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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Bottled bacteria is not commonly used here, so I bet that's why they dont carry them much. The easiest one to reach is Stability, which I believe works good, but def not fast by any means. We don't have fritz as well. Also I haven't come by aquarium safe ammonia bottles here. So this is sadly out of the plan 😄
  2. Hey guys, Lately I have been working on a big fish room that will be mainly about breeding fish, snails and shrimp for my LFS. I found an air pump with versions of 4-6-8 outlets and it has pretty good comments on performance and low sound. So I guess I will go with that one. I have never set up so many tanks at once in my life, I usually always get MTS and start another but only one at a time. I currently have 4 tanks+ 1 Qt tub. 50 liter community tub, 75liter qt tub, 160 liter community tank, 125 liter betta sorority, 40 liter betta tank. But for the fish room, I need to setup multiple tanks at once. What would be the best way to get all the new sponges cycled? Should I dump them in my current tanks let them run there for a while? I usually do that when I setup a new tank, but I feel like too many new sponges can be a bit too much for the fish the tanks? I need this cycling producedure to get over asap, and usually introducing a filter from an established tank works the best. While getting my tanks custom made, I wanna try my sponges get cycled fast some way. Also, do you guys have any experience with different type of sponge filters? If you had a chance to compare any similar to the versions below, what was your experience like? Do these ones with biomedia slot work good or unneccary? I have 4 HOBS, so I can instantly put media into these if it works okay. I like my sponge a bit fine, either on prefilter or as sponge filter itself. This is what I use in my qt tub: Thanks for the help. @Fish Folk maybe you may share some opinion dude
  3. I've just checked your journal. Seems like I already commented on it on early stages. No surprise, I would never miss a tiger barb tank :') Very pretty tank with lots of plants, even pothos! So that is very normal to not read nitrates there. Don't worry ^^ Having a seperate test kit for ammonia can be a life saver. Sadly test kits are so expensive here yet I always keep a liquid one around. Highly recommended to keep one under your hand, although I don't believe you are having issues whatsoever, you never know if you ever will!
  4. Endlers and guppies may breed and have hybrid babies. So I personally keep mine in seperate tanks That's interesting. All males, or potentially too many males for a few females? I personally like 1m:3f the most, but sometimes I can only get 1m:2f which works fine
  5. I don't think it is overstocked. I would even increase the size of singles to groups myself. I don't believe livebearers like to live alone and they enjoy their own species, so does sparkling gouramis. So I would keep at least 3 of each personally
  6. Plecos are usually not hunters. If a baby shrimp ends up in its mouth, it will be eaten. Otherwise, a zebra pleco is very unlikely go and hunt a baby shrimp down and eat it that way. They are just opportunistic and feed on whatever they find the easy way tbh. I kept my orange sakuras with my L199/yellow zebra pleco, and even they are more on the carnivorous side, he was letting shrimp play around his home while he is taking a nap. The negative side is, their water temp choices are different. Lowest temp zebra plecos require is higher than the desired top level of shrimp. Zebra plecos like it hot with the range of 79 - 86 °F (26 - 30 °C), while shrimp ideally likes it colder.
  7. Sadly plakat bettas are also not safe option for potential fin nippers. I have 4 plakats, I would not advice to keep them with potential fin nippers. Also bettas lowest happy temp limit would force the upper limit of tetras and the snail. That being said, I keep my rosy barbs with my angels and honey gourami. I have never seen any type of nippy action. I even saw rummy nose showing interest to gourami feelers, but rosy barbs, never. Tho my rosy barbs are very angelic and nothing like normal barbs ngl. So I would skip bettas, and maybe you can try a honey gourami instead, but make sure you have a second plan in case it does not work. Dwarf gouramis are nice looking fish, but just like bettas, their temperament change alot from one fish to another, so that is a risk to take
  8. Hey SC, Nitrites indeed should read 0. However, nitrates reading 0 in a heavily planted tank, especially with an understock is not a rare occasion to come by. Even in my stocked tanks, since I have lots of plants, I barely read 10 nitrates before weekly water changes, and even my tap reads 20 nitrates. So you reading 0 nitrates would not directly mean your cycle is crushed. Do you ever test your tap water? Does it read any ammonia and nitrites? Maybe you introduce some directly to your tank during water changes and read it directly. Do you use dechlorinator during water changes? Have you recently used any medicine, especially antibiotics which may have affected the cycle by any chance? Do you observe any signs of ammonia burn or nitrite poisioning on your fish? Have you lost any fish recently? Ammonia test would definitely help to answer some of the questions on your mind for sure. In a cycled tank, with lots of plants but understock, you reading 0/0/0 would not be uncommon, and I don't believe it would mean your cycle is crashed. It just mean your bacteria and plants use the stuff and does their job.
  9. There are some issues with keeping them together in the current scenario. Zebra danios are a schooling species. So ideally they want a group of at least 6 of their own species. Otherwise, lack of this situation may lead to stress, and basically stressed fish becomes much more vulnerable to diseases. I believe they would be more skittish and stressed but not sure if they would be aggressive. I think the best way to tell is to observe them. People say barbs are nippy, and without a proper sized school, they will be bullies. My rosy barbs lost most of their school due to a bad batch with diseases, so I left with only 1m 1f with 3 surprise rosy barb fry. They were never aggressive or nippy rven as two. zebra danios are super active and crazy eaters. They may easily outcompete especially male guppies for food. Also this super high level of activity may cause slower moving fish to feel under stress all the time. Other than these, this is a personal opinion, but I believe 10g is small for active fish like danios and guppies if you have females there. I got me 3f:1m endlers in a 50 liters tub, and after two weeks, I had almost 20 fish there already. And consider when babies grow up and breed 😄 so if there are females, and the babies can make it with danios, having a plan for babies to be sold/rehomed can be a nice idea. Or else they can crowd a 10 very quickly
  10. That's actually not totally true, unless you consider filtration only biological. More filters will help with chemical and mechanical filtration, additional filter for emergency usage and quarantine setups so potentially extra biological filter for anytime. Also attaching stuff to sponge filters is much harder and unpleasing looking than just dropping a pack of active carbon or somehing in a hob basket when needed, in my opinion. Also better circulation, less dead spots, more oxygen content are general surplus of extra filteration.
  11. 😄 Gup trying to expand her worm cult. Don't let her RUN SHADOW RUNNNNNNNNN
  12. Hey there, Welcome to the forum. There are some helpful puffer keepers in the forum but they have written very long paragraphs before for many similar topics and have some journals of theirs, so I don't wanna tag them again. I would encourage some searching from the bar, you will surely find lots of great info and pics. You may just go with the word "puffer" and will have plenty of results! Even deworming, tankmates, breeding. Yo ucan find all of those Hope you can find anything helpful
  13. Generally adding betta the last in a community tank works better. Now that it has established its territory, adding new fish there might be a bit more challenging. Try its temperament but make sure to observe closely and see how it goes
  14. I looove the changes. Some people struggle with plecos damaging amazon sword leaves. Hope yours leave yours too. My L199 never touched my echinodorus leopard and amazon sword. So excited to see them all settle and even see future babies ♥_♥
  15. Such cute snails! ♥ Do they have names? 🙂 @Chick-In-Of-TheSea look, our Summer and Rick
  16. That is actually very interesting to form such color. I have never seen something like this before. I keep so many snails but nothing like this color change. @Biotope Biologist, @dasaltemelosguy do you guys have any idea regarding this blue-ish/yellow shell change and what might've caused the change ? That's interesting
  17. I may be wrong but to me, the bottom one also does not look like brotia herculea. Those antennas are super duper long, which is not usually the case for brotias. Also what is that shell color? Is it painted or something? I'm confused
  18. Still, I would use it if I were you. Normally I’m not a huge fan of direct quarantine. I got me 3 guppies today too. They will be getting levamisole for sure just in case I think you did the right thing buying it also that fish looks insanely colorful! Can u share more pics please?
  19. That’s also true. When I got Morty, he pooped pink everywhere
  20. Internal worms are pretty common in livebearers. They might be Camallanus worms? You gotta use levamisole at least 4 times and keep vacuuming substrate. Tagging @Colu to make sure I am not misleading
  21. He has both actually! Even as a snail guy, I saw these marisa snails on his videos for the first time.
  22. Well, that is hard to say. I keep my endlers with bettas. Zero fry has been eaten by 3 bettas by now 😄 I know cause I count them like a psychopath LMAO
  23. Never heard of them before. Seems like there isn't much on google as well. They look very pretty, just like green kubotai rasbora Is this their normal color or glofish type of coloring? I want them! :')
  24. I feel you. I lost my Ricks, my blue mystery snail couple weeks back and it was really sad. He was my joy. I was encouraged to buy 4 more friends to Morty, my gold mystery. I'm starting to love it again. Bad news for you tho, I found two of them snacking on my frogbits last nite 😄 I'm glad you have given yourself another chance to start over! P.S: Lately I've seen some people mentioning these floating logs causing people to have their bettas crush between the log and the glass and get hurt. I'm not sure how I feel about them anymore. Mystery snails are always up to injure themselves out of nowhere. Be careful :')
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