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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Ah ok, I did see one that looked gravel-ish and that is the one I thought you meant. I am trying to think of the axolotl keepers on the forum here. When someone comes to mind I will tag them. I know some axolotl stuff because my friend has one and we talk a lot about his needs and behavior. She did end up removing the slate also. She had the same cleaning problem you did. Some people don’t mind the extra maintenance, but it got on her nerves and she lets him walk around on almond leaves now. @Goldie Blue @Lillypad. @Rainy @Taco Playz @mkeyz@Bethany92 Throwing a tag to @Odd Duck who is or used to be an exotic vet; perhaps has some axolotl experience(?)
  2. What kind of ferts are you using? Tagging @Mmiller2001 here who is really good w/ plants.
  3. No glue used in your case? Only thread or fishing line?
  4. Anubias don't get planted into substrate; they (as well as java fern and bucephelandra) need to have their roots free and will feed from the water column. Most people attach their anubias to rocks or driftwood, but a shortcut is to just put a plant weight around the stems (not the rhizome) and that will keep it from floating around. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-plant-anubias-or-java-fern-on-rocks
  5. I do this too, and my filter is turned off during the water changes. Only do this if there are NO tank inhabitants (but plants in the tank are OK - they consume ammonia).
  6. I see that some people online have glued the coco mat to a rock. @DaPrawf You can use "gel superglue" which is fishtank safe; the ingredient in it is cyanoacrylate.
  7. Yeah, see? Those people that don't suck on their lines are missing out! Improve your immune system, people! This is the secret!
  8. Do you have a great immune system too?
  9. I've spit on the tile floor before @Guppysnail. Also one time into a quarantine tote, oops - forgot to turn my head away 😆 In MOST CASES, I get the line started in time for the water to not get in my mouth - but for those time when the line is hard to get started.. well.. yeah. But the way, my husband gets sick ALL the time, and I never get sick. I haven't been sick in years.
  10. I was back and forth between the fen and the No; I saw a lot of posts from people reporting success with the No. Then one day I emailed Mark’s Shrimp Tanks with a salt question re: scutariella Japonica. He answered the salt question but then also added his 2 cents and recommended the No Planaria as well and said of all the remedies he’s tried, it has been the most successful. It is also natural/plant based; it is made from Betelnut Palm extract. So I decided to go with that one. Seems both the Fen and the No have the adverse snail effects. Keeping my Nibbles safe is top priority!
  11. I sucked some black slime stuff out of an airline getting a drip started. Welp, time to UV that one! I will put it out in the FL 97 degree sunshine. @Guppysnail says, Happy Adventures, Try Something New. Well I tried something new. But it didn’t have much flavor. I thought I’d be more exciting than that.
  12. I had cleared out half of the water lettuce on 7/14 and gave to a friend. The ones in my jar multiplied again to cover the top. I am setting up a bird bath soon and may add a few DWL to the bird bath. The DWL does poorly in my tanks due to condensation.
  13. It is going to be a loooong time before snails get added back. Super nervous about that. The medicine is called No Planaria. info page Today is a small water change, then the shrimps continue to marinate in the medicated water for another week, then the carbon.
  14. The dwarf water lettuce is a bit yellow, so I added a couple drops of easy green with the pipette. The stem plants seem to be doing well, and I moved a ludwigia into the jar this week also, and 2 random baby Java fern that always float around everywhere in my tanks.
  15. The (new) shrimp treatment for scutariella japonica is going well; the dosing was completed yesterday. I don’t see even a hint of SJ, nor do I see hydra. The treatment is known to be safe for copepods, ostracods, and Rhabdocoela, and I see all of those in my tanks. Detritus worms are alive and free swimming (I only ever see 2) but long term, they are supposed to perish. The snails are in a filtered specimen container. They eat Soilent green powder and crab cuisine, some bacter ae, etc. I try to water test it daily, at least for ammonia, but there hasn’t been any. I just try to be careful with small water volumes like this. I also try to feed sparingly (eg, I gave ONE crab cuisine pellet today). Some trumpet snails have gone up to eat the algae off the hornwort too. The sand is grungy from the 29g and they are enjoying the tasty stuff in there. And here are some photos of the wild shrimp! A blue mama. One of Geppetto’s shrimp, getting bold and very much out in the open.
  16. You guys may already know about this, but I only just learned about it when I went back to college for a new major. Instead of searching for information on Google, and coming up with a bunch of opinions on stuff, you can go to Google Scholar and find more factual information (journals, articles, research papers, etc.) It's at scholar.google.com. One of my college professors suggested looking at the number of times the information has been cited, which is shown right there on your search results page.
  17. Axolotls should be kept in a bare bottom or sand tank because they will eat gravel-type substrate resulting in a digestive blockage. Friend of mine put slate rectangles (laid them down like tiles) on the bottom of her tank so he had some traction.
  18. I would agree, just because it stresses the snail when you mess with him/her. Shrimps will clean snail shells. They love to (and it's very cute to watch). Add a few shrimp! Would disagree here because I've seen it happen - an antenna gets mistaken for a worm and the snail gets hurt.
  19. I've done the refreeze, but I just thaw 1 cube for 5-10 min only (set a timer!) and then I use the tongs to divide the food using these; each section is very small, just like 1 cm x 1 cm. Once you have the amount of food you want in each compartment, you can use a pipette to top with tank water to make a square cube. I then immediately refreeze. I wouldn't suggest doing this to a whole pack at once as the freshness loss from sitting out while you work on the project could have ill effects. Also if I ever overfeed a sinking food and I realize it right away, I can suck the food right back out of the tank with a turkey baster and freeze it in this tray for use the next day.
  20. That's awesome! You are Enjoying Nature Daily :)
  21. Geppetto and a shrimp were nose to nose. I was watching to see what went down. There was this long staring contest, and then Geppetto turned and swam away. I was shocked. The shrimp was probably peeing himself during that but held his ground and acted like a statue.
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