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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Meanwhile.. I read that inbreeding of guppies can cause the back issue. Which, with guppies, they produce a bunch of fry and the fry start mating with each other- so easy to have that happen. It may very well be nothing you did, but rather something in the breeding before you got them. @Guppysnail told me the other day fry can mate even when they are several weeks old and before you even know which is male and which is female.
  2. Yep, this was my experience. I used a 10gal as a mystery snail growout but I was water testing once or twice a day. Once they got to a certain size, I began to get ammonia readings, and at that point I had to do water changes twice a day. I used Prime to ensure any ammonia remaining in the tank would be nontoxic to them.
  3. I had this happen for no apparent reason in an Indian glass fish years ago. I don’t believe there is a way to reverse this, unfortunately. I don’t recommend this lightly, but given the photos and my own experience with this issue, I think the humane thing to do is to move forward with euthanization, as the fish is not going to have a good quality of life otherwise.
  4. Do you have carbon in your filter? If not, I would recommend adding some as it will remove odor and clarify.
  5. I don’t see why he can’t go over there. I wasn’t sure what all you had on the other side of that, but if it’s just plants, go for it. Should work well.
  6. So, the strong fish is aware that the other fish is ill. It wants to eliminate the liability, so to speak. My tetras did this to a guy that had recovered from an illness in quarantine. When I returned him, he was not contagious but he was also not 100% strength. They were able to detect that and wanted to pick him off. It may be best to put your guy in a quarantine tank or even a heated/filtered bucket for two or so weeks til he gets his bearings again. @Tanked ☝️👍
  7. I pulled them from a shrimp molt . They are somewhere in the tank now because I had to leave my house for an extended period of time but I didn’t want those shrimp stuck in there, and they wouldn’t leave.. so I tilted the net. No eggs in it when I got home. Hopefully they still hatch. I did see a female that had all black eggs and 1 orange one. I wonder if the orange one was from the net? That would be awesome if it is and she is caring for it. Some other fun stuff. A dish arrived for the second tank, and some lollies: bee pollen this time. The moss in the wild tank that I was going to throw out is now looking pretty green. I think the shrimps have cleaned it up pretty well and ate the dying stuff. I scraped the glass in both tanks so all that stuff is floating around. Reduced the flow on 2nd airstone so the filter can collect it. And the not-fun stuff. 3 shrimps with scutariella japonica have been isolated in the specimen container. Everyone else seems to be ok but I could not observe them all because some were hiding.
  8. Ah yes, the one dive site I’ve been to has a hydrogen sulfide layer. It’s odd. Above it is freshwater and below it is like a brackish water? It looks like milk and smells like rotten eggs. Did your tank look milky? If you have an air purifier you can try running that in your bedroom @LoveMyPlatys
  9. You are getting such great footage @mountaintoppufferkeeper! They are so cute and curious.
  10. See how they do with boiled zucchini. It will need a plant weight or something because it will float.
  11. I wasn’t quick enough to raise my egg net during the water change and now this.. They are not bothering the eggs; they are eating the green dust from a calcium chip. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But maybe they could clean that stuff off the eggs that I was unable to remove.
  12. Not that I would normally suggest this but can you go to a lake and get some lake water which will have a bunch of microfauna living in it? It’s certainly a roll the dice type of thing, and you’d need to ensure your source is unpolluted.
  13. Oh boy.. And bbs can take several days. Too bad you don’t live closer. Little LFS shop near me sells live daphnia cultures and stuff. You could try the Repashy anyway? Who knows? And if they don’t eat it, the neos will eat it. Having more info now about the zoe needs, I would hold off on ANY water changes right now. Unless the neos are showing signs of distress. Also it’s important to add several nerites at this time so they can lay eggs in the brackish water and you can have baby nerites. 😉
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