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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. How big are they? If too young they may not be mature enough to lay yet. Do be careful with water parameters. You’ll want to watch those (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) very closely as adult mystery snails produce a lot of waste and you should really only stick to 1 snail per 5 gallons to keep everything stable. I know your setup is to breed; just something to keep in mind as you go along. Overfilter if you can. Definitely get a calcium rich food. You can *add calcium carbonate to Repashy Soilent Green (see Snello 1 in my signature line) *Hikari crab cuisine *Kat’s Aquatics Snail food *Crayfish empire snail pellets (free, just pay shipping). Calcium carbonate is also free on this site. The snails not only need calcium for their own shells but also to produce their eggs, as the eggs are made of calcium. Cuttlebone can be added to the tank as well and it will slowly release calcium in the water and the snails will graze on it. Cuttlebone should not be the only calcium source though. @Cinnebuns do you have any additional thoughts on the breeding setup here?
  2. Is there enough plant cover for them to swim in between? Some fish feel insecure if they are not able to get shade or have a plant nearby to take shelter in.
  3. Had you taken an ammonia reading? Black patches are sometimes caused by ammonia burn. It can happen even if a tank is cycled. Sometimes something disrupts a cycle.
  4. I thought I lost a wild because what I pulled from the tank had eggs. It was actually a molt that had shrimp eggs (4) attached to it. I have them in a net above the airstone. We will see if they hatch or not. There are some swimmerettes attached to the eggs, I can’t get them off without damaging the eggs. Thanks @nabokovfan87 for helping.
  5. You have to be quick about it. The glue sets in seconds once it hits water.
  6. No, I was dealing with columnaris, but 1) columnaris is a quick killer, and 2) no bloating occurs. The photos do not looks like columnaris at all. The issue mentioned here is something else. The Fritz disease chart points to dropsy or internal infection, but I'm not sure as I have not personally dealt with that. Let's ask @Colu Note: the last line of this chart is cropped off. It suggest meds, but I am not vouching for those meds. They are all Fritz products and I think in some cases there are better meds to try and/or have had more positive results. It's case by case basis, really.
  7. That’s dwarf water lettuce. It didn’t work in tanks w/ lids (melted). It multiplied apparently because the previous photo only had a few, and I didn’t do anything. Gets long roots, I had to trim them recently because they went all the way down (and into) the sand. Pretty neat plant! I guess glue works if the moss does well, but if the moss is dying back you can see the glue, eh? Next time I do thread I will try to match the object I'm wrapping on instead of the plant. I used green thread on the driftwood which was recently moved to the wild tank. I had to position a few times to hide the thread. Looked good at first but then the moss grew upwards toward the light instead of outward from where I wrapped it. I'm sure it would act differently in a tank where the light is more spread out.
  8. That’s the stuff in my jar. Doing very well for me. Not sure how it would do in a deeper tank (never tried it). ^older photo. No shrimps in there now. (I think)
  9. Geppetto loves frozenbloodworms. He doesn’t like flake food. I also feed him frozen or live brine shrimp, freeze dried daphnia, and xtreme betta pellet.
  10. So sorry about Valere. He had a most wonderful and pampered life after his rescue from the big box store, thanks to you. The platinum guppies are just stunning. They look awesome in there. Can we say they are the white knights of the tank? Sure looks like it to me!
  11. His name is Geppetto! Lately I discovered he likes Repashy! He dives down to the bottom after it.
  12. I do like it! For a betta I would stand the wood up or add something with a little height. They like to swim around things/explore. If they can see from one side of the tank to the other, they tend to get bored (in my experience)
  13. Treatment complete. I’m so happy to 86 the plastic plants in the wild tank. 50% water change, moss on driftwood, rosette sword, cholla, alder cones.. all the fun things that shrimps love. Moved the media bag of carbon to their tank also. Another wc tomorrow. I hope the rosette sword does well. It was propagated on a runner in the Walstad jar. RR overnight so no bladder sneggs. I had to add more sand. That was fun! So many shrimplets! Had to pour in one corner then gradually hoe it as they jumped back from the “wave”. Oh my. Due to their numbers I was only able to do this on half the tank, but that will suffice for now. Deep enough for the sword plant. Not the best scape right now but it’s a start, and the water needs a top off also. A bunch of them stress molted from the water change. It’s a good thing given how scutariella spreads. I removed those molts. Bonus pic of Nibbles in the blue tank. Nibbles has been giving some of the little shrimplets piggyback rides.
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