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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Maybe a top dweller would be good to prevent food competition and to fill in that level of your tank. Such as hatchetfish.
  2. I read that people have been having luck keeping betta with pygmy cories @Guppysnail. Had you ever tried that before?
  3. Maybe will get him some dithers. Roll the dice & monitor. I actually never noticed if the bubble nest relates to the tail biting. Hmm! Interesting thought @Guppysnail! I should keep little notes. I am 100% sure his issue is behavorial, or his tail simply gets too heavy when it is long. We had a great, long run without biting though! So that is progress!
  4. Geppetto had a situation today. I was going to do his normal water change but saw he had built a beautiful bubble nest so I decided not to. However, 2 days ago he bit some of his tail off, and yesterday he bit more off. 😕 Seem to coincide with the times I skip giving him Repashy, the spoiled brat. He rebels. Anyway, I had the IAL tea (3 c.) and I mixed 2 Tbsp Fritz salt into it to help his tail, shook it up pretty good and did a small top off with it. Few minutes later, he's laying on the bottom all flared out and gasping. Not even sure why; his tank is 10gal and it didn't even get the full 2 Tbsp - that should be a very weak dilution of salt in that size tank. So I wasn't sure if it could be the salt? Or did he eat a shrimp and it's too much for him? (He was looking around in the shrimp area prior to try to find them). Did some water tests; everything is fine. So with just minutes before I had to leave for work, I did a good 40-ish% water change. I couldn't monitor him after but got ready super quickly and as I was grabbing my keys glanced at the tank and he was swimming up near the top again; he seemed casual. So I guess it was the salt. Maybe didn't mix well; maybe not enough flow or something to distribute it. The bubble nest is hosed, but I think Geppetto is ok; will check again in a few hours when I return home. Other thoughts - I like to make the catappa tea, but I see there are catappa tea bags which can just be dropped in the aquarium. Every time I boil catappa leaves I put them into a gallon ziplock and put them in the freezer so I can feed them to shrimp or snails later. I can take those frozen leaves and crunch them up, then put them in one of those breathable plant bags the co op ships plants in (I save those to trade plants w/ friends), and boom. There is a free catappa tea bag. Could be a nice option to add to the tank w/ no mess. Maybe cinch it shut with a plant weight or whatnot.
  5. So guys, the month of treatment of PraziPro plus the few weeks of molt pulling did not resolve the scutariella japonica. I’m partway through a new (different) treatment and will post on that later. For now I’m just seeing how it goes. The shrimps are doing fine, having a lot of babies. They acted weird on the first dose because I didn’t drip it in, but the second dose was a better experience for them with the drip.
  6. So the cap for the superglue is somehow superglued onto the tube part and I can’t open or use the glue. 😭 This is as annoying as when the airline will not stay attached to the sponge filter. ☹️ But I bought a pretty cool French bread, so there’s that.
  7. @Irene had made a video about how to cool down tanks, talking about the water bottles and how they didn't really work, and she mentioned chillers and fans and the car sun shade thing. I can't find the video but I found this one which mentions some of those things.
  8. That bristlenose is in heaven right now. Such a delicious feast 🙂 A nerite snail will clean that in 1-2 days.
  9. Shrimp are one of those creatures that, I don’t think the care instructions are cookie cutter. Sites/videos will guide viewers toward RO water. I bought locally and asked my shop, do these guys need RO? And they said, no, they are acclimated to the tap water in this area. So mine are in tap water with like 120 TDS and an gH of 180, kH 80 and they just keep on breeding. Now, of course the tap water is different everywhere so I can’t speak to/advise of anything re: water shrimp should live in to thrive. I’m only speaking of my own experience. I don’t do the minerals and stuff either. Just calcium mixed with Repashy Soilent green, shrimp lollies, and boiled veggies. Seems mineral additives would raise the hardness even higher than what it is.
  10. Ha. You should put this in the aquarium memes thread. 🙂
  11. It could work if you feed powdered algae-based foods (such as Repashy soilent green) that will coat the walls and objects. Also bacter AE is a good once-a-week thing. You are only going to need a tiny amount of that (bacter ae) for your tank volume, like, tip of a toothpick. The Repashy soilent green can be a small pinch released under the surface. Nerites enjoy fresh air also. That's just something they do. I keep a dropped water line for my various snails so they can go up there and do what they'd like to do. Last week, my zebra nerite climbed out of the water on the airline and stayed there for 2 days eating the slime off of it and just chillin.
  12. I have to pinch vibra bites and put my hand in the tank and release them in front of my Bolivian ram. Otherwise the 18 tetras will eat them. They are afraid of my hand but the ram is not. Feed Repashy also. My ram will pick at it. Frozen brine shrimp cubes distribute well throughout a tank and can usually be enjoyed by everybody. @Souperman
  13. Parents’ pup. Has white socks
  14. It took me some time to buy one but now that I have one I use it all the time. Next time you have a co op and you need that little bit extra cost to get the free shipping, you can add the specimen container. My LFS sells the specimen container for like $18, so it’s about the same as online. Just think, it will last practically forever so in the long run it’s worth it and will make your life easier. Is that due to cost? Locally I pay $4.99/each for Neocaridina. You don’t need that many, and they will multiply.
  15. Put the finishing touches on my amazing light riser for my specimen box trumpet snail aquarium. They need to be in this holding area while I medicate the tank. The meds are unsafe for them.
  16. Increase air. Often water additives reduce dissolved oxygen levels in the water column. Or just water change it out if they were active prior.
  17. I saw them in the LFS. I was so surprised how small they are! They were following me as I moved around.
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