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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Is it Aragonite? There was a mixup here on crushed coral; the aragonite is meant for marine tanks but it was being sold as crushed coral. Your mystery snail is adorable, by the way. Try to offer a food with calcium and protein as well as vegetable for their shell health and operculum health. Hikari crab cuisine, Kat's aquatics food, or snail pellets from Crayfish empire. The crayfish empire ones are free as a sample, just pay shipping.
  2. I would very slowly drill a small pilot hole or two in the top of the rock.
  3. I would not recommend taking everything out and cleaning it @Minifish. The beneficial bacteria you do have is living on the objects and helping. I would recommend doing a water change and supplementing with bottled bacteria such as Fritz Zyme 7, as well as checking for dead animals in the tank. I would recommend going mild on the salt because it can slow beneficial bacteria. 1 Tbsp per 19 liters is a nice, mild dose that will not harm your plants or bacteria, but your fish will benefit.
  4. Looks are deceiving! 😂 That guy packs a punch! But he does protect his flock. Just got word yesterday that 2 roosters have assumed the dominant roles; they pick on him. So he gets extra treats and loving from my friend.
  5. I couldn’t resist adding the sound effect ☺️ Hydra has never caused a problem in my tanks. I think it’s cool, actually. It’s green so it’s eating algae and stuff.
  6. Oh man, poor fella. Dead snails are stinky! I bet with him removed your odor goes away with a water change or two. Make sure you test your ammonia.
  7. @laritheloud I love the closeups you got. They seem very inquisitive toward the camera!
  8. I just touch it to ensure it’s still damp. You don’t want it soaking wet, but you don’t want it to dry out. You’d crumble a clutch to free the snails. If you don’t, they may hatch at different hours or even a different day. If you are opening and closing the incubator it messes with the humidity and it can lead to that hard eggshell issue. Plus the crumbled clutch remnants they will eat as one of their first meals. One of my clutches I did not crumble; I decided to let it hatch naturally. And unfortunately, the humidity situation, so I had some losses. 😞 I know it seems weird to intervene @RichNJ but conditions in the home aquarium are not the same as in nature.
  9. I’m sorry for your loss @laritheloud. Your new kitties look right at home! The chickens are gorgeous. Do you guys know I was attacked by a rooster this year while visiting my friend? He snuck up behind me and WHAM! This is Blackie and his 2 girlfriends. Here is 7 days later after “the incident” But I have mad respect for Blackie. He defended the chicks from a hawk, and just recently he stood up to.. get this.. a black bear that was in the yard. And he wasn’t quiet about it either! The bear was actually fixated on him and staying still, not sure what to do, and Blackie kept moving forward toward the bear and yelling at him. Here is a bonus pic of Blackbeard. My friend told me that Blackbeard would have defended me from Blackie if he was closeby.
  10. @Hobbit needs to post some chicken pictures! And @TheSwissAquarist has stick insects!
  11. I would still suggest incubation; it’s just a Tupperware floating on the water surface. Often in-tank hatches fail because humidity is not perfect; the eggs become too hard and the babies become trapped inside because they cannot chew out. Very simple process. Tupperware with tank-water-dampened paper towel inside, top that with dry paper towel, top that with the clutch. Poke holes in Tupperware lid with a pushpin and put it on the container. Float it in your tank.
  12. How deep is your sand cap? Should be 2 inches minimum for a cap.
  13. Congratulations! If you could wait one day before attempting to move it to the incubator. (Eggs crush easily when the clutch is first laid.)
  14. 😍 don’t forget your chickens and turtles!
  15. Water change this morning. I saw another shrimplet in there. How many can there be? Lol I trim the floater roots and it takes them only 2 days to reach the bottom again. Happy little guys. The blank spot you see there is where the chunk of driftwood was. The jar was very crowded with it, so I moved it to a shrimp tank.
  16. Agreed; I’d water change along with using the detoxifying dechlorinator to help the bacteria out. It takes time for them to multiply.
  17. Same, a 29g is almost 300 lb when full; more if hardscape… wall shelf could end up in catastrophe. Consider a rack instead.
  18. @nabokovfan87 suggested this ez gif maker tool on the Tank Evolution thread, so I figured I would make one for my jar. Jar upkeep is really just trimming floater roots and topping off with the occasional water change. I do water tests on it when I test my tanks, and it remained consistent since the beginning. I still find the occasional shrimplet in there. Found another today, in fact. Moved him to a tank just for community and scalability of the shrimp colony.
  19. You could give boiled veggies like zucchini or green bean.
  20. Oh trust me it won’t take long. I have some in my Walstad jar. I bought 3 and now have a whole bunch. If you want to quicken reproduction feed them. Back off food if you want to slow reproduction and their numbers will reduce.
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