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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Seriously? 🤣 Explains why Romeo is really “getting around” in my tank. I’m sorry that your snail passed. Perhaps it was difficult to adjust as @Guppysnail suggested. Do you recall if you floated the snail in a bag or drip acclimated him/her to get the snail used to the water in the other tank?
  2. Well darn. Not even 24 hours and the new catappa leaf sank. Hence, Geppetto’s bubble nest got destroyed. Again. As much as I don’t want to put commercial decor in the tank, I’m going to just float this lily pad for him. It’s meant to go underwater I guess, so it can be a bed, but that’s not the look I’m going for in the tank. Just looking to resolve the nesting issue for the guy.
  3. They are good fry food. Some people culture them on purpose and feed those instead of, say, BBS. copepods like to eat biofilm and algae. Congrats! Your tank has a “food web”.
  4. Get with the program @nabokovfan87! I got some shrimp. I know you avoid my snail eggs journal because… snails? Well, now it’s the “snails & inverts” journal.
  5. Using coarse sponge, floss, and ceramics. What you see on the right is old media. I left that in there when changing out the other media so I’d still have bacteria. I have since taken those old sponges on the right (intake) out, and now I have an additional pouch of ceramics sitting there. This video you linked- I had a prob with this setup where the biowheel would not spin. I had to put two chunks of coarse sponge just before the wheel to create a gap to allow water to flow more freely and now it spins.
  6. So I just checked on Geppetto and yep! He made the bubble nest while I was at work! So I know the floating catappa leaf is key. Once it sinks, I should replace it because he feels safe and comfortable when under the leaf.
  7. I started a drip acc to move the guy to recovery unit. 10 minutes into it I realized I have a 4 degree temp difference whereas I used to have none. I’m now keeping recovery unit lower due to shrimps in there. So I panicked and cancelled the process, worried he’d wind up with ick or something due to the change. So he’s back in the qt tote again. 🫤
  8. I don’t do well with Java moss. It lives, it grows, but it’s brown and doesn’t look nice. Mine came on a mesh from aquarium co op and I just sank it to the bottom of the tank. For moss I soak in seltzer water for a few hours, no more than 3. Uncovered in the dark. That kills pests and algae. (See Reverse Respiration thread for more info..) Then you can superglue it to driftwood, rock, or decor. (I haven’t done a dry start or the chop up) I do well with Christmas moss. I process that the same way and with all conditions the same, it stays green.
  9. @nabokovfan87 has a cool moss attached to his driftwood. I’m not sure what kind it is though.
  10. "support" group, not "recovery" group.
  11. Nitrate kit bottle #1 - put a drop on a rock; if it fizzes, rock unsafe for tank. No fizz = safe. Try Christmas moss! It does well for me. Stays nice & green.
  12. Do you have anything floating? Leaves or plants? I noticed @TheSwissAquarist had a betta that also made a nest in plant leaves that were laying on the surface.
  13. Geppetto supervised all of the tank maintenance this morning to make sure everything was in order. I clipped some plants and he was trying to catch the clippings as they floated off.
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