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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. no, i was at school when i got an email with the picture, i couldnt observe it further, and it was removed without a stuggle so we assumed it was dead.
  2. nope, and i doubt the Mini ramshorn or bladder snails did it. and planaria shouldnt be killing adult shrimp...
  3. im concerned because ive had it for like a month, so chances that it was just old age are low.
  4. the rest of them are molting now, but that probably doesn't have to do with the death.
  5. its called a foot? i just thought it was their shell and their body,
  6. @Louise02maybe try Platies with the ADF? around the same size and tempremant as guppies, males and females are colorful, and incredibly hardy.
  7. i have a single outlet Aquatop AP50, i split it using gang valves to 3 different tanks.
  8. Photo Dump: baby corydoras acting more like the adults daily. adult corydora close up Algaecide the nerite snail in her favorite spot to hide during the day. (she is nocturnal, IDK if this is normal).
  9. what color is this one? i like it. Zamboni, i love that name
  10. @Cinnebuns@Chick-In-Of-TheSea i am on the market for a new mystery snail, but i am trying to figure out which color i want before i go buy one, so please post a picture or two of your mystery snail(s) so i can get a good look at some of the different colors.
  11. When Its Been Months After Buying Kuhli loaches, and you finally see them for the first time:
  12. here is my anubias begginign to flower:
  13. im not sure, ive been feeding hikari crab cuisine to feed them calcim, and i wasnt there when it died, it seemed to be acting normal, but i wasnt paying much attention to that tank this morning.
  14. @Kurt Bruttingthe shrimp were added a few weeks ago, and a week before that the tank was setup and the mini ramshorn snails hitched some rides on plants.
  15. or the bettas in those half gallon betta "tanks"
  16. the last time i went to my LFS the only mystery snail i saw moving was yellow, which is why ive been thinking about expanding my sources, but if i see one of a color i like (ill know i like it, when i see it) that is active, ill probably get it.
  17. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea looks like a bladder snail, not harmful at all.
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