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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I dont have any experiance on this, so for all I know is that worm is your beloved freind. But I doubt it looks more like poop. If that pea puffer is dead inside your tank your going to find out soon based on the water quality. Have you checked around the tank for his remains? maybe he jumped out? do you have cats, did they eat it? Whats your filtration like, did he get sucked in? If anything this sounds like another fish portal...
  2. I have sand in all my tanks. I think why most people say that sand is more hard to work with is because its harder to clean. You have to hover the gravel vac right above the sand, the debris always stays ontop of the sand. Substrates like eco complete, seachem flourite substrate, fluval stratum all work great with plants. I have had great success with the following plants: Swords Anubias Hygrophillia Compact Buceaphalandria Java Fern Cryptacornes The Underlined = heavy root feeders, isnsert root tabs for optimal growth The Bold = Rhizome Plants, best to propergate on hardscape, do not need root tabs Heres a video of other great beginner plants:
  3. I figured it out! Its because I put "10gallons" instead of "10". Thanks! Okay, another question. The nitrate, nitrite and amonia chart as well as temp chart says "no data" whys that? Haha im not that tech savvy (as you could probably tell...)
  4. Well I have to admit, I've never used a journal like this before, but I think its time we change that. I love all of the features. And how when I type in my GH it transfers to my GH (dGh) and it tells me when I should do a waterchange, etc. Also I love the easy green calculator, great Idea! Everything about it is genuis! Question, how do I know my LFS water parameters? just test the water that comes in the bags? Is it just me or does the Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate Chart as well a the Temperture Chart says "no data"?
  5. I use super glue all the time! I used super glue to glue some of my anubias rhizomes into place: I use the gorilla glue super gel But the co-op sells these
  6. Its all good, no need to be sorry! My questions was answerd, so might as well answer yours! Plus I find this to be a very interesting thread...
  7. If your plan is to get a 110 gallon and put all those fish in there, great! What I would do is get your first batch of fish (so lets say you gte the livebearers, denision barbs and the corydoras at first) and quarintine them in the 110 gallon, this is fine because there isnt any fish in there. Then after the month that they have been in the 110gal, get your second batch. But this time get a smaller batch of fish and quarintine them as you would in your quarintine tank.Yes you could put alll the fish together to quarintine to depite where they came from, it would probably be better if you got them all in the spot at once (so get to petsmart, get your fish quarintine them, then go to Petco and get more fish and then quarintine those) It depends how small your quarintine tank is to determine how much fish goes in. Did you say it was a 5gallon quarintine tank? That seems a bit small, instead I would get a clear storage rubbermaid and use that. Irene from Girl Talks Fish has an excellent video on this, I'll link it down below. One concern, did you want to put goldfish in the 110 gallon with all the other fish you wanted? I wouldnt do that as goldfish are coldwater fish and the fish you mentioned you wanted are tropical fish, meaning they want warmer tempertures of water. I would do one or the other.
  8. Today I moved my anubias golden coin from the nano breeder to my betta tank. I figured it would do better on a peice of wood. So I wedged the rihzome into one of the crevices. It looks really good and I'm quite happy about it. I trimed both of my swords (red twist in community tank, yellow sun in nano breeder). They had some dead leaves, so I trimed those off. I also discoverd new growth on both of my Hygrophillia species (compact and siamensis 53b) This challenge has really sparked a new interest in fish keeping for me, I love it. I also love wedging the rhizome species into the dirftwood, I might be getting some Java Moss for it too.
  9. I wouldnt medicate right now. as @Betsy said leave the fish alone and let him settle in for a few days. Its really to early to tell if its rin rot, so hold off on the treatment. It wouldnt be a bad idea to have the med trio on hand so that you can start treating the second you see a big sign of finrot. Clamp fins isn't really something that can be fixed through meds but rather the water quality, stress factors, etc. You pretty much have to find the reason why he has clamped fins and fix that problem. In this case its probably the stress for shipping, and the clamped fins dont even look that bad. So hold off on treatment for a few days until you see a more desisive sign of fin rot.
  10. Yep the sword is a new plant got it also a week ago. The tank is also a new setup so, yes those root tabs I inserted a week ago were the first root tabs. I inserted two root tbas. @ARMYVET I have 15ppm of Nitrates, I will be dosing more today as well as inserting more root tabs.
  11. Hey all, I saw some trasparent on my sword, so at first I thought it was maybe a iron defency. I added root tabs and added some of the tropica premuim fertilizer. All though nothing seems to be working. So I have been doing some research and on other forums some say its a lighting issue. But swords are fairly low light plants, right? It is very low light, I have some really cheap LEDs that came with a tank a few years back. I'm using them until my Fluval 3.0 Nano comes in the mail. What should I do? is it a iron defency? lighting issue? other issue...? Just an FYI i live in Canada so I cant get the easy iron, etc.
  12. It could be that your pellet is too big, could also be because he doesnt like the taste, theres lots of reasons why. Maybe try another pellet?
  13. Well... there is an app for podcasts and live streams: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aquariumcoop.android.aquarium There is also an app for the forum:
  14. @KBOzzie59 some people like to put in a dip to kill of any pests like algae, snails, etc. Now to answer your questions @Idgyroo : As mentioned before some people like to dip their plants in a chemical to get rid of any pests. Now I think its safe that the overwhelming majority of people dont do this. And I for one dont do this also. If your not scared of snails coming into your tank (you shouldnt be...) then I would intorduce your java moss to your display tank now.
  15. Just a thought... now that you have ducks and because ducks love to swim, I think its time your parents let you start digging a hole in the ground for a pond!
  16. Now I'm no expert in saltwater, but from researching a bunch in saltwater Yes two snowflake clowns can go perfectly in a 50. Infact some keep them in smaller tanks like 10-20 gallons. As far as the anemone, it all depends on the clownfish. Sometimes the clownfish will start hosting the anenmone right away, sometimes it will be a year before they start hosting it. Your best bet is to get a clownfish thats already hosting an anemone in the fish store and get both the anemone its hosting as well as the clownfish. Bubbletip Anenemones are one of the most common anemones for clownfish to host.
  17. Send pictures please! Are they baby ducks or adults?
  18. I usually like to feed frozen foods on friday but I have been forgeting to do so lately. So I fed everyone frozen blood worms today 🙂. Hugos Fins aren't looking the best. I fear that his finrot has come back as they look like there getting worse. One thing I know for sure is that if I do have to go back to treating I wont be using salt. Im gonna see if I can get my hands on some API Melafix. He used to have like 1/2 of halfmoon back, but now its like 1/4 of it. Hugo has picked up a new hobby though, which is scavenging for any left over food. And as a result has a round belly. No food for him today. I haven't seen Dobby the Nirite Snail during the day at all but only during the night time when all the lights are off. I assume he hides in the crevises of the drift wood. I want some more plants for the community tank as well as one more for Hugos Tank (the red melon sword hasnt bee doing the greatest) And I'm really fighting the urge to not buy some plants! But I need some water sprite or Hornwort for the Nano Breeder so I'll probably wait till I see that someone has those instock before I make a purchase.
  19. So today wont be an hour of work, but I thought I would post it anyway. Yesterday evening I mad a DIY Brine Shrimp Hatchery, to learn how I made it click here. I have some brine shrimp eggs coming from amazon quite soon, and cant wait to start my first hatch. Today I wiped the glass of green spot algae on my community tank. Today I also discoverd that the roots on my amazon frogbit are growing!
  20. Awesome setup! I may have to adapt that lid concept, great idea! What kind of brineshrimp eggs do you use? The Co-Ops eggs? or another brands...?
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