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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Lovely! Do the top baskets have pickerelweed?
  2. Yeah.... last time I bought a couple of tetras it was $35 at the register. Ouch.
  3. They don't smell bad to me. They smell like one of those cold-pressed juice shops. You know, the buji ones where a cold-pressed juice w/ the greens in it and whatnot is like $10. What the-- ? Places actually charge for trumpet snails?
  4. I think that's what you call "struggle snuggles" @Guppysnail And that reminds me of a song...
  5. Looks like no snipping required. The shrimps were able to get it off now because I guess the roots died.
  6. I RR this plant/wood for 12 hrs Monday night with Great Value (Walmart) seltzer water. This is Tuesday upon its return to the tank. Note the fuzzy algae. It was very rooted into the leaves and could not be pulled off by me. The shrimp have not been able to remove this either, up to this point. This is Saturday. The fuzz has been reduced.
  7. Someone discovered calcium and catappa in the feeding dish (the stringy stuff is what the shrimp left of the lettuce). I’m only going to put catappa into a dish. That’s why my tank looked so dirty before. It was mostly decayed catappa. Fine for the tank, but to me, unsightly.
  8. Yep, they will go away if you feed less. You probably fed more heavily than usual since you were going to be away and they came out to say hello. 🙂
  9. I have them in my Walstad jar. Here is a video. This is the Rhabdocoela.
  10. I see it! One time I uploaded a picture to a find your celebrity doppelgänger app and it matched me Scully from the x files, lol. I’m not mad. 🙂
  11. omg 😱 !!!!!!!!!!! This morning.. a cockroach was in my aquarium! I did not sign up for this 💩! It was on the surface just chilling amongst the hornwort. I netted it.. with the longest handled net I have, so as to keep my distance from the wretched thing.. and then it started crawling and I gave the net to my husband and had him deal with it. Me:
  12. Looks a lot like rhabdocoela. Which are good for your ecosystem. They eat waste. Rhabdocoela
  13. I agree with the water change idea to lower nitrates and see how he does afterwards.
  14. Heard of this occurring w/ stratum. Agree with the comments above about extra water changing.
  15. @xXInkedPhoenixX you are twinning with Jennifer Connelly, I hope you don’t mind my saying so.
  16. Made some Repashy. A little batch for the betta - he loves it! And a larger batch w/ calcium for the snails and shrimp. The shrimp will also receive my “Repashy mixers” so, zero waste! (I’m sure there’s a way to coat the whole stick without making a huge mess, but uh- I don’t know that way..) Then I made some catappa tea for my betta. My husband came through the kitchen while I was making the Repashy and commented on the “aroma” 🤣
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