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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Can be dead and eaten, especially if you have snails and/or shrimp. Might have jumped if you don't have a tight fitting lid as well. Can be nice to check parameters, especially ammonia and nitrite just in case. Also observe your other fish for any signs of illness
  2. In terms of science perspective, I am not qualified to say anything. I don't have a career related to science. In my experience, some fish do be weird. I had a female rummynose, I think she had legit no understanding of being full. She was eating in a level she loses her color, goes pale and gasping with a HUGE belly. Every single time. Having struggle swimming. She was going for her own food, bottom dweller food, snail food, Every food in the tank. Nonstop. Other than eating times, she is all fine, healthy and nice. I have a female betta in my betta sorority that is the same. Every other fish are normal, however, this gold girl would eat in a level she explodes if given a chance. As I have had tens or even hundreds of fish until now, I had a chance to make some observations myself. It is hard to generalize, but for some reason, there are some fish like these that I am not sure what drives them into this eating behavior. Maybe survival instinct? That being said, I feed my fish tanks, when I'm done, the first tank legit acts like they haven't eaten in ages again. I'm not sure how what I think about fish knowing that they are full in this regard. Like yes, If I dump in a whole package of food, there will be a ton laying down uneaten spoiling the water. But pretty sure, most fish I have would also eat in a level they are in an uncomfartable position before they stop. Even then, I bet they would eat and spit, keep playing with food 😄
  3. Hey there, I personally keep 2 angels with my black rams in a tank with 100cmx40cmx40cm/160 liters. Both are juveniles, and rams will be moved in a breeding tank soon. In the tall tanks, you should ideally consider your stocking options based on the footprint of the tank. That tank is like taller 29g, right? So ideally, you should consider 29g stocking options. Second thing to consider is, you already have a stock going on. So basically you should consider the requirements and temperament of what you have in your tank and what new fish you want to have needs. You have a cichlid on hand and you wanna add another. Cichlid vs cichlid behavior changes A LOT compared to their normal temperament versus other fish in general. In my tank, angels usually use upper side of the tank meanwhile rams usually spend time in bottom side unless it's feeding time. My male ram has a territory and does not like angels entering its territory or being nearby. So if angels swims nearby, they are being pushed away. Same goes for the other black rams regardless of their sex. If you want a breeding project, ideally you should have a species only tank. Otherwise, keeping a pair in a community tank does not make much sense. All they will cause is legit chaos for any other fish in the tank. Especially when it is breeding time. So if I were you, in that tank size, I would not keep them together. That being said, peppered cory already likes colder water and being with some tropical fish you have is forcing its limit. GBR like it hot. That would negatively affect them very much, and for rainbows to stay in the highest limit.
  4. depends on what temp your tank and room normally is and what temp you aim to reach. My room temp is 22C all year long at lowest, and my 29g was working on a 100w heater to reach 27Cs without any problem. Same goes for my 50cm cube /125 Liters/33g
  5. that's a vwey cute gentleman. But where is the "sword-tail" I loved the red plant. What is it called?
  6. Challenging! And fun. As you know, I'm trying lots of new fish I haven't tried before. Not only fish, but also new plants, woods, substrate, snails or even a paludarium!! And having breeding projects for them all! Setting up the new fishroom. Tiring but amazing 🙂 Slowly but surely getting where I want to be. also, I really appreciate the friendship of you guys; @nabokovfan87, @Guppysnail & @Chick-In-Of-TheSea. Honorable mention is @Odd Duck for sure. All of this is much more fun with you guys. I'm happy that this hobby brought you all to my life ♥
  7. You had no time to reconsider silver dollars! 😛😄
  8. @Colu your recommendation is being tested by the snail crew! I’m seeing slightly grumpy faces. Let’s see how it goes for ancistrus tomorrow 🤣 Jap trapdoors didnt even touch it 😭 Mysteries are not qualified as a jury. Only thing they don’t eat is me 😛
  9. None of my 8 bettas are a fan of frozen daphnia. Other fish like it but my bettas, not so much :/
  10. Let's tag @Odd Duck as well. Hope he gets well soon :(
  11. Hey there, They are just super stressed. It is common for the noodle friends. They are almost always wildcaught, and go through lots of stress factors and many shipments. At last, they find themself in your tank. You should give them time to settle. you can ease this period by dimming or ideally turning off lights, letting them settle. They are nocturnal fish, so being under bright lights is no help during this settling time for their new environment. Just know that it is normal and once settled, they will ( or better to say, should) stop this glass surfing. 8 hours is really short for a new fish to settle in a new environment. Keep the lights off, and let your new friends settle in peace Keep us updated in case stuff goes abnormal.
  12. Same. My high ph and kh from tap is quite limiting for plants. I also have RO, and using it or mixing the two works great but I feel lazy unless it is must for the specific fish. So I also have some plants die on me. That being said, some plants do super good in one tank and the same plant melts and dies on another tank, when they are both literally under same conditions, even same lights! It is sometimes just hard to understand plants. But always fun to try something new. All Anubias and crypts I've tried until this day are basically the only two that always work for me no matter what. Others were all trial and error. Lately I just play safe and order different anubias and crypts mostly, as both have lots of options and pretty
  13. I would either keep a single male, or a female sorority with backup plans. My female sorority works perfectly, but it does not work for everyone it seems. Male and female or male to male is not a good combo. They are just not meant to live together all the time. Whenever they see each other it will be a stress factor. Also barbs and danios love high flow and low temp. Bettas love higher temp around 26C and very gentle flow. And longfins cannot deal with a big tank. A plakat does okay in my experience. Still, you will need to sacrifice some conditions for another. Also, bettas are never advised to be kept with barbs. Even plakats. Potential nippers. And during feeding time, they will be crazily outcompeted by any barb/danio
  14. In 2 days?? That does not sound possible
  15. but what about potential spores, or potentially them going dormant 🤔
  16. First you need to have a test kit that tests for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Then, you need to have an ammonia source in your tank. It can be a constantly added a small pinch of fish food, ammonia for aquariums, etc. You should start reading ammonia with your test kit. Without intoducing an ammonia source, you basically can't start cycling. Then you need to see ammonia clearing up and reading nitrite for a period. Then you need to nitrite readings to disappear and read nitrate only. When your tank is cycled, you need to stock very slowly. It changes for everyone and every tank when it actually cycles. So nobody can tell you an exact time of adding fish. Only test kits can tell. But usually, it takes at least around 6-7 weeks or more if you add no bottled bacteria or seeded filter. If you can find a cycled media to add your canister filter, it may speed up the process a lot. Currently, I added a pinch of fish food, added stability and filter gunk of 2 established filters in a tub with new sponges I'm cycling. It took about 2 weeks to cycle them. Live aquarium plants are a good assistant. They may help you to introduce some bb as they live on surfaces. Not much tho. Also I'm not sure if bb survives dippings. @Guppysnail do you have any idea if bb survives plant dips? Plants also helps to combat algae growth while cycling the tank.
  17. Something seems off. I have 7 guppy tanks and 3 endler tanks. All constantly active nonstop Just to make sure, is heater okay? Can it be broken? Zapping fish or temp getting low etc?
  18. Before I buy a light, what I do is, I check online and see the tanks, plants and results of people that use it.
  19. You can ask me anytime here or in dms. Mated pair! never heard of it for rabbit snails before. Their life span isn’t that long sadly, and they grow (or eat, or even move) very slowly Based on your budget, I would try to aim a small group at least. Because as I mentioned, their lifespan isn’t that long and they grow very slowly. So when we get adults, I think that means they spent a good time of their lifespan already. Especially if you want oranges. They are not that prolific if you want potential babies. You may even end up with no babies at all
  20. I have 16 rabbit snails! I keep mine at 26C with 8.0 ph, as snails like, high ph, kh and gh. they love sand. They bury and sleep from time to time. Fine sand is def their favorite substrate In terms of diet, they share the same diet with my mystery snails. I feed them homemade snellos, blanched green beans, carrots, collard greens, zucchini, rarely spinach, broccoli, pumpkin etc. they like to climb so lid is recommended. Also as mystery snails parasnail and land somewhere, these guys directly throw themselves to the ground from the highest point of the tank randomly sometimes. So it is for the best if you avoid any decorations close to the glasses of any side of aquarium. In terms of breeding; they have genders. So you need to have a male and female to have babies, or a female that has mated in the store. They approximately give a birth to a single baby around once a month if you are lucky. And it takes ages for babies to grow. Also a lot of people report of hybridizing between different colors. Not proven by any means, but some colors also seem to be more prolific breeders compared to others. Like golds seem to breed more easily than oranges or chocolates for example. Also I always keep a piece of catappa leaf in my tank and they love to snack on it. Especially babies can be a lil picky about veggies sometimes, so it helps me to make sure they don’t starve. Mine has never eaten plants, except a couple bites on the floating plants. People usually say they eat java ferns. I served them java ferns. Untouched. I feed my snails daily. Lastly, I currently keep mine with blue neocaridinas. Shrimp love to constantly pick on everything as you know. This behavior may scare snails a lil as shrimp even try to pick on their shell or their faces. So keeping shrimp population low might be a good idea to not get snails unintentionally bullied. If you have any questions, me and my friends are ready to respond! When he is done snacking on green bean ofc 😄 Ah, just remembered, if you can, def get tank bred ones. I once had 4 wilds last year, and sadly none made it. They were so picky about the food, refused eating anything I served, was even scared of the sound of sponge filter bubbles, only coming out when the filter was off. tank breds are highly recommended. Also they usually come with perfect shells if taken care of well. Wilds usually have shell damage, and their shell tips are commonly cut not to damage bags while shipping Ive heard
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