erosion looks like this to give a clue. Usually due to low ph, or being nibbed on They do have eyes. Also antennas help a lot to snails to feel surroundings and find their way. You can actually sex them If you can see it, but it is hard. eggs will be laid by females everywhere. But you won't get babies. They are kinda hard to remove and usually laid on driftwood, rocks, sometimes around heater, and glass. The eggs look like white sesame seeds:
  3. Very pretty! I love shallow tanks A LOT! Also liked the fact that you are keeping black roses ( Iguess). I think they are underrated. l love mine
  4. They can mate and lay eggs in freshwater, it is just you can't grow their eggs to actual babies. Do you notice any deformation on each others shells? Sometimes, when they lack calcium, they nib on each others shell for calcium intake. Or, they can be just cleaning algae from each others shells too. Another option is mating as you've mentioned, however in these pics, they don't seem to be mating to me.
  5. I use filter wool in my HOBs. However, if you wanna dose something in the tank, Montmorillonite clay dust works great imo. I dose it to mineralise my water for shrimp, snails and fish. But as a side benefit, it clears water a lot within minutes! Also helps a lot with molting issues etc.
  6. With angels, you should be ready with a backup plan all the time. Everything may work for months and suddenly you may find yourself in need to removing a bully or a victim, or a pair. It is likely when kept in groups, they will pair up when they grow up and start bullying everyone else in the tank. My angel community tank has otos, sae and borneo sucker. They find borneo sucker weird and watch him closely sometimes, try to pick on him like he is a food. They don't care about otos or SAE tho, at least for now. Btw, I don't know if it is a general attitude or something for fish specific, my LFS carries soo many angels, 8-9 angel tanks, and the only bullies were in the Bulgarian angels' tank. Probably just luck? Idk. I know some angel breeds are more agressive than others. Not sure Bulgarians is one of them. They are pretty fish tho, lucky I have a chance to see lots of fish irl as my LFS carries a lot.
  7. It is because, one fish may show no symptom regarding a disease but the disease may be there and you may not be aware. However, another fish can start showing symptoms meanwhile one remains unaffected. Or sometimes you think the treatment is over, but it actually may come back. That's why basically. When I met 4 of my friends couples weeks back, one was sick. After meeting 4 of us, only I got sick but other two didn't get any disease nor showed any symptoms. Kinda like that 😄 tldr: bleach dip your friends 😛 🤣 Jokes aside, I am not a fan of throwing stuff away directy because it creates a waste. I would bleach dip myself. However, if you are dealing with a really bad disease and not willing to slightly risk it, then it might be an option.
  8. That's amazing. Thanks for sharing the update Leon has super adorable eyes. #govegan 🤣
  9. Hey @Bev C, I've just remembered of this topic we had a similar talk before. Maybe it is any help
  10. My advice would be, don’t. even my seasoned 8month old tanks got covered in algae when I left for military service when I was back. Aquasoil setups require more testing and close observation. usually lots of water changes as well. So does a new tank. I would set one when I’m back if I were you
  11. Be careful btw. Double tails are more prone to bloating issues
  12. That is a double tail halfmoon male imo This is how female double tails look like
  13. Has your friend ever tested the gh? If the gh is between recommended levels for both shrimp and snails, what I would do is introduce snails and see how they do compared to day 1 and now in my tank. As you know, mystery snails grow super fast, so new growth and quality of shell would tell if they have enough calcium in the water column/diet I think. If the gh is lower than recommended levels, I use gh+ to boost my gh levels. That way, I make sure I add calcium as well as others needed.
  14. A lil bit a different opinion than others: But I think, guppies also have characters. I feel like a bully can be a bully and may need to be timed out or separated. You can give crowding a try, but I think keeping all males is against their nature and is never guaranteed to succeed. Even not as common, females may even have issues as well. I have 7 guppy tanks and 1 endler tanks, and only in one tank, there is a bully female. The male to female ratio is 2m:6f. I'm trying to see if it is all about establishing a pecking order, or an actually bully behavior. It feels like a betta sorority or cichlid tank to me. crowding may help, but at the end, a bully can remain as a bully and may need to be seperated. Crowding does not guarantee a success imo. But should increase the chance of success I guess
  15. What are the highest and lowest temps they have successfully been to but haven't had any problems in your experience?
  16. Where does the potential chemical impurities come from? I think you shouldn't worry. Did you use soap or sth? Is the tank used before? Did you pour in sth by a mistake, or dive in with a hand lotion, etc? If not, just treat your water with something like prime and that's it. I understand you to ask and try to understand, and as a newbie it is amazing. But I feel like some people cause you to worry out of nowhere. You don't need active carbon in a new tank really. If you happen to face some accidents or medicine applications in the future, you can use carbon. I have no clue about home air cleaners, not sure what they are or if aquarium safe. But relax and try to enjoy your hobby. By asking questions and researching, you are doing much better than most people already 🙂
  17. This is a custom made 160 Liters tank of mine. So 42ishg. 100cmx40x40. I bet it must be kinda close to 55 measurements. Well for stocking, it would shock most people. There are 2 angels, 3 black rams, school of rummy noses, sterbai cories and rosy barbs, a plakat betta, a honey gourami, 3 SAE, 1 borneo sucker, 1 amano and 4 dwarf crayfish. The tank is insanely peaceful even the stocking sounds extremely weird. I dunno what happens when angels grow to full size. Well, I have a lot of backup plans for any scenarios :') Couldn't find the plant part pics. Early diatom stage pics (team sae ate it all in 2 days 😄 ) : A cutipie:
  18. It is a nice video. I personally think it could be better if; The fish bags are floated lights off, fish seem to be very stressed in the video. the store water was not poured into the tank. This may result in introducing stuff that you wouldn't like to introduce into your tank. Quarantine is mentioned. I also personally don't quarantine new fish when introduced to a new tank all together as long as they don't show obvious issues. Correct me if I'm wrong, but green neons are almost always wildcaught. Wildcaught fish = quarantine. Fish are selected based on the parameters. She is lucky to share same parameters with the store. Considerin Acoop quarantine for a period and share the same parameters, that's good for her. But I think people who watch this video may not be that lucky in general. A lot of people order fish online which may have very different parameters or specific needs, and may not be quarantined at all. A newbie watching this video may be lost at this point I think. Also, to start a cycle, you need an ammonia source. Is the active substrate where the ammonia comes from? I'm confused. I think that should've been explained better too. She reads ammonia, but where does this come from? What if someone does not use an ammonia leaching substrate? To start a cycle you need an ammonia source. Bottled bacteria won't do it alone
  19. I agree. But I also need some opinion for egg layers too. I wanna breed some L144s, red lizard whiptails, maybe my black rams, sparkling gouramis, bettas and some others. I assume nerites would be safe with anything. I'm not sure if mysteries would be safe for eggs. I bet not. Are amanos safe for eggs, or? Haven't decided what other fish to breed. Kinda depends on my LFS requests. So a general idea that is valid for egg layers may be nice
  20. Yea My worry would be any shrimp or snail that breeds, so in case a medication is needed, it would be impossible to remove. Thats why I don't consider pest snails or neocaridinas tbh
  21. As the title says, what is your fav algae eater and clean up crew for breeding tanks? I currently set up 6 guppy tanks, 15 new tanks coming next week for the fishroom. I like my tanks planted with stones and driftwood in it. I think fish love it this way, feel comfier and in nature. I can easily tell how their behavior changed going from temporary bare tank into a planted tank in two days. Def the way to go for me. Anyway, as we know, plants mean light, and light means potential algae build up. Can be nice to have something that assists me in these tanks, as there will be many, including 5 other tanks I have in my bedroom :)) . I thought of introducing one nerite, one mystery baby and maybe an amano shrimp to each tank. Also this way, as none will breed, I can easily move the snail or single amano shrimp if medication is needed. For guppies, I assume all should be fine. But what about the egg layer tanks? How safe are nerites/mysteries/amanos with egg layer breeding tanks? Notes: As long as the fish/shrimp specifically don't need acidic conditions or lower ph/kh, I use tap water. Otherwise, I use RO. My tap reads 8.0 ph, 16-20 kh. 0 gh. I use GH+ to aim desired gh for each tank based on each fish. Thanks for the help
  22. cichlid is a cichlid. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I personally wouldn't trust a cichlid with small flashy fish like male endlers. My bettas live with female endlers and fry very peacefully. But oh boy, if they ever see a male. That would be a dead male in seconds. Sorry you are going through this dude. Hope you can find what the exact issue is.
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