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Matthew does stuff

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  1. Gotta have a smaller tank and a bigger tank. I have this 6 gallon in my bedroom and in my basement a 55 gallon with Yellow lab cichlids. Completely different ends of the spectrum. I can only keep hornwort and snails with the cichlids so plastic decorations and rocks. While I can have different plants and shrimp in my betta tank. Heck I also want to build a patio pond or a 20 gallon tote indoor pond for some guppies!
  2. If you want to have a betta tank with shrimp it needs to be heavily planted and they might eat and nag at shrimp or some might not or some like mine bothered the shrimp and after a week he noticed that he couldn’t eat them and completely ignores them now. I was trying out shrimp and someone local sold me these 12 shrimp for $0.25 cents each so I wouldn’t be bummed if any died. Luckily none did and I have a shrimp carrying eggs! Now the question is if they will survive.
  3. I was not aware of this! Thanks for the information. If I notice anything off I know why. He was labeled as a male plaket betta which at first I didn’t believe but now I do. I hope he doesn’t have any problems.
  4. I just wanted to share how much my betta has changed from when it was in a cup to now in a 6 gallon planted tank with shrimp that he doesn’t eat or bother! I got him in early January this year and I'm amazed on how much blue he has now!
  5. My betta is very docile. doesn’t bother my snails and I can’t get her to nip my fingers even! @Max W.
  6. I just want to make sure what gender fish I have to have a name. I named her Izzy as a female but if it’s a male I’m going to change it.@whitecloud09 That’s what I thought she was. They listed her as a male Koi and looking at its fins it looks like a female.
  7. Thanks for the information! I thought the pet store labeled my betta wrong but then again bettas have all different styles of fins!
  8. By the way the fins are I think that it’s a female. As well as how my betta acts. Not aggressive at all and doesn’t bother my snails and I could trust it with Amano shrimp honestly.
  9. I’m pretty sure that I have a female betta by the way the fins are. When I got it it said that she is a Koi betta male but I don’t think that true. I just want to make sure! she has really changed how she has looked from when she was in a cup! Much more blue now!
  10. I was thinking about possibly adding amono shrimp into that tank. I have mystery snails that I have she leaves alone. I am going to need to add more decor and plants. I have nowhere else to relocate the tank so that's my best bet. As well as this is a 6.5 gallon tank. Plenty better than her in that poor cup.
  11. Thanks for the information! She keeps doing this constantly even as I’m typing this. I tried putting paper on that side of the tank but I’m gonna have to find something thicker so you can’t see through it. I’ve gonna add more rocks and plants to this tank because it is a little bare.
  12. My betta keeps looking at herself in the reflection of the glass and swimming up and down over and over again. She eats fine and is active just I don’t like how she keeps looking at herself and stressing her out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have added a video of her doing this. Here is a video link since I cannot upload it here. (It's on YouTube) :
  13. I have no clue why but I’m really bummed about it because she was so beautiful.
  14. I got Mopani wood dry never put in water that I boiled 4 times. I noticed it had white dots all over it but I think it’s oxygen bubbles.
  15. Very very sadly she has passed away. She was so pretty. I knew that I wanted to get her when I first saw her. She passed away on Monday. I checked up on her before I went to school and she was still alive and breathing kinda a lot. And when I came back she was at the bottom of the tank upside down and lost a little bit of color. I have no clue why. She ate 1 day prior. I tested the water and it was good. I don’t have ammonia test strips but I highly doubt it was ammonia that caused it. I have had the tank cycle for one month before I got her and it had snails in it that I would give food to start the cycle. I also used lots of cycled Bactria sponges from my cichlid tank. My father kept saying on how it’s the pice of driftwood I have in the tank messing things up. I honestly have no clue on why she passed away. I did the math and I only had her for 49 days since when I got her…….. she was really stressed for the last week before she passed. It could have been stress that killed her. Rest in peace zoey 🥺 now I have a empty betta tank debating on what I should do with it or if I should take out the driftwood.
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